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What Happened to Sandy James? by Topguy
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On this windswept island two boys playing, laughing, riding their bikes through the streets of this Island's village called Seagate. Mr. and Mrs. James looking on at their son Sandy and his best friend Robert bicycling down the street waving as they go by. Just around the block Mr. and Mrs. Walters look on at their son Robert and his best friend Sandy wave as they ride by. Mr. Walters saying to his wife they are fine boys. Mrs. Walters smiles.


For twenty five years Sandy James and Robert Walters has shared a great friendship together, experiencing all the normal things in life that a fine family can give. Now today just like any other summer day on the island Sandy and Robert are walking around the village talking and making plans to get together that weekend with friends for a party.

Sandy says to Robert see you Saturday. Robert gives him five and they part. Robert continues to walk for a while enjoying the beautiful warm sunny day. Thinking, Robert finally comes to realize that his feelings he has for Sandy are more than friendship. Robert feels a little disturbed by this because he feels that Sandy might suspect. But then Robert smiles and dismisses his worry and says to himself what's to worry about? If Sandy suspected he would not be the friend he is. With another smile Robert whispers, I love him so much.

A few days go by and Robert has not heard from Sandy so he calls on the phone. Mrs. James answers. Robert expressing his concern Mrs. James says that Sandy went to the mainland to see someone about enrolling into a trade school. However Mrs. James was concerned too because she expected to hear from Sandy by that time. She says it's not like him not to stay in contact.

Now more concerned Robert calls his friends to see if anyone has heard from Sandy to find that no one has. The concern now growing deeper, Robert calls back Mrs. James to ask her who was Sandy going to see. She did not know. The James family alerts the police about Sandy's disappearance.

Meanwhile, Sandy is on the mainland in Boston. He checked into a motel and had made his plans to seek a sexual experience he has not had on Gull Island. Being a young man and trying to come to terms with his true sexuality, Sandy decided it was time he experienced being with a man. Something he has longed for. Telling a lie to his parents, he made his way to the mainland to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

Sandy feeling so close to Robert thinks about him and sets out to feel what he might have felt if he had been with Robert. So he goes out and stops at a local pizzeria and gets a couple slices mentally making his plans for the evening. Afterwards Sandy goes to a known gay bar in the area. He then enters the gay bar in a shy way. Sitting down on a bar stool, Sandy orders a drink from the bartender. Drinking and just looking around Sandy looks upon a guy who looks similar to Robert. Sandy finds this amazing as he and the other guy gaze at one another. This guy walks over to Sandy and introduces himself as Joey. Sandy is taken by how much he looks like Robert but with a rough look about him. Sandy finds this very attractive and they start talking about whatever is on their minds.

They both agree that they want to get together for sex and Sandy tells Joey that he has a motel room close by. They leave the bar and head to the motel room with such anticipation. Arriving at the motel Sandy and Joey hurry to get to the room. Inside they strip their clothes of quickly and get down to orally pleasing one another. Sandy loved sucking Joey's cock thinking about Robert as he was pleasing Joey. Joey sucking Sandy and then saying I want to fuck you. Sandy feeling as if he was with Robert said I want you to fuck me. Joey putting on a condom says I'm going to fuck you good! Rolling Sandy on his belly Joey inserts his penis into Sandy's butt.

Sandy moaning with pain he succumbs to Joey's delight of fucking him. As the pain turns into pleasure Sandy thinks of Robert. Sandy connects to Joey as if he was Robert and they have a hot night of sexual pleasure for both. In the morning Joey goes out for coffee and returns. Sandy thinks that is cool. Joey talks about becoming rich someday and Sandy says it would be nice to be rich and not have anything to worry about. Well then Joey's eyes light up and says to Sandy, you want to be rich?

Sandy says sure why not? Joey says you know man we can be rich together and have a great life. What do you think? Sandy looks at Joey and asks how can we have a rich life together? Joey reaches into his gym bag and pulls out two .38 caliber handguns. Sandy is surprised with this and asks Joey what are they for? Joey answers to get rich baby.

Sandy stares as Joey tells him of the plan to rob a local bank and take off with the money and live together somewhere safe. Sandy was taken in by this and said hey love I am with you. So they make their plans.

Later that day Joey and Sandy enter the bank and demand as much money as they could carry. There was some resistance with a security guard and the manager. Joey shot the manager and Sandy overwhelmed shot the guard. Both were killed.

That evening Robert watching the news he sees a news flash where a bank was robbed on the mainland and two bank personnel were killed. The news flash continued BANK ROBBERS FLEE, STEAL CAR, TWO KILLED! Robert shakes his head and says to his dad man I don't know what makes people do things like that. Robert's father says well son they are probably not from a good upbringing. Robert says yeah probably. Mrs. Walters walks in and says how about some ice cream. Robert looks at his dad. They smile.

Later that evening Robert goes out with some friends to see a local band play at The Swan, a village tavern. The talk that evening circled around the disappearance of Sandy. All of Sandy's friends are wondering where he could possibly be. Getting late Robert leaves the tavern to go home. Sitting down on the couch after arriving home, Robert turns on the TV to catch the news. He sees a news follow up on the mainland bank robbery and killings. The mainland police just released the bank video of the robbery. Watching in interest Robert stares in total awe as he sees one of the bank robbers shoot the security guard. As that robber turned around his face was in clear view of the banks security cameras. Robert's mouth opens in shock to see that the robber was his best friend Sandy.

