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Voyeur Video by Barringer
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It all started when I got home late one afternoon and found my wife screwing the tv technician. Or vice versa. I'd just paid a whole lot of money installing some home cinema equipment. This included flat panel tv to line our living room wall. There was a faulty connection or something and it was soon giving us trouble. I reported it that morning and from the sign on the van parked out front it seemed that they'd sent someone right away. There was no sign of him in the den however but a lot of heavy breathing and moaning told me he was hard at work upstairs.

Furious as I was, I crept up the stairs to catch them at it. The bedroom door was ajar and the first thing I saw was this guy's ass rising and falling as he humped my wife from behind. I was surprised for two reasons. Firstly, I had no idea Shelagh liked being sodomized and secondly I was fascinated by the beauty of this guy's butt. How it flexed and clenched as it pounded and pummelled her. I grew hard immediately and instead of bursting into the room like an irate husband, I stood there in the shadows and watched. It was better than an adult movie and his body was out of this world. I could absolutely understand my wife being tempted.

Besides, I'd been overworked and worried lately and neglecting her sexually. We hadn't made love for almost a month. That's why I'd bought the plasma tv. To compensate a bit. But she obviously needed her own reality show. I found myself hanging on in there trying to see the front of him. His face. His pecs. His dick. I was so turned on you could have tuned me in and seen the picture flashing through my mind. Me being fucked by him. I had to put my hand down my pants to calm my pulsating pole. I stayed there till the horny end when he whipped out his dick and came like a fire hydrant all over her. The size of it made my head swim. His dick I mean.

I crept out of the house and backed my car noiselessly into the road. I waited a half hour or so after he drove off and then parked in the spot where his van had been. I called out "I'm home darling," like the guy in 'Pleasantville' as I turned the latch key and found Shelagh poised and serene waiting for me. She wasn't poised and serene for long as I fell on her like a hungry wolfhound. She was only wearing a housecoat and no underwear so it took me no time at all to ravish her. I unloaded a month's semen in her cunt and felt like a million dollars. She was breathless and rather annoyed but didn't say anything except that the tv had been repaired. "Great," I said, "What's for dinner?" I'm afraid I acted like your actual male chauvinist pig. But she couldn't really say anything, could she? She hadn't a leg to stand on. Or a butt to sit on by the look of her. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Too much horse riding?" Once again she didn't say anything but looked at me strangely. I decided to cool it. But I was still horny as hell.

I took a shower and almost had to jerk off under it as I imagined the two of us fucking between the hot jet streams. Me and him that is. I didn't know how I was going to get in his pants but knew I would never get enough of his wondrous body and cast iron dick. I've seen movies and read books about obsession and possession but never thought that one day I would find myself in the grip of both. I mean Shelagh and I had a lot going for us and our occasional marital problems had nothing to do with my being gay or bi-sexual or anything. Most of them derived from my being worried and tired. And underpaid. I wanted Shelagh to have the best and my libido suffered when I couldn't give it to her.

I'd had a few men in my life but I really loved Shelagh and sex was usually good between us so I didn't often stray. Unless it was a one night stand or something. Someone I picked up on the road. You see I'm a travelling salesman but sales haven't travelled very far recently. Anyway as I cooled down under the hot shower I thought of a really great idea.

Among the many gadgets I had to sell was something called Voyeur Video. It was usually installed in hotels and other love nests by private detectives employed by suspicious spouses. I thought why not install one in our bedroom and wait for Shelagh to have gentleman callers. And one gentleman caller in particular. In fact I really hoped he'd cum again.

I'd seen another side of Shelagh which really excited me and I had my suspicions that she had a private life all her own. And, judging from her performance with the tv technician, sex needs I didn't satisfy. I have a little studio next to the bedroom with computers and monitors and stuff where I often work late at night. Brushing up on new sales techniques via the internet. It's sound proof too and Shelagh's forbidden to enter in case she trips over an important wire or eliminates a program. She's not very computer friendly. I could set up the machine with a timer and even record things in my absence. Then watch to my heart's content. Not to mention the pleasure it would probably give my dick.

