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Two in the Bush by Claye Canterwall
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I was sitting on what I considered to be my own personal park bench eating my lunch. It was a beautiful fall day. The sun was shining, the leaves were red, orange and brown, and the wind was blowing them around just enough to make that great wind-blowing-rustling-leaves-around sound. I had my new book, a peanut butter sandwich with apricot jam, and a thermos of some sort of great tea. The tea was a mystery. I couldn't read the label...foreign tongue...and surmised that it must be some sort of magic potion from far off Tibet or something. I could have been slowly killing myself by drinking it, but I didn't really care. It was that good. I was taking an extra long lunch today. The boss was out of town and I'd been working lots of unpaid overtime. I deserved a nice lunch. I'd have to be careful not to fall asleep and miss the afternoon altogether. A man was playing with his two poodles in a grassy spot across the way. They were having a great time. I hated poodles, but today, hell, I didn't even care if poodles had a great time.

I have to make a small confession here. I chose this particular bench for several reasons. First, it's in a nice sunny spot. Most park benches are placed under large shade trees. That's great for summer, but very inconvenient for any other time of year. Secondly, this bench is hidden from sight. You almost have to know where it is to find it, although it is quite close to the pathway, the best part being that parts of the pathway are completely visible from the bench. That makes it a great place not only for reading but also, and more importantly, for people watching. Let me rephrase that. That makes it a great place for sweet ass favorite hobby. I can sit on my bench, eat my lunch, pretend to be reading a book, and, well, use your imagination.

It was a slow day sweetasswise. Not a set of nice buns in the entire park. Well, there was one guy, looked to be about seventy, not bad buns for someone his age, but.... I had just made up my mind to actually read some of my book, when a vision of what surely had to be Adonis caught my attention from the corner of my right eye. He was coming over the far, horizon...blonde, very blonde, about 6' 2", slim build, broad shoulders, just the right build in front to ensure a sizzling set of buns on the backside. He was watching the man and his poodles, so there was no reason even to pretend to read my book. I could admire his assets with great abandon. As he came closer I could see that he was a little young for me, probably in his early twenties, but that didn't make him any less attractive. The jaw was square, with just a hint of "boy" left around the edges. The eyes were steely blue. The lips were a deep crimson. My dick was a deep shade of hard. Oh, sorry, that just slipped in there. His blonde hair was down over his eyes and blew in the wind. His walk was very athletic, but with just enough rhythm and sway to make me hopeful....although that really didn't matter. It was the buns I was waiting for. They would be awesome...I knew it. As he brushed past the bushes which hid my bench, I thought I detected a slight smirk on his beautiful young face, but I didn't have time to think about it. The buns had appeared and were everything I had hoped for. They were those nice poppy cheeks that aren't really big but kind of billow out to fill a pair of jeans perfectly. Oh my, but they did tickle my fancy. Well, actually, as he disappeared from view, I had decided to tickle my own fancy and had just started to reach under my belt, when I heard someone clear his throat behind me. I almost fell off the bench!

"Excuse me, mind if I sit down?" I couldn't believe it. It was him...billow buns. How did he get here?

"Well, sure, I guess so. It's a public park."

"I couldn't help noticing you noticing me as I walked by."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Well, it wouldn't have been on a crowded day, but today it's only you, me and the guy with the poodles, so, yeah, it was pretty obvious."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm flattered really. Did you like what you saw?"

"Don't play humble. You know I liked what I saw. What's not to like? You're gorgeous...your ass, perfection."

"Thank you for being so honest."

"About your ass?"

"No, about staring at me. Most people wouldn't have been."

"When you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar...."

"Oh, was that where you were about to put your hand? You keep cookies in there?"

"For a guy as young as you are, you've developed a rather mature sense of asshole, haven't you?"

"Hey, I wasn't the guy who was about to beat off thinking about my ass."

"Why don't you just leave."

"Hey, I'm sorry. I've made you mad. I didn't mean to."

"You've fuckin' pissed me off."

"I said I was sorry."

"Look, Brad Pitt, you attracted my attention because you had a beautiful ass, not because I thought you might be one. Why don't you just walk right back up the same path that you walked in on. That way I can enjoy watching you leave and not having to ever see you again all at the same time."

"You always this touchy?"

