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The Eternal Wow by Callan Smith
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I saw him first from behind. He had what I can only call a 'high rise' ass. His long legs parted more than most peoples at the top and I wanted to slip my hand through the slit that opened when he walked. I also wanted to slip my dick in the tempting crease of his ass cheeks.

I was reminded of something one of my Spanish students said once, "If those are the railway lines, imagine the station!" He was talking about a girl at the time but it summed up perfectly what I was feeling now. It also seemed very apropos as I was about to give a lecture on Joseph Campbell which amongst other things dealt with the concept of the eternal now. It was entitled 'The Power of Myth.'

I was presently interested in the power of this guy's stride, particularly in the power of his thighs. Even from behind I could see how muscular he was and even though it wasn't yet eight thirty in the morning I had already started to imagine those thighs at work as we got to know each other more intimately.

He seemed to be going in my direction which was the lecture hall on the third floor of Hazelmere High School. I was a guest speaker and only in town for two days so I knew I was going to have my work cut out meeting up and making out with a college stud. I already knew I wanted him and I hadn't even seen his face yet.

I wasn't disappointed. I spotted him straight away from my podium. He was sitting in the front row, his long legs spread out in front of him. I had time to take all of him in, and then some, during the introductory speech which fortunately for me went on and on. The resident professor was a tall unattractive individual somewhat reminiscent of an effeminate eagle. In fact one more feather and he'd have been flying. But, as I said, I was in the eternal now and feeling great warmth towards the pathetic creature as he burbled on. It gave me a chance to make long eye contact with the object of my desire and communicate my interest.

He had a strong beautiful face on broad beautiful shoulders and was wearing the whitest of white tee shirts. It was absolutely dazzling. As was everything else about him. I decided to call him Mr. Razzle Dazzle like the guy in 'Chicago.' The name seemed to suit him down to the ground even if I was up in the air. It so perfectly described the way I felt about him too. After all I'd been in a constant razzle dazzle daze since the moment he entered my horny horizon. In fact I didn't know if I was capable of uttering a single word. However, I'd given the lecture so many times that I was able to go into automatic pilot.

After the lecture my feathered friend came back to the podium to thank me and I spent nearly a half hour answering enthusiastic questions. But he remained ominously silent, although he did at least have the good grace not to get up and leave. I must say I was more than a little miffed. Also because I wanted to know what his voice sounded like. I soon found out. He was in the corridor waiting for me. This time he didn't mince words. He said he'd been saving all his questions and could I give him a ride home. So there we were sitting side by side in my car and I was rubbing the steering wheel rather unnecessarily as I really wanted to be rubbing the thighs stretched out next to me.

I think I must have communicated my nervousness because when I asked, "Where to?" he offered to drive as it was 'rather complicated to explain.' So we changed places which was just as well as his close proximity was going to my head. Also I soon became dizzily conscious of the mound of cock and balls in his tight pants as we drove towards our destination.

He didn't say much except that my lecture was really awesome and had 'left him with his mental mouth wide open.' This really impressed me. After all I was supposed to be the one who had a way with words. By now my mouth was open too. But on account of the dick that twitched and thickened in his pants.

He saw me looking and told me not to worry as his dick always got excited when he was mentally stimulated. I tried to think of something else to say that might stimulate him some more but my mind was a complete blank. We drove on and I began to think we'd never get where we were going which was right out of town.

Eventually he pulled up at the wrought iron gates of what looked like a country mansion and I wondered why he didn't have a car of his own. He didn't live in the actual house but had 'student quarters' over the garage. His folks were away on vacation. My own dick began to twitch and thicken in my pants now. He seemed to be telling me that we had the place to ourselves.

I was ravenous by this time and not only for his dick. I had been up since dawn and the combination of the lecture and this adventure had given me quite an appetite.

He offered me a drink and then, peeling off his tee shirt, said he was going to grab a quick shower and give me some lunch. Perversely I asked myself to what he was referring. I could have fed off his chest for a week and he was so muscular I felt diminished. I mean my body's not bad but his was fantastic. He said why didn't I take a shower too. So what could I say? This morning he was a butt walking just out of reach before me and now he was butt naked offering to take a shower with me. Would it were always so easy. Must be the power of words I thought as I gazed, at a loss for them, at the beautiful powerhouse in front of me.

Before long I was slipping my hand between that slit in his legs and soaping his high rises. He gave me quite a soaping too and it must have been almost teatime before we finally sat down to a meal of cold chicken and potato salad. By then I'd already had a mouthful of hot roast and succulent sausage and other mouth-watering delicacies but my stomach was ready for more. He served champagne with dinner and we took it to bed with us. I had a lecture next day in the next town. He wanted to come with me. Said he wanted to spend just as much time with me as possible and glean my mind as well as grind my ass.

On the subject of ass I told him how I had followed his that morning and he smilingly confessed that he'd left his sports car in the college car park just so he could get his hands on mine. Ass I mean. We made love most of the night but surprisingly I was full of energy the next day and gave one of my best lectures. We deposited my car at the rental place and spent the rest of my tour in his Aston Martin. He apologised for being so 'filthy rich' and said his father was a film producer. He suggested making a movie about Joseph Campbell and the power of myth but I told him it had already been done.

Our affair has lasted many months and the more we delve into mythology the better we seem to perform in bed. The other day I told him about Campbell's theory that every human experience is contained in the sound AUM. It puts you in touch with 'that resounding being that is the universe'. You start with 'ah' in the back of your mouth then fill it with 'oo' and close it with 'mm'. Campbell calls it the four-element syllable. The fourth element is the silence out of which AUM arises and back into which it goes.

He found all this fascinating as it seemed to perfectly sum up our relationship. As with most theories it was great until we tried to put it into practice. I mean it was very difficult to take it seriously when he was filling my mouth with his dick and my ahs and oo's were getting mixed up with my mms. And the moment he got inside my ass, the sound was anything but the sound of silence. Still it sure as hell put us in touch with the 'resounding being that is the universe.'

When he was inserting his grade one dick into my circuit I resounded like an Aston Martin revving up for the Grand Prix. He has a very long prong and I really have to adjust my carburettors to receive it. Also he likes to fuck me in every position conceivable. In fact sometimes he fucks me so fucking good I wouldn't be surprised if I actually did conceive.

The one that really blows my mind, and my ass, is the mid-air fuck. He pulls me to and fro on his gear stick until I 'four-syllable' the roof down and 'aum' in torrents. I have nothing like the engine power he has but make up for it by driving him wild. I take my tongue on a tangy tour of his torso and feed off his nipples. I moisten his ass, chew on his nuts, fill my throat with his dream cream and keep him constantly afloat on what he calls a wave of eternal wow! And he never fails to razzle dazzle me with his four-element syllables and insatiable dick.

By the way, I must stop calling him 'he' and ask him what his name is.

Just joking. It's Eric actually. Sounds like the title of a film doesn't it?

'Eric Actually.'

Must get his father to produce it. Although on second thoughts maybe not. It might turn out to be a bit too hot.

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