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Two English Gentlemen Chapter 3 by Hrtofgld
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Slave in Egypt

It seemed obscene, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I was standing on a dais about 2ft high, together with almost a score of other people. We were being auctioned one by one, to any of the hundred or so citizens watching and salivating, in front of us. The women being sold were totally nude, whereas the men wore a narrow loincloth. When I say narrow, I mean narrow. Mine didn't totally cover my genitals, and my cock could, I was sure, be seen below the bottom edge of the cloth.

Not that it bothered any of the viewers. As each slave was brought to the front of the platform for auction, the bidders poked and prodded at the "lot", checking musculature and firmness of flesh etc. They were lifting the loincloths of the male slaves in order to see what would be available to them should they win the bid. There was nothing we could do to avoid them, as our arms were shackled behind us, so we were quite helpless against these assaults.

The bidders (of both sexes) didn't stop at merely looking at the goods. They examined genitalia intimately, pulling back any foreskins that covered the glans, and tasting any juices they may have exposed. They were also checking size and firmness of testicles, and bringing about a state of erection, even trying to masturbate the helpless wretches. The auctioneer turned us round so that our anuses could be checked out too.

The women didn't fare any better!

It was at this point that I realized that most of the crowd were elderly and ugly, to say the least, and only a very few were even remotely attractive.

The auction proceeded quickly. The females were sold first. Providing there was a bid, the auctioneer didn't seem to mind whether the price was high or not. I suppose his thinking was that he could obtain plenty more women and girls. He did get a better price for the girls than the mature women. It seemed to me that the women would, at best, be house servants, and the young girls end up as sex slaves for their masters - or mistresses.

Then came the turn of the male prisoners. Most were well muscled and thickset. For some reason, they were auctioned off in pairs. Then it dawned on me that these men were destined to be laborers on the building of the pyramids. They were being sold quickly as they were of no importance or value.

When there were only four males left (including me), I realized that the auctioneer had saved the best until the last. All of us were tall, slim, attractive and - frankly - well endowed.

The bidding was fast and furious. Obviously the prices were high. We were sold individually and our loincloths were removed before the bidding started. The auctioneer went into some sort of spiel that I couldn't understand. But he was obviously pointing out our best assets to the crowd of baying bidders.

When a slave was sold, he was taken to the successful new owner, and had to walk through the crowd, which didn't hesitate to stroke, pinch, slap, and touch the most intimate parts available to them.

When my turn came, I was praying that my new owner would at least be presentable, young, and not as unattractive as some of the other purchasers had been.

The bidding for me was fierce. Eventually all the bidders dropped out except the occupants of two litters at the edge of the crowd. I knew that they must be wealthy. How else would they be able to afford four, barely clad, Nubian slaves each, to carry their richly decorated litters with silk curtains drawn to maintain their privacy?

I hoped that my eventual price would be high, so that I would presumably go to the richer of the two rich bidders. The only way, as I saw it, that I could make myself appear particularly attractive was to put a broad grin on my face, showing my perfect white teeth - and twitch my erect cock suggestively.

The bidding continued but at last one of the bidders withdrew. I still had no idea who had bought me, but I was convinced that I would soon find out.

A richly dressed, and very impressive man came forward to pay the auctioneer. Both the litters had disappeared, and I had to follow the man through the crowd, wearing only a silken rope that he had placed round my neck. I, too, was mauled by the crowd as I was paraded past them.

After a short while we came upon one of the litters, stationery in the road. As we approached, a very handsome man got out of the litter and spoke to my warder. Obviously some sort of agreement was reached. The litter owner fondled my cock and balls for a short time before taking my not inconsiderable cock deep within his hot, sucking mouth. He drew me in right up to my pubic hairs and at the same time squeezed my shaft with the muscles of his mouth. My cock must have been at least two, if not three inches down his throat. When I very quickly, shot spurt after spurt of hot cum deep down his throat, he didn't spill a single drop.

All this happened in the middle of the road, with four Nubian men and my warder watching.

But he hadn't finished. He spun me round, bent me over, and with my arms still fastened behind my back, plunged his penis deep within me. No preamble, no lubrication of any kind, just straightforward hard cock. Speed and depth of penetration varied, but the energy never faltered. The Nubians were impassive, although I could see that the cocks and balls inside their codpieces were swelling.

My warder walked in front of me, and parted his robe to display his impressive cock already oozing pre-cum juices. He grabbed and dragged on my hair causing my mouth to open. Then he proceeded to screw my mouth, as though there was no tomorrow.

He didn't have to grab my hair. I would willingly have opened my mouth to receive his cock and its ultimate gift.

I wasn't a newcomer to this type of sexual assault, although previously I had had a say in who did what to who, and where and when. I had never before been raped by anybody in the middle of a thoroughfare and in the middle of the day, with pedestrians glancing casually at the action as they passed.

But then, this was Egypt and I was a slave without any rights!

The man from the litter was, I could sense, close to shooting his load. His plunges were coming faster and I could feel his tight testicles banging against my battered buttocks. At last the hot sperm erupted in several spurts, from his ramrod cock, deep inside my tender anus.

The warder was also nearing his climax. While his very large penis was brutally invading my mouth - he signaled to one of the Nubian slaves, who moved round behind me. Suddenly I felt a large, hot tongue at my backside. He was about to ream out my ass as semen was now starting to ooze from me.

And a very good job he made of it. I didn't want him to stop. But of course, he did stop. He wasn't there to give me any pleasure, merely to dispose of any signs of sexual activity before my master in the second litter took delivery of me from the warder.

The occupant of the first litter returned to his seat and again drew the curtains to avoid being seen. The reaming Nubian licked his lips lasciviously as the litter departed.