"No, only in the presence of baby-faced assholes. Now just go, please, and leave me alone on my bench with my book.

He sat down on the bench. I could not believe he did that. My first inclination was to get up and leave myself, but, no, goddamnit. This was my bench and probably my only long lunch of the year, and I wasn't going to give this up that easily. I would read my book and eat my sandwich in the warm October sun and he could just sit there on his beautiful poppy-assed buns until they fell off as far as I was concerned. It made no difference to me. If he talked again, I would merely punch his lights out.

"Good book?"

Okay, I might not punch his lights out, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him. I would just ignore him.

"Oh, not talking, huh? You old guys are the worst. You're so damn predictable. You need it so want it so bad...and here it is right in your lap and you get pissed off and stop talking."

"I presume you are the 'it' you are talking about. For your information, I neither want or need 'it' in any way shape or form. I enjoy looking at the male body, that's true, but any 'it' I want or need or get has to be in the form of at least a pleasant human being. I don't think you qualify."

"Jesus, I'm out of here."

"Don't let the bushes hit you in the ass on the way out."

"You know what? You're a real son of a bitch. You leer at me all the way down the path and then, when I call you on it, you become 'Mr. High and Mighty'. You're nothing but a lonely old troll and you might as well just admit it."

He turned and left. I must admit he had hurt my feelings. I was 42. That hardly qualified me for trolldom. I'll admit that I was worried that that was where I was ultimately headed, but I thought I had three or four more good years. The goddamned little pup had ruined my lunch all right. I shoved the entire peanut butter sandwich in my mouth all at once, washed it down with the rest of my strange brew and got ready to go back to work. To hell with the long lunch. I needed to get my mind off the shithead kid.

"Hey, you wouldn't want to blow me, would you?"

It was him. He had snuck in behind me again.

"What did you say?"

"I said, 'Would you like to blow me?'"

"You mean suck your dick?"




"Right now?"


"Are you crazy?"

"If you don't want to do it here, there's a bathroom near the park entrance, how about there?"

"I wouldn't suck your goddamn dick in the fucking Taj Mahal. Now, would you just get the fuck out of here?"

"Look, I just need the money, okay?"

"Oh, dear god. First you insult me. Then you call me an old troll and now you want to sell your body to me? My lunch was supposed to be so nice, so peaceful, so long.... Who the hell are you, anyway?"

"My name's Danny, and I'm down on my luck."

"You certainly are, Danny, because I wouldn't blow you if yours was the last dick in the city...and free. Now why don't you just run along and take your probably puny little peepee with you."

"It's eight inches."

"How nice for you, but I don't fucking care, Danny. Don't you get it?"


"Oh, hell, I can't take it. Just tell much money do you need?"

"I was going to ask you for $25."

"Here, take this. It's $40. I can spare it, and if it'll get rid of you, it'll be worth it."

"I can't take charity. Here...."

And with that, and without warning, he dropped his pants to his knees, took his dick in his hand, gave it two quick strokes and then offered it to me. I didn't know what to do. Here I was in a public park, about six feet from a public path with a young unbelievably good looking guy, who had just dropped his pants down around his knees and was trying to persuade me to suck his dick, which, by the way, was as beautiful as the rest of him. I really didn't know what to do. One part of me was as offended as hell by his manner and by the things he had said to me, and the other part of me wanted to take him home with me, feed him, put him to bed and take care of whatever it was that had made him so desperate. That side won. The pissed off side gave in.

"Is your name really Danny?"

"No, it's Fred."

"Dear god. No wonder you're so desperate. Fred, please pull up your pants."

"You don't want me?

"No, I don't want you. You're very attractive, and your dick looks quite yummy, but, no, Fred, there will be no dick sucking here today. What's going on? Why are you doing this?"

"I don't have any money. I ran out of what I came here with this morning. I can't find a job. I can't think of anything else to do."

"Am I your first effort?"


"Thank, God. I'd hate to think that you had tried this on anyone else. But, then, you'd probably be dead or in a hospital if you had. Are you gay, Fred?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"You think so? Do you like dicks, Fred?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"How many have you tried?"


"Then you don't just think you're've pretty much made up your mind?"

"Yeah, I have...I think."

