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Up Front and Personal by Callan Smith
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Matthew McConaughey's latest movie, 'Fool's Gold', opened in Rome on Friday. That together with his regular appearances on Italian tv -- advertising Dolce & Gabbana perfume -- means that his torso has taken over town and country. Of course taking off his shirt has always been part of the actor's charisma but it's taken Italy a little while to catch up with the general trend. You may be surprised to hear that male nudity is practically taboo over here. I suppose it's only to be expected that in such a macho society naked women have always been 'de rigueur' but a 'rigid' man has yet to be seen on screen. Which is probably why Italy has such a thriving porno industry. Anyway, I for one am happy to see Matthew McConaughey's fabulous chest on all the news stands and magazines.

Titillating torsos have always been a bit of a thing with me. Looking back I think the first time I really knew I was gay was when I saw Tom Cruise without his shirt in "Far and Away" especially when he turned round during one scene and I saw the beginnings of his backside. Wow, I was far and away 'gone' I can tell you and had my first erection in public although thankfully it was in the dark as I was with my mother at the time. Now I can't see what I saw in him but then again my dick has never been very discriminating. In my early teens just a pretty face was enough to set my heart a-race, now it takes someone like Vincent Cassel to get me going and a lot of not so good looking actors don't really look their best until they get their shirts off their chest. Adrien Brody is a case in point. Of course working in Rome as a photographer and casting director has given me the chance to see lots of guys 'au naturel' as you must have noticed from some of my stories. You'd be amazed how turned on they get by the camera lens. They shed their clothes quicker than trees shed leaves in autumn. No one stays 'ever green' for long. Especially under my guidance.

Recently, however, I got my 'cumuppance' as I had to spend ten days undergoing tests in a heart center so for once was not the one running the show. There was this cute hunk of a night nurse who used to give me injections. Normally the very thought of a needle invading my flesh absolutely terrifies me but with this guy it was different. Perversely I used to look forward to his night visits. Instead of closing my eyes I'd watch fascinated as his nipples speared his white coat at every stab of his syringe. He had the tightest of torsos and there wasn't very much he could do to disguise it. Neither was there much I could do to disguise my excitement the night he came to shave my inside legs in preparation for my heart scan. The hardness of his chest, just an inch away from my nose, and the softness of his hands as he shaved me, sent my dick into delirium. It almost made all the pain and discomfort worth it.

This is supposed to be an erotic, not a neurotic story, so I won't go into details as to how they slipped a long tube inside me and then strapped my legs together in a kind of elastic winding sheet to immobilize me afterwards but it wasn't exactly one of the highspots of my hospital visit even if Mariano did come to unravel me when my wound had healed. The next few days were painful and boring and I counted the hours between his visits although he wasn't very communicative.

Obviously I'd made my feelings for him pretty clear but he didn't give me any encouragement. In fact quite the contrary. He kept addressing me in the third person singular. An off-putting habit the Italians have to show respect for their elders and superiors. It didn't help either that the word was 'lei' which also means 'she.' Very confusing. I tried to make a joke of it by saying I couldn't see any ladies in the room although in actual fact I was in dire need of a good lay but in the end decided that my English humour would be lost in translation. Then one night I hobbled out of bed and into his office. It was in a kind of cubicle right round the corner from my room. As I lay awake I could hear him coming and going. Naturally he admonished me and told me to go straight back to bed but I refused to budge. Said I thought he might appreciate a bit of company.

I didn't want to put his job in jeopardy but didn't see any harm in having a quiet chat in the early hours of the morning. He was typically taciturn but did admit that he got very bored during the night and also very stiff hunched over his computer for hours at a time. This was a cue for me to massage his shoulders. One I didn't miss. Initially he didn't resist but when I slipped my fingers beneath the folds of his white tunic to get at his pecs and then proceeded south to more tropical climes he called a halt. I scuttled back to bed. Gosh did my fingers tingle. Not to mention my dick. I jerked off while it was all fresh in my memory.

