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Trekking Trick by Callan Smith
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I found this story gathering dust on my shelf so I picked it up, wiped my dick off (after reading it) and decided it still stands up to scrutiny after all these years. Hope you agree with me. I wrote it just after I got back to England after a visit to Denver with a group of University students. In fact I came of age there and celebrated my eighteenth birthday but I didn't have a very good time because they were mostly girls and the three weedy boys didn't interest me at all.

I'd come to the States hoping to meet some handsome hunk who'd carry me off into the hills and have his way with me. I wanted an adventure. And by that I mean a sexual adventure. How I was going to get that spending all my time with a gaggle of girls or talking football with the guys, I don't know. Of course, I don't mind a game of football now and again although I must admit I much prefer the time in the showers afterwards. Just love all those bare butts and dicks and the smell of sweaty masculinity.

Anyway, the day after my birthday we went on a trekking trip, which naturally included a visit to Grand Canyon. We were assigned a good-looking guy called Tad or Todd or something like that. He was to look after us and be a kind of guide-cum-climbing coach. Interesting word isn't it? "Cum" I mean. The dictionary definition is "serves a double purpose" and he certainly did that. At last I had something to look at besides the scenery.

He couldn't have been much older than the rest of us -- about twenty-five I would say -- and was the big brother I'd always dreamed of having. Tall and athletic, nice smile and a terrific torso. In fact, I liked everything about him especially the extremely short shorts he wore which showed off his legs and butt to perfection. I made a point of being right behind him when we were climbing and measured every muscle, mentally trying to imagine how those great legs would feel wrapped around me when we were doing a bit of uphill trekking of our own.

Unfortunately, he didn't pay a whole lot of attention to me and was always smiling at the girls. After a while I got bored, as I'm not really the outdoor type. Most of the time it was like being a boy scout all over again. Up at dawn striking camp and out all day trekking. Then just at the moment you wanted to climb into a nice soft bed and/or butt, you had to put up the tent and sit round a fire with people you didn't really like, eating sausages and stuff, and then doing the dishes.

This went on for two or three days or so, and then the weather broke. The sky got very black and rain was definitely on its way. Tad said we'd better head for shelter as when the weather got like this it usually meant the arrival of super strong winds. We had Tad's Land Rover and a truck for transport. There were sixteen of us all told including backpacks etc. so it was a bit of a squeeze but we managed. The problem was finding somewhere to sleep. We drove for miles in very bad conditions. The rain was lashing at the windows and a terrifying wind was threatening to tear the tarpaulin off the truck. Visibility was almost nil and I think we must have got lost.

We seemed to be miles from anywhere but eventually found a rather seedy transport cafe rather like the one in Baghdad Cafe only there was no magic show. Maybe you've never heard of Baghdad Cafe but remember I'm going back twenty years. It had a fairly decent room for five of the girls and a makeshift room at the back for the boys. I was looking forward to a comfortable bed after roughing it for so long and anyway I didn't want to share a room with those guys so decided to try my luck further down the road. The grimy looking guy who ran the cafe said he thought there was a motel thirty miles away but he couldn't remember the name and didn't have the phone number.

We left the three boys in charge of the five girls and the truck and set out for destination unknown. We eventually found the motel, which was more like 50 miles down the road, and basically a gas station with a couple of rooms attached. They could only offer us a double room for the six girls and a single room for Tad and me. We were so exhausted by then we would have slept in the toilet. We were also wet through and cold. Fortunately there was a coffee-making machine in each room, which was a great relief. Tad didn't seem very happy about the bed situation and asked if they could supply a fold-up for one of us. They couldn't. It was pretty large for a single bed but obviously he didn't fancy the thought of sharing it with me. One of us was going to have to sleep on the floor. Let's toss for it I suggested and lost. Tad apologised and said he found it very difficult to sleep with another person. Even his girl friend. And he really needed a good night's sleep after that horrific drive. I gave him an understanding nod and spread my sleeping bag on the floor. Then the bastard asked if he could use the bathroom first. What could I say?

To make matters worse the room was on street level and the neon sign outside was flashing on and off. The blind was broken so I put my T-shirt over my head. After a while, I fell asleep. I heard Tad mumbling and muttering and cursing the blind as he tried to close it but then I was lost to the world. I remember my last sarcastic thought was, "What a great holiday this has turned out to be."

I don't know what time it was when I woke up but it was still pretty dark outside, except for the flashing motel sign, of course. My mouth was dry so I went in search of a glass of water. Tad was stretched out on the bed one hand curled over his eyes. Bet he just loved that ole neon sign. There was no glass in the bathroom so I came out again to see if I could find one. There was one on Tad's bedside table but I had to lean over his supine body to get it. As I did so, he stirred and threw off the top sheet. Nearly threw me off balance too. Thought he was going to hit me for invading his territory.