"There's nothing wrong with not being sure, Fred. It's just pretty important right now, that's all."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think I'm getting ready to adopt you, and I don't think I should adopt a straight kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"Well, yes you are, this town. In this town you're a babe in the woods."

"Wait. What do you mean when you say you're going to adopt me?"

"I mean that, I'm going to give you a place to live until you get on your feet, but first, you have to promise not to kill me and rob me. I'd be very upset if you did that."

"What if I don't want to be adopted?"

"Well, that's okay, but what else are you going to do? I don't know how to break this to you, Fred, but your chances of earning a living in the dick sucking business are slim to none. You just ain't got it, son. I think adoption is your only option."

"What, you gonna take me home and use me as your sex slave?"

"Yeah, right, Fred. You called me an old troll. I doubt that I'll be making my move on you any time soon. Besides I have a boyfriend. If you promise to behave, you can even meet him. So....?"

"What choice do I have?"

"Hey, don't do me any favors, Fred. It'll be easier for me if you just walk your tush right through those bushes and out of my life."

"Okay, thank you. I have to change my name?"

"Yeah to Oscar. Just as soon as you find a job, you can move out and never see me again. You can even take your adoption papers with you. We have only one rule at my house. While you're there, you can't go out to parks and ask strange men to suck your dick. Is that clear?"

"Yes, that's clear."

"Now, come on. I'll take the afternoon off, and we can go get you settled. I don't know why I'm doing this, and I know I'll be sorry."

"No you won't, uh.... Hey, I don't even know your name."

"It's Danny."

"Holy shit."

I had Fred...I didn't know how long I could actually use that name...wait in my car while I wrapped things up in the office. It took longer than I thought it would, and by the time I got out to the parking garage, he was sound asleep in the front seat.

"I'm sorry it took me so long. It looks like you weren't too bored."

"Nah, I listened to some of your CD's...went right to sleep. When was the last time you bought anything new, like the seventies?"

"Hey, if you don't like my music, you don't have to listen to it, you know."

"Apparently I do. There's nothing else around."

"Well, the price is right, buddy, so don't complain."

"Let me out of the car."


"Let me out of the car. You're going to be throwing it up to me every other minute how you're rescuing me from the streets and how I'm not paying you anything. Just let me out right now."

"Now wait just a minute, Oscar."


"Don't you remember I said you had to change your name?"

"I thought you were kidding."

"I was, but I really don't think I can call you Fred. It hurts every time I say it."

"Then call me Buddy. Everyone called me that when I was a kid anyway."


"Yeah. My mom insisted on naming me after my granddad. She didn't even like the name. They decided they couldn't call a baby Fred, so they all just kind of started calling me little Buddy. It stuck."

"Buddy, huh?"


"Well, I guess it's the best we've got. Buddy it is. I kind of liked Oscar though. It had a nice ring to it. Now, where were we? Oh, yes. I will not throw anything up to you every other minute, but you have to keep the complaining about the free stuff to a minimum. I think that's only fair."

"Okay, okay, but, just for the record, your music still stinks."

"Well, you'd better get used to it, because there's lots more of it where that came from. Besides, listening to my music has to be better than sleeping in an alley somewhere."

"That remains to be seen."

"I cannot figure out for the life of me why I'm trying to save you."

"Because you think I'm cute, you like my buns, and you think eventually you will get into my pants."

"May I remind you that you have already offered me the contents of your pants, and I refused?"

"That's because you were afraid you'd be arrested. It's a whole different deal now."

"You're cute, but you're still an asshole. Dear God, what have I done?"

We arrived at my apartment about twenty minutes later. The conversation unfortunately did not get any better as we drove. In fact, by the time we got there, I was not only ready to "let" him out of the car, I was ready to shove him out of the car. Still, there was something under the obnoxious exterior that kept me from dumping the jerk. I liked the kid. I really did. I was very seldom wrong about a person, and I liked this one in spite of himself.

"Well, here we are. The guest bedroom is down that hall. You can put your things in there."

"Things? I have no things."

"You have nothing?"

"Do you see any things?"

"I thought maybe you at least had something in storage or something."

"Nope. When they locked up my room, they locked up every single one of my things. They're all gone."

"This is where I'm supposed to say that we're about the same size, so you can wear something of mine. However, we're nowhere near the same size, so keep yourself out of my closets. We'll have to go buy you something."