I had no malicious intent. Just wanted to turn myself on watching a bit of homegrown sex. That's how it all started anyway. One night I noticed Shelagh taking extra care with her make up. I told her I had a business appointment and pretended to leave the house. Instead I crept into my studio and locked the door although I knew that wasn't really necessary. When Shelagh is being screwed she really applies herself and has no thought for anything else. Whereas I'm usually thinking about unpaid bills and the next sale or something. I soon found that I was right about gentlemen callers and the first one was paying a second visit. It had me riveted to my seat and jerking off all over the monitor.

Shelagh fixed some drinks and carried them into the bedroom then opened his shirt like a waiter filleting a fish. Very soon his terrific torso came into view and I zoomed in on his nipples. Shelagh licked them erect and undid his belt as she did so. Another erection came into view as she unbuttoned his boxers. They were real cute. I made up my mind to get a similar pair myself. That would surprise her. But for the moment the sight of his hot sausage of a dick in close up surprised me. The moment she wrapped her lips around it I knew I couldn't wait to kiss her. Hopefully the tang of him would linger in her mouth.

I must say I was a little jealous as she gave him a really great blowjob. Much better than she had ever given me. But then of course she had more to work on. He stopped her just in time and ripped open the front of her robe and threw her on the bed. She wasn't wearing panties and he didn't waste time putting on a condom, which bothered me, a bit at first. But then I thought how great it would be to get into her pussy before she had time to bidet and mix my sperm with his. He grabbed her legs and plunged into her like Jack Sparrow plundering a pirate galleon and she made enough noise to sink one. He slobbered all over her tits and seemed to be sucking the milk from them. I had a serious case of seepage myself as once again I was given a bird's eye view of his magnificent ass while he pumped her. His ass hole seemed to open and beckon me like a pair of protruding lips pursed for a kiss but all I could do for the moment was zoom in on it. It looked for all the world like a male clitoris. I'd have given my right arm to dig my dick in there.

Altogether I was elated but frustrated as I tore open my pants and came in profusion over the video equipment. It's a wonder the system didn't short! I switched off and cleaned up, my mind full of dirty, devious ways of getting my hands on him and to fuck or be fucked first hand instead of by proxy. Was there any way we could have a threesome I wondered. I decided to burst in on them next time they were in full throttle and see what happened. But he looked such a heterosexual buck that I didn't really fancy my chances. He'd probably smash my face in. Even if I was the wronged husband and had every right to be there. In my own bedroom that is. Although maybe not where I wanted to be physically which was wedged between his legs or with my dick up his ass.

Time passed and things were very quiet for a while. Especially business. Shelagh's mother fell ill and she was away for nearly a week visiting her. Of course I played and replayed the video but it wasn't much company. Quite the opposite. Then one rainy afternoon the doorbell rang. He was standing there soaking wet and was very embarrassed to find me at home instead of Shelagh. He made some feeble excuse about his van breaking down nearby and as he was in the neighbourhood thought he'd enquire if the tv was working ok. Of course he might have been telling the truth otherwise why else would he be soaking wet. I was mesmerized for a moment. The rain had made his shirt transparent and I couldn't keep my eyes off his nipples, which were spearing their way through the wet cotton. Still I eventually pulled myself together and invited him in to dry off. In fact I treated him like an old friend. Which he was. Virtually.

I watched with bated breath as he stripped off his shirt and wiped himself with the towel I gave him. I was fascinated by how erect his nipples were. I put it down to embarrassment. I mean I was half undressed myself as I only wear shorts or nothing at all when I'm home but I didn't suppose for one moment that he would find my body interesting. I mean I didn't exactly have tits like Shelagh although my pecs are pretty prominent and I have a great butt. I mean I'd auto convinced myself by now that we could never be. Still he surprised me somewhat by asking me if I'd mind if he took off his jeans, which were also pretty wet. Naturally, I said "Of course not," and held my breath. He peeled them off and sat on the sofa in his shorts his legs spread out, his dick very much in evidence. He was so laid back it was almost indecent. I, on the other hand, was very flustered and confused and offered him a beer. He accepted and seemed very much at home. Which I suppose he was.