Of course I couldn't resist looking at his spectacular body. What a waste I thought to myself as my eyes ran down his muscular chest and came to rest at the elastic of his very brief briefs. They were white and very tight. I could clearly see the outline of his semi-hard dick. He stirred again so I hotfooted it to the bathroom to get my water. When I got back I noticed something else had stirred. His dick seemed more than twice the size and the tip of it was sticking out of the top of his briefs. It looked like a fledgling bird trying to leave its nest. More than anything in the world, I wanted to set that not so little bird free.

As if he could read my mind, Tad's hand moved from being curled around his eyes and settled softly on his divine dick. He began caressing it in his sleep. I was afraid to move and just stood there fascinated, engrossed in this wondrous vision. Was I going to be fortunate enough to witness a wet dream with my very own eyes?

He stirred once more and I thought I'd better crawl back into my sleeping bag before he caught me looking at him. But he had rolled over onto his stomach so I stayed where I was in order to appreciate the rest of him. The back of his briefs was mostly elastic and that firm butt I had been ogling on our daily climbs was now in full view. His buttocks looked like two Granny Smith apples, ripe and juicy for the plucking except that he'd obviously been lying naked in the sun so maybe Golden Delicious might have been a more appropriate name for them. Now of course I wanted to take each one in my hand and spank him for being a naughty boy. The thought of me spanking that magnificent ass made my own member decide to make an appearance so I thought I'd better go back to the bathroom and service it. But first, very gingerly, I leaned over him again to put the glass back. As I did so, a hand grabbed my wrist and a voice said, "Why don't you have a drink of this?"

I had one leg in the air when he said that so I didn't have much choice and tumbled over on top of him, my nose next to his dick, my mouth level with his balls. As I was moving my trembling lips over this forbidden fruit, he began to pull down his Calvins and his dick hit me full in the face. It could have been comic but this unexpected invitation was no laughing matter. I decided to do some serious work on his scrumptious dick and be sure to drink my fill before he changed his mind. At the same time, my dream of only a few minutes ago was quickly realized for I was able to take hold of his fabulous butt while I wrapped my lips round his pole. He moved it ever so rhythmically inside my mouth in time with the neon sign, which went on and off as his dick went in and out. Then, after what seemed an eternity of this heaven, he took hold of my head and began to pick up the rhythm. One neon sign, one thrust; one neon sign, two thrusts; one neon sign, three thrusts and so on and so forth. Get the picture? I certainly did. We had a great ole time trying to beat that neon sign which had by now taken on a whole new meaning for me.

Then, ever full of surprises, he literally ripped off my Marks&Sparks underpants. They were my favourite pair so they'd seen a lot of washing and were past their best. The material wasn't exactly strong and, boy, did they tear. In fact they were in shreds. The same might be said for my ass when he'd finished with it. First he took a leaf out of my erotic fantasy book and spanked the hell out of if which made my dick burst with both fright and delight. Then without so much as a drop of gel or spittle he rammed his dick straight up me as a kind of extra punishment.

Once again we played beat the neon. It was fan-fucking-tastic. Could this be the same Tad who'd said he wasn't able to share a bed with somebody? I asked him about it afterwards and he changed his tune a little. "Maybe I said I couldn't get to sleep with someone in the bed, but I sure as hell said nothing about not being able to fuck them!" Then he went on to give me the whole spiel of my being one of his students so he felt responsible for me and all that stuff and, seeing that he was feeling horny as hell, was afraid he might take advantage of me if we slept together. He confessed that he'd felt sorely tempted as he'd never had an English boy before "especially in such sexy threadbare underpants." I told him I hadn't exactly dressed for company so was not wearing my finest. "They were fine by me," is all he said. And the evening wasn't over yet. You see I've always had a thing about armpits. I nearly went wild when I saw Matthew McConaughey for the first time. He goes back quite a bit too. Anyway he was displaying his pits in a movie. It was a good movie but I can't remember the title ---- just his pits.

Tad was lying back with his hands behind his head and he had the same kind of armpits. I told him about my fetish hoping to hell he wouldn't think I was weird or something. Instead he smiled and said he had the same kind of feeling about toes and he sure couldn't wait to lick mine. That sent me scuttling off to shower since I couldn't wait either.

We made a great team. The more I turned him on licking his pits, the more he turned me on licking my toes. He not only licked them to perfection but half swallowed them. Then he took his tongue on a general tour of my body which included my inside leg. I've never ever had anyone lick my inside leg before -- or since. Then it was the turn of my dick, which after a while felt like it was in some kind of heavenly blender. I came all over my stomach so he went to work on cleaning me up with his tongue which got me so excited that I had more than one bite of his apples and finally got my second helping of delicious Colorado cum as he jerked off straight into my mouth.

We kept this up till the neon sign went off and we suddenly realized we'd been fucking and sucking all night. And still I wasn't totally satisfied. He hadn't kissed me yet. I couldn't help mentioning the fact. "Let's save that till tomorrow night." he said.

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