"Well, from the looks of things around here, Papa, it looks like we can afford it."

"Yes. I do quite well, thank-you, and if you ever call me Papa again, I'll shoot you on the spot."

"You have a gun?"

"No, but I can afford one of those, too. Now why don't you go down the hall to your room, take off your clothes...."

"I knew it. Here it comes."

"Oh, go fuck yourself. As I was saying, take off your clothes, put on the robe that's hanging in the closet, bring your stinky, smelly clothes to me, and take a badly needed shower. I'll throw your clothes into the washing machine."

"I smell that bad?"

"You smell much worse than 'that bad' me."

He did and I did, and soon he was sitting at the kitchen table eating a snack I had prepared for him. After he finished the snack, he wanted another snack. Eventually, I fed him everything in the apartment except the spices. I don't know when he had had his last meal, but I'd never seen anyone eat like that before. When he'd finished, he decided to take a nap while his clothes were drying. With the amount of food he had consumed, I figured he'd sleep most of the winter. It was then that my partner, James, came in. I say he's my partner, and he is, but we don't live together. We decided early on that living together would be a disaster for both of us. We already lived in the same apartment building, so we decided to just keep it that way. It worked. I loved him dearly, but if I had had to live with him, I would have strangled him with a pair of his dirty socks. He was the messiest man I had ever met. James was 42 and quite a catch lookswise. He was tall, about 6' 4", very dark, and had movie star good looks. I was not too shabby a looker myself, but when I was out with James, I garnered not so much as a quick glance. James was so beautiful that people just had to stop and stare at him. I did that a lot myself. I always made James use the guest bathroom when he was in the apartment. I couldn't stand thinking about the damage he might do to mine. He went to the bathroom and returned with a quizzical look on his face.

"Daniel, did you know that Goldilocks was sleeping in your bed?"

"Oh, that. That's Buddy. I adopted him today."

"I thought we weren't allowed to adopt in this state."

"We are if they're twenty-one or older. They can sign the papers themselves."

"Does he call you Daddy?"

"Papa, actually, but only when he's wearing his track shoes and his bullet proof vest."

"And what do you think he might call me?"

"I thought Uncle Jimmy might be appropriate."

"Yes, that would be very nice I think. And where did we find little Buddy?"

"He asked me to suck his dick in the park today."

"Oh, how nice. Did you?"

"I considered it briefly, but ultimately decided against it."

"Tiny dick?"

"Too easy."

"Oh, I see. How long will the little lad be with us?"

"Oh, just until he can get on his feet."

"You mean after his nap?"

"No, I mean after he finds a job and earns some money. He has none."

"What a surprise. And what kind of weapon do you plan to sleep with under your pillow?"

"None. I trust the little tyke."

"Daniel, sometimes I just don't understand you."

"Don't worry, James, if I'm wrong, you get everything in the will."

"Well, that's comforting anyway."

"I'd offer you something to eat, but he ate it all."


"There's some cinnamon're welcome to that."

"Daniel, Daniel, have a heart of gold and a head full of rocks."

"I know, but there's nothing I can do about it."


"Ah, Buddy, this is your Uncle Jimmy."

"Hello, Uncle Jimmy."

"Hello, Buddy, I hear you have a dick for hire."

"Not any more. Danny reformed me."


"You had to be there."

"I want to welcome you to the family, Buddy, and also tell you that I am your father's protector and you'd better not try anything or you'll be very, very sorry."

"Uncle Jimmy, you have me all wrong. Uh, Uncle Jimmy, can I say something?"


"You are probably the hottest guy I have ever seen in person in my entire life."

"I bet you say that to all your uncles."

"Nope...just to you, Uncle Jimmy. Holy shit, you're hot."

"You're not so shabby yourself, little Buddy."

"Let's stop this talk right now. There will be absolutely no incest in this household...until at least tomorrow or the next day. Now, let's all go out and get something to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Good. I'll rest easier now. You can come and sit with us...maybe have some dessert. I would have fixed us something here, but I forgot to bring in enough supplies for the long winter."