My warder continued parading me for several hundred yards, and although several people ogled me quite openly, and mimed wanking, there was no more physical contact with me. After about ten minutes we reached what can only be described as a magnificent palace, like something straight out of The Arabian Nights.

I was led through the imposing gates and several palatial rooms to what could only be a throne room. Sitting on the throne was a man dressed in the most luxurious attire.

The warder forced me onto my knees, with my head touching the floor. I felt particularly exposed, with my arse in the air and my balls dangling between my splayed open legs.

The king, or shah, prince or whatever rank he held, started to speak. He was speaking in French. Surely the ancient Egyptians didn't speak in French? My fluency in French leaves a great deal to be desired, but I could understand the gist of his speech.

He was telling me that he was the ruler of the Upper Nile, and that I was to be a slave in his Palace of Pleasure. Apparently he didn't live in this palace all the time. This was where he retired for relaxation. I was told that I could stand and lift my head but my legs were to remain apart.

Then his brother walked in!

This was the man who had screwed me in the street. If anything he looked even more handsome than I had glimpsed previously. Remember, most of the time he'd had his face buried in my pubic hair, or his cock up to the hilt in my rectum. He was still wearing his embroidered robe, although it was now only fastened loosely by the sash, and his genitals were, well, on display. His twin brother greeted him fondly.

My owner displayed my charms to his brother, lifting my cock and balls, tweaking and twisting my nipples, caressing my arse, and proudly showing me off to his sibling. The brother appeared to be overwhelmed by his twin's new acquisition, and tentatively fondled my assets, as though he hadn't enjoyed them earlier.

The two princes each took hold of the silken rope and led me away to a sumptuous inner chamber. This was obviously a bedroom, but whose? Was it for one prince, or, as I suspected, for two princes - and a slave?

I was told, still in French, which continued to puzzle me, that this bedchamber was for the ruler of the Upper Nile (and his chosen slave) and a similar room was used by his brother, and his chosen slave. It transpired that the chosen slave, in each case, was me. I discovered later that if they both wanted me at the same time, they both had me at the same time. They apparently had no scruples or inhibitions. Why should they? I would always be available!

The first thing one of them did (I've no idea which of them) was to summon a jeweler. He had come well prepared with jewelry and other amusing knick-knacks.

First he pierced my foreskin and threaded a fine, but short, gold chain through it, from which was suspended a large diamond which inevitably weighed down my normally proud penis. Then it was the turn of my nipples. Each was pierced, and another diamond on a chain was fastened to each. Finally, an ornate gold collar with a scarab pendant was placed round my neck and locked at the nape. Then my shackled arms were freed, and the rope removed.

That was a relief anyway!

But I was still naked although ornamented, and from what I had gathered thus far, was likely to remain so for some considerable time - if not permanently.

What next, I wondered. The two princes each grabbed a nipple diamond in order to lead me into another room. This appeared to be a dining room. But there was no proper dining table. Only a few low coffee type tables. Ah! At last some food - but not for me.

I was spread-eagled face upward on one of these tables. Servants then brought in many delicious looking dishes, the contents of which were placed on various parts of my body. Meats with colorful sauces, strange vegetables and some very scrumptious looking desserts. My owners started to eat their meal. Using only their mouths, they slobbered over their food and me.

When their feast was finished, they clapped their hands and three young men appeared and licked every vestige of food from my body. I noticed that they paid particular attention to making my three diamonds sparkle again.

When they had finished their table clearing, two of the boys took my hands and led me into a fairly small, but extremely luxurious, bathroom. My rampant penis preceded me into the room; remember it had been licked clean by three people.

In the bathroom, another slave was waiting. Could it be that I had my own slave? I had! Although he was wearing more clothes than I was. He could hardly be wearing less.

He bathed me meticulously paying special attention to my private parts. Then he smoothed assorted creams onto my slightly tanned skin. Not to mention the highly scented lubricant that he worked deep into my anus. Then he went to a tray of butt plugs. They were large, ornate, decorated with assorted jewels - and heavy. He chose one with a plume of feathers at right angles to the actual plug and gently worked it up into me.

He then escorted me back to the bedroom of one of the princes. Both were there, wearing long cloaks made of beautifully colored feathers. As my bath slave left me alone with the two brothers, they slipped off their cloaks. They were both stark naked except for two identical necklaces of gold and two broad, heavily bejeweled cockstraps, which accentuated their not inconsiderable attributes. Now I had even less chance of distinguishing them apart. But, did it matter? They were going to have their pleasurable way with me, and whether I knew which one was screwing me was, as far as they were concerned totally, irrelevant.

And they did have their pleasure with me. They sucked, fucked, pulled and twisted every part of me. They filled every available orifice. Then I had to screw them. With the large diamond dangling from my pierced foreskin, I can tell you that it was a painful yet pleasurable performance. After several hours they appeared to be sated of their lust, and subsided onto a couch, watching me lying spread-eagled on their bed.

A clap of the hands and there appeared the most enormous black man I have ever seen. He started to remove his clothes. Unlike most big men, his cock was big too. And that was when it was at rest. He proceeded to manipulate his penis into an enormous dripping battering ram and approached me, leering.

The two brothers watched fascinated. They were going to see me humiliated and abused, and sure as hell they were going to enjoy another facet of their sexual pleasure.

The black giant ripped out the butt plug - which, I can tell you, hurt like hell because of all the jewels on it. Then he positioned his great cock at the entrance to my most private part and brutally and painfully forced it into my hole, again and again. Each of his attacks shoved me a little further along the bed. And then another of his violent pushes, hurled me off the bed and onto the floor.

That is when I awoke on the floor of my own bedroom, with a raging hard-on. But at least I was at home!

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