I found myself wondering just how many times he'd "called" on my wife. I felt anything but comfortable. Sitting there in my shorts with the man of my wet dreams half naked beside me. He took a long sip from the can and said, "Just what I needed." I knew exactly what I needed and had to control an urge to jump on him and tear his boxers off. I contented myself by watching him dry his hair. It was long and black and fell in voluptuous locks over his face when he untied it. It didn't make him look feminine at all but it did make him seem less formidable. Even a little vulnerable. I was feeling pretty vulnerable myself as I could feel my dick tenting my shorts. He seemed to sense my discomfort and tried to put me at my ease by saying nice things about the house. And eventually and inevitably he got round to complimenting me on my wife and saying what a lucky guy I was and how he envied me. I told him Shelagh was away visiting her mother. This didn't seem to bother him much. "Then you don't mind if I keep you company," he said casually, stretching his toes out towards the fireplace as if seeking warmth. "Not at all." I replied, wondering where all this was leading.

The muscles fairly rippled up his legs till they met his boxers. His dick hung there like a loose tree branch. I busied myself getting another beer. I caught his reflection in the mirror. He'd slipped his hand down his shorts to adjust his dick. That same hand touched mine as I handed him the beer. An awkward silence pervaded as we eyed each other up and down like two prize wrestlers. I heard myself saying "You'd better get out of those shorts too. They look pretty wet." I almost shuddered as I said it. Without another word he slipped out of the shorts and lay naked as nature intended in front of me. Every hair on his body made me bristle and at last I could get a good look at his dick. I could already imagine it expanding inside of me and making me writhe and groan just as it had Shelagh. He seemed blissfully unaware that his body and dick were turning me on and lay further back on the sofa so that now I could now see the dark passage below his scrotum. I remembered the first sight I'd had of his ass-hole as it pursed its lips and seemed to beckon me. This time I really did shudder. "It's getting a bit chilly in here." I said. "I'll build up the fire. Maybe you'd like a bathrobe or a sweater or something," I added. "Could I grab a quick shower?" he asked. I took him to the bathroom although I knew very well he knew where it was. "I should have asked you before." I apologized. "That's ok." he replied. "What's your name by the way? Mine's Doug."

I handed him another towel, mumbled my name and said he could use my red kimono after his shower. Gratefully I grabbed my bathrobe. My dick was beginning to give me away. In spite of the easy going tone of our conversation, there was something unspoken hovering between us. He looked at me long and strong. For a moment, I half expected him to ask me to join him in the shower. I couldn't understand it at all.

"I'll put a couple of steaks on the grill." I said for the sake of something to say and three-legged it to the kitchen. I had the biggest boner I can remember.

I finished the beer and opened a bottle of good wine. As I poured myself a glass, I knew I would regret it. My mother always used to say, "Never mix never worry." But I was worried and I was definitely mixing. I cooked the steaks and re-ran everything in my head. I still couldn't quite understand what was happening between us. Whether it was just wishful thinking or whether he'd picked up my sexual vibes and was waiting for me to make the first move. After all I was the host. Soon he came down wearing my red silk kimono and looking like a matador dressed for the kill. We polished off the steaks and the wine. The unsaid still hovered in the air so I decided to take the bull by the proverbial horns. The effect of three cans of beer and too many glasses of strong Burgundy together with Doug's powerful presence had made me light headed and reckless.

"Could I be upfront and personal and ask you something?" I asked as I opened another bottle.

"Fire away." he said.

I struggled with the bottle opener, took a big breath and blurted out, "Do you ever have sex with other couples? I mean change partners and all that." The question and the cork seemed to pop out simultaneously. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sometimes," he said, "In fact I was just about to ask you the same thing." I took another gulp of red wine and measured my words carefully this time.

"Shelagh and I occasionally spice up our sex life by having a threesome or a foursome." This was a blatant lie but it was the only way I could broach the subject.