We had a lively conversation at dinner...much better than the earlier one about my taste in music. Buddy turned out to have a pretty good mind on a full stomach. James warmed up to him very well...a little too well I was afraid. Buddy wanted to be an actor, and James had some connections. He said he would see what he could do. We all turned in early that night. It had been a rather unusual day for at least two of us.

The next day was a busy one for me. At the office, I had to catch up on the work that I had put off the day before and there were also a couple of small fires I had to put out before they became big problems. I called James and told him I would be late getting home and asked if he would mind picking up something for dinner on the way home and going up to my apartment to eat with Buddy. Buddy was supposed to have spent the day calling around town to see if there were any auditions coming up. As luck would have it, I got off work a little earlier than expected. I was glad, because it meant that I'd be able to join James and Buddy at just about the end of their dinner and might not have to eat alone. When I arrived at the apartment, however, no one was there. The take out containers were there and the food had obviously been very good. There would be no table gleaning here tonight. I was just about to become frustrated and angry with James and Buddy for not leaving me anything to eat, when I noticed a couple of sacks on the far end of the counter. They hadn't forgotten me after all. But where were they? Buddy had never seen James's apartment. Maybe they were down there. I hoped he had cleaned the place since I'd last seen it. Buddy was messy enough. I didn't want him learning even more bad habits from his Uncle Jimmy. I put the food in the refrigerator, took a soda out and headed for James's apartment.

When I opened the door to James's apartment, it was dark inside. That was strange. Where the hell were they? Where else could they be? It was then that I heard a noise. There was light coming from the far end of the hallway. James's apartment was identical to mine, so I knew the layout pretty well. The light was coming from the guest bedroom. As I walked down the hallway, the noises were getting louder. I was pretty sure of what I was hearing and just what I was likely to find when I reached the bedroom door. I made my final approach as silently as possible.

There was no surprise when I finally peeked inside. There, kneeling on the floor, was my newly adopted son. In his beautiful mouth was the very hard...and large, I might add...penis of his favorite Uncle Jimmy. Both had their eyes closed...little Buddy to enjoy being the apparently excellent sucker he was, and Uncle Jimmy equally enjoying his dual role as doting uncle and totally absorbed suckee. The slurping and moaning being shared by the two of them were, in my opinion, unequaled in modern sucking history. I had no intention of disturbing them because, quite honestly, before me, having amazing sex were two of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen. Both were hard and muscular, both had male members to die for and asses too beautiful for words, and the contrast in their coloring made everything they did seem like a pornographic work of art. When they stood up to embrace and kiss, their bodies locked tightly together, the vision was absolutely ethereal.

I had no choice, really. They were so wrapped up in what they were doing that they would never notice me standing there, so I dropped my pants to the floor and began stroking myself as I watched, entranced, what had to be the most erotic, beautiful homosexual coupling ever known to man. By now, their hot bodies had begun to perspire and were glowing softly in the muted light of the bedroom, their moaning and groaning becoming ever louder and more urgent. James carefully and gently broke the lock of his embrace with Buddy, starting now to kiss and lick his way down the young man's beautiful and sensuous frame. I was whacking off pretty much in earnest now and had to concentrate on slowing down, so I wouldn't cum before the climax of the wonderful show. My view now was of James's tight, beautiful golden brown ass, as he continued moving slowly and lovingly ever downwards towards his luscious long, hard pre-cum oozing goal. It was all I could do not to run in and make it a threesome by attacking his sumptuous ass while he sucked that wonderful dick, but I held off. When James finally reached his pulsating destination, taking Buddy's waiting dick into his moist, hot mouth with a loud slurping sound, a muted, whispered voice welled up from somewhere deep inside Buddy: "Oh, shit. Oh shit, yes! Oh god, yes!!" He then began to buck back and forth as he savagely fucked James's mouth. James held tight to Buddy's incredible ass, not wanting to lose the luscious, velvety boy meat he held so greedily in his mouth. On and on they went until I thought I would have to yell, "Stop! I can't take this anymore." And then they stopped. I sighed. But it was only to be a short break in the hot, sweaty action.