Several nights later I heard him going into his private toilet. I quickly followed and locked the door behind us. I tore his tunic open and pushed him against the sink dragging his trousers down as I did so. Before he could protest his dick was already in my mouth. It was hard so I knew he was excited too. Either that or scared shitless. Dicks are so unpredictable. Anyway he must have felt safe behind barred doors and I let him have it no holds barred. My mouth was my only credential and I wanted to leave my impression on him. Show him what I was capable of, given half a chance. At first his spine went rigid, and then juddered along its length sending a wave of lust through both of us. He let himself go for a while. Long enough to come in my mouth anyway. But it was over much too soon. I saw quite a bit of his great body as he washed up. Including his awesome ass. He indicated for me to stay behind for a few minutes when he left our illicit love nest. Just in case somebody passed by. Nobody did. I went back to my room and thought of his dreamy torso and creamy cum and had my second jerk off of the week.

Things were very quiet after that. Unlike the fortunate coupling couple in N.C.I.S who never got caught, conditions in that hospital were not really conducive for satisfying sex so unfortunately I didn't get another chance to tear at his torso, just had to content myself consuming him with my eyes. A few days later the results of my tests came through and it was time to go home. It seems there was nothing basically wrong with my heart except it 'lacked stimulus' - apart from my two sessions with Mariano of course - and therefore the muscles weren't working and I had to have a course of therapy. However the real shock was that part of the problem was due to the fact that I'd developed diabetes and was prescribed four insulin injections a day. I didn't know how I was going to manage that.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Living in Italy the English language is a pretty good weapon too. For macho men of all kinds. When I wasn't getting their clothes off with my camera I was getting inside their pants by giving them free English lessons. I gave Mariano my card and asked if he'd consider giving me the injections himself. The thought of him coming to see me four times a day was very comforting - and stimulating. I offered to pay him of course. He said he'd see what he could do.

He was as good as his word and called me the next day. In the meantime a friendly neighbour came to administer unto me but I knew I couldn't depend on her all the time. Anyway I wanted Mariano's soft touch. He said he'd worked a schedule out with a colleague of his. I was curious to see what the guy would be like. Actually it was a girl but beggars can't be choosers. Maybe Mariano didn't want any competition. The thought of that pleased my dick no end.

The first time he came he said he was on vacation but I knew he'd taken time off to be with me. I had him for the whole day. He told me he was going to pick his friend up mid-afternoon. He said she didn't want money. Just English lessons. I wondered what Mariano wanted and couldn't wait to find out. Of course at this stage I would have given him the moon just for the sight of his torso and the touch of his hand. And my mouth longed to taste his dick again.

It was great to have him to myself for so many hours and we made the most of our time together. Which of course included making love for most of the day. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans and a black leather jacket. Quite a contrast to all the white I'd gotten used to. But his nipples still speared his shirt. I soon got him out of that and he gave me my first shot of the day. The injections usually give me an appetite and I'm supposed to eat immediately afterwards but the sight of his bare chest made me ravenous for something other than the light breakfast I was allowed. To my surprise I discovered he was a great kisser and that kept my mouth occupied for a while. Then he insisted I stick to my diet instead of sticking my tongue in his ear. I was like an out of control puppy and couldn't believe he was really there.

His first visit went by so quickly too. After lunch we picked up his friend Paola. I liked her but not half as much as him of course. He and she alternated according to his work shifts. It worked out quite well for a while but soon he was spending more and more time with me and sometimes didn't even bother to go home. Especially when he had to report for work early the next morning. On one such occasion, our love making had lingered till dawn so I took him to work in my car and we had breakfast in a bar near the hospital. He didn't seem to mind that we might be seen together. We were fast becoming an item.