"Maybe you have a girl friend or someone who'd be interested."

He considered my proposition for a moment and said, "Maybe." So we were still playing cat and mouse together. I decided to put the cheese in the trap.

"Very well," I continued, rather incoherently, "I'll ask Shelagh when she comes back."

He looked me straight in the eye, "What's wrong with right now?" My heart missed a beat. Had I heard correctly?

"I beg your pardon." I said and could have kicked myself for saying it. After all he was being much more direct and honest than I was.

"Why wait for Shelagh? Why not have a twosome right now?" He shifted his hips on the high stool and leaned towards me. His robe fell open and the trap was set. "I mean the two of us. You and me," he added, as if talking to a four-year-old child, and a pretty dense one at that. I continued to utter banalities.

"Wouldn't that make us gay?" I asked lamely.

"No, it would just make us happy," was his reply. Fortunately this left me speechless. "Come on," he said. "Let's go upstairs and get some dessert."

I was overcome and super excited so didn't put up much resistance. I followed him up to the master bedroom and showed no surprise that he knew the way. He had me out of my bathrobe and into bed before I could say condom. Then I remembered that he didn't use them. My asshole grabbed at his fingers as he greased it up. I'd never been so hungry to have a dick inside me. All that teasing and titillating he'd put me through since the moment he'd walked in the door had set me on sexual fire. The helmet-like crown of his dick popped the initial resistance of my sphincter and he was in me. He pushed in all the way until I felt his balls pressed against the cheeks of my ass and I sighed in sweet content. Then he began to build up a steady rhythm and fucked me with long hard strokes whipping my back with his long black hair.

My body buckled and bucked as he drove his way further and further into me like he was the rodeo rider and I was the bronco. But I had no intention of throwing him. I wanted him to take me on the wildest ride of my life. I was fuck-crazy for him. I wanted it as hard and fast as he could give it. I'd been fucked before but never like this. I tightened my hole, gripping his dick as though my life depended on it. And as he fucked the living daylights out of me I suddenly remembered we were "on camera" but it was too late to do anything about that now. Anyway everything went out of focus and became a delicious blur as that massive sausage of his sent me shooting on a skyward trip to merge with the stars. The celestial variety I mean. Although I well deserved an Oscar for my versatility on this momentous occasion as I played many roles to perfection before the night was through. And when it came to role changing I knew exactly how to satisfy him and cater to his every whim. In ways my slut of a wife could never dream of, let alone accomplish.

I must say he took a little coaxing at first and like most so-called macho men didn't immediately want me inside him. But I persevered and as soon as I managed to get my tongue up that puckered ass of his, I had him licking out of my hand and made him so demented with my dick and my tongue that he asked me if we had met in another life or something. I seemed to know exactly how to please him. He drew me closer towards him. Now it was his turn to be upfront and personal.

"I mean it's like you've been studying me or something," he said. "You know how to get to parts of me that no gal or guy has ever reached."

I shoved my dick in his mouth and my fingers up his ass and told him to shut up and concentrate.

At the beginning he obeyed but when I hit those hitherto unexplored parts of his he moaned and groaned to such a horny extent that he turned me on even more and sent us both into sexual orbit. Strange the things that go through your head when you're mid-coitus. The thought came to me that there must be some deep lying connection between 'ass' as in anus and 'ass' as in the four-legged variety. This was brought on by the horny sounds coming out of Doug as I helped him he-haw his way to heaven. As we climaxed together, I knew I was right where I'd wanted to be since the time I first laid eyes on him. Up his ass and in his life. And even as I felt our procreating juices pouring extravagantly out of us to merge as one before they were washed away under the shower, I was already cherishing the fact that soon I'd be able to relive the whole vital experience in surround sound and super video.

Who knows I might even invite Doug and Shelagh to a sneak preview. That would be real cool.

I suppose I'll have to do a good cleaning up job before Shelagh comes back. The whole place smells like a sperm bank!

By the way, let me know if you'd like a copy of the video.

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