James rose again to make love to Buddy's crimson lips with his own, telling Buddy how beautiful and how unbelievably sexy he was. Then he gently turned Buddy around bending his beautiful body over the bed, the smooth, pale, blonde, boyish ass high in the air. He knelt down behind him and began rimming that discovery...the ass of my dreams, as I stood in the doorway pounding my meat harder and harder. Buddy was writhing on the bed, whispering, "Yes, yes. yes, do it, yes, right there, yes, the tongue, oh god the tongue, fuck me, fuck me now." And then James stood up, his giant dick so hard, pulsating wildly, to do just that. He leaned to take a condom from the drawer and I could take no more. "Stop right now, you fucking son of a bitch! That ass is mine!!"

James and Buddy burst out laughing. They could hardly contain themselves. James put down the condom and walked over to me, kissing me gently and earnestly on the lips, his tongue thrusting deep inside. I almost bit the damn thing off I was so mad. Then he fell to his knees taking my rigid, swollen member briefly into his mouth for a quick love suck. "We thought you'd never say anything." he said. "I thought we might get through the whole damn thing while you stood at the door with your fucking dick in your hand. I was amazed. This was all for you, my love. Buddy and I decided to give you the nicest present we could think of when you came home tonight, and this is it. Now come over here and let us show you what good feels like."

James took me lovingly by the dick and led me to the bed. Buddy, now on his back, sat up, then stood up, and kissed me passionately, his tongue exploring my now more than ready mouth. I couldn't believe how I was responding to the little shit. I was so passionate in returning his wonderful lip lock that James felt the need to step in quickly and break us apart to save us from ourselves.

"Okay, boys, let's not go overboard. Let's not forget who belongs to whom here."

"Daniel," Buddy said, " I've wanted kiss you since the first time I saw you."

"Oh, yeah." I answered. "It was lust at first sight, baby. When you asked me if I wanted to suck your dick, you were so beautiful, I almost creamed my pants right then and there."

"You can do it now, Daniel. I'm here. I'm ready. Do it now, Daniel. Suck it now."

And I did. It was a prize well worth waiting for. What a dick that boy had. It was long and thick and foreskin...oh god, how I loved foreskin, and this boy was the prince of foreskin. I was in foreskin heaven. I must have sucked on that beauty for twenty minutes before finally Buddy announced that, if I didn't stop sucking soon, he was not responsible for what came out of where and who got nailed with it. So, I stopped...regretfully. And then, that boy with that beautiful mouth began to return the favor, and this time he brought along a friend. It was my first two man blow job, and I must confess that James and Buddy convinced me that two heads can indeed be better than one. I could hardly hold back, and my groaning was probably heard all over the building. I put one hand on the top of each beautiful head, closed my eyes, and just held on for the ride. Finally, we all agreed that cumming and soon, would be very necessary if we were to survive the night without three painful and very serious dick implosions. How to end this perfect evening? Buddy mentioned that a double fuck would certainly be to his liking, and James and I were quick to oblige. It was our first "Buddy fuck" so to speak. We didn't exactly fuck him at the same time...we took turns, and as one of us fucked that beautiful ass, the other would rim the current fucker. Buddy's ass was so warm and so tight, and James's tongue was so long and so hot, that I almost lost it several times before I was really ready. Finally I could stand it no longer. Everything inside me was screaming for release. I turned Buddy's head to the side, kissed him lovingly on the lips, and said, "This is it, sweetheart", and then fucked him like a mad man until...ahhhhhhhhhhhshiiiit!! I came for what seemed like hours, pulling out, as James and his huge, dark, glistening pole took over. With one magnificent thrust that probably ended somewhere up near the back of Buddy's throat, James began bringing them both to one of the most amazing simultaneous orgasms it has ever been my pleasure to witness. "Oh god, James, oh god, oh god, oh fucking god." That was enough for me. I wasn't about to be left out of this momentous event and quickly hopped under Buddy, taking his beautiful cock deep into my mouth. I sucked that baby like there was no tomorrow. James fucked and Buddy bucked and I sucked until at last there was an explosion of such magnitude that we were all left gasping for air, laying on the bed, James's dick still buried deep in Buddy's ass and my face covered with his sweet. sweet cum.

No one could speak. Words were not necessary. The heavy breathing and soft sweet moaning of three exhausted, but very well satisfied men said it all. Buddy, who was laying in the middle of the bed between James and I, looked at both of us, gave us each a sweet peck on the cheek and said, "The family that plays together stays together." That was over six months ago. I think the little shit may have been right.

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