As soon as I entered the house I was invaded by the void of him. The unmade bed, our discarded clothes mixed indiscriminately together as if copulating on the floor, the smell of him still on the pillow, still in my nostrils, were all a sensual reminder of what we had done that night. I'd lent him a clean shirt to wear to work. Now I was thinking of his tight torso within its folds wearing it like a second skin. My second skin. I jerked off.

He must have been having similar thoughts about me because when I picked him up after work he made a wonderful proposal.

"Would you like me to move in with you? Of course I'll have to bring my dog."

He lived with his parents but had a Labrador called Clara.

"She's got a built-in time clock and knows when I'm due home. She pines if I stay away for long."

"You and me both, Clara," I thought to myself immediately empathising with her. It would be grea to have company even if it was only a four-legged rival for his affections. A creature who obviously worshipped him as much as I did. If not more. A dog's love is so unconditional.

Clara was a godsend actually. She got me off my ass and out of the house. I was supposed to exercise and go for long walks which I didn't do till Clara came into my life. There was lots of eye candy in the park too and plenty of guys working out. Many of them with terrific torsos. Strangely enough, Clara and I seemed to share the same taste in men and if one of these hunks showed an interest in her she responded by sniffing at his crotch. She was a real 'nut nuzzler.'

With Clara's help I got to chatting with this great guy over here from Mexico. He wanted to break into movies so naturally I gave him my card and offered to take some photos. I wanted him to break into my ass too but unfortunately was still pretty fragile after all they'd put me through in hospital. In fact, you're probably wondering why I haven't been going into my usual detail when describing my sexual activities. The truth of the matter is during my convalescence I had to take it easy and my love making with Mariano wasn't of the 'wham bam and thank you Sam' variety although we managed to satisfy each other in different ways.

As I said Mariano was a great kisser and had what I can only call a malleable mouth. And to think until then I thought I had the monopoly in that department! His first kiss had little to do with my initial aggressive attack on his dick, born out of desperation. It had the quiet assurance of the birth of a new intimacy that cut us off from the outside world and cut into the private interior world of moist flesh on flesh and slippery muscle and produced a feeling that seemed to pierce the whole body and open it up to a new freedom. Until I'd sampled some of those kisses I would never have imagined that spit could be so sexy. But you live and learn, you live and learn. I got almost as much pleasure - and liquid -- out of his mouth as I did out of his dick and the two combined together was awesome. He'd hover over me so I could admire his torso as his spittle drooled down to meet my open mouth. Then I'd shimmy on down and get a dose of love juice from his dick. And we'd carry on from there. Sounds gross but it was gorgeous. I tell you man it was more than what the doctor ordered and I thrived on it.

Anyway, enter Jose Luis and I was back in my element getting clothes off backs and moving in on nipples. Mariano came home when I was in the middle of it all and watched fascinated. I'd never taken any photos of him although he would have made a great model. There was a horny hiatus in the air when the two guys met and eventually and inevitably we ended up all three in my bed. We had to keep Clara in the other room otherwise I'm sure she would have joined in too.

I saw a side of Mariano I'd never seen before -- mostly his backside -- as he humped and thumped with Jose Luis. I was a willing but somewhat passive participant and licked Mariano's gorgeous ass from time to time and also let Jose Luis suck me off. It would have made a great porno movie although I don't think it was exactly what Jose Luis had in mind when he first spoke to me.

Fortunately it was a one-off experience as Jose Luis had to go back to Mexico. I told myself it was only sex but it could have developed into something else I suppose. Next time I'll be more careful when Clara and I meet hot hunks in the park, as I'm sure we will.

The other day I took some studio shots of Mariano including some great full frontals, one of which I pinned to the bedroom wall. That way his pecs hang overhead as I tuck myself into bed. Eat your heart out Matthew McConaughey. I can't wait for my convalescence to be over. I want to be on my feet - or rather my back again - and get me some of that Mexican humping and thumping from my very own up front and personal night nurse. Have him jab me with his dick instead of his needle and -- cum what may -- I want to have his terrific torso constantly before me.

I'll keep you posted.

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