Not believing what he just saw, Robert leans back, stunned, as he stares at the TV in a trance. Just then, the phone rings to break the moment. Robert answers it. His friend, Sue, is on the other end, frantically asking did you see the news on channel 7? Robert says yes, in a soft, distant voice. The news follow up continues to say that the police are currently working on the identity of the robbers. Sue asks Robert if the James family knows? Robert says I don't know. Sue says we should talk to them. Robert agrees, and meets Sue over in front of the James' house.

They walk up to the porch very nervously and knock on the door. Mr. James answers the door quickly. He sees Robert and Sue standing there just staring at him. Mr. James says to them, I guess you saw the news.

Robert and Sue just nod. Mr. James steps aside and says please come inside. Mrs. James standing in the hallway crying joins them in the kitchen. Mr. James says we just spoke to the authorities on the mainland after seeing the bank video. They are alerting Gull Island police of the situation.

Mr. James suggests they go home and try to get some sleep because everyone is going to need strength to get through this. So Robert and Sue leave the James home. Mr. James closing the door turns to look at his wife. She asks in a shaky voice where did we go wrong? Mr. James puts his arm around her in silence.

The next day the news about Sandy was all around the village. Seagate has never had to wear such an embarrassment about one of it's kind.

Robert walking down Main Street sees the newspapers as he walks down the wavy brick sidewalk. People staring at him saying nothing. Robert walks to Sue's house and they make plans to get all of their friends together to talk about Sandy.

Later that afternoon Robert ,Sue and everyone who is a friend to Sandy including Sandy's parents met at the James's house. After about an hour of talking a noise was heard at the back door. All of a sudden the door flies open and Sandy rushes into the kitchen staring at us with a gun in his hand. He starts waving the gun around and tells us to go into the living room. He says he doesn't want any trouble with anyone because he does not want to hurt the ones he loves.

Everyone took him very seriously considering he killed before. Everyone was in fear for their lives. Robert especially was because of the way Sandy was looking at him. Eyes piercing, staring, Robert felt he had to stop Sandy. Suddenly Sandy's father started pleading with him to give himself up. The talk was very heated Sandy and his father yelling at each other. Sandy distracted by his father Robert managed to sneak out of the room, unnoticed Robert went up stairs and went into Mr. James' bedroom. Robert knew Mr. James had a gun in the house. Quickly Robert looking everywhere finds a pistol in a drawer. Robert checks it. It is loaded. Hearing someone coming up the stairs Robert seeks shelter in a closet. It was Sandy in the hallway saying I know you are up hear Robert. Come out!

Sandy then walks into his fathers bedroom. Robert opens the closet door slightly to see Sandy standing there with the gun pointed at the closet. Robert then points the gun at Sandy's head. Robert knows he can't kill Sandy. Scared to death Robert pushes the closet door open and lowers the gun.

Sandy lowers his gun. They stare at one another for a moment in silence. Sandy then points the gun at Robert and says come on lets go into the study. They go into the room Sandy looks out the window to see police outside surrounding the house. The phone rings. It's the police telling Sandy they have the house surrounded and they want him to give himself up.

Sandy tells them that he will let everyone in the house go as long as they don't shoot at the house to try to get him. The police agreed. Sandy pointed the gun at Robert and said lets go downstairs. Robert in front of Sandy they go downstairs to the living room where everyone else is. Sandy says everyone hear can go except you looking at Robert. Suddenly a feeling of doom came over Robert. Sandy then points the gun and motions for everyone to leave out the front door. Sandy closes and locks the door and then says to Robert lets go up to the study pointing the gun.

As Robert enters the study Sandy closes the door and tells Robert to sit down on a small couch. Sandy then puts down the gun on the desk looking out the window. He then turns to Robert and walks over to him knees bending Sandy straddles Robert on the couch. Robert feeling Sandy's buttocks against his penis. Robert not knowing what to say or do in fear for his life he looks into Sandy's eyes. Sandy looking at Robert says I guess now I will never know what it will feel like you making love to me. Suddenly Robert lost his fear and asked Sandy, why didn't you tell me how you felt? Sandy with a tear rolling down his cheek said, I was afraid. Tears rolling down their faces they put their arms around one another in tears.

Sandy then raises up off the couch and says to Robert you have to leave looking out the window at the police outside.

Robert stands up and says Sandy I love you and I want you to walk out of here with me. I will walk in front of you. I won't let anyone hurt you.

Sandy says I can't, It's too late. You must go.

Robert realizing he can't convince Sandy he turns and walks away. Robert walks down the stairs looks back turns again and walks to the front door. Robert opens the door and walks out slowly. He closes the door and walks a few feet looks around to see his friends with many police guns pointed.

Robert then turns slightly to look at the door only to hear a gunshot from the house. Robert closed his eyes with tears and fell to his knees.

From above Robert sees himself on his knees through Sandy's eyes.

The police rush the house.

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