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The Club by Claye Canterwall
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I remember the night I told Kenny I was gay.

"Kenny, I have something to tell you." We were playing cards....Old Maid...God help us, we loved to play Old Maid. We never told anyone.

"You told someone we play Old Maid."


"What could be worse than someone finding out we play Old Maid?"

"I'm gay."

"Yeah, right. What does Alyson think about that?'

"She doesn't know."

"Good. Now you have two secrets. Don't tell her either one. It might ruin her evening."



"I just told you I was gay."

"I've known you for ten years. How could you be gay?"

"Well, I've never done anything about it."

We played in silence for a couple of minutes...then...

"You're really gay, Donnie?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you."

"You're a faggot?"

"Hey, watch it!"

"Jees, I'm sorry. Touchy, too."

"Yes, I'm gay."

And he just put down his cards and walked out the door. He didn't say anything. He just laid his cards on the table and walked out the door. He didn't even look at me. I hadn't known what to expect from Kenny. He was a strange guy. You never knew what would happen when you were with him. We had been friends since we met each other in a bowling league ten years ago. Neither one of us could bowl. We kept being passed around from team to cases. It was inevitable that we should meet and become friends. Our friendship was was our departure from the bowling league. We just got up one night and left. They never saw us again. That's when we had started playing cards.

I hadn't expected this reaction from Kenny. I hadn't known what to expect exactly, but never this...never just walking out the door. It was strange. I wasn't devastated or anything. I wasn't even upset, really. I knew that once I started to come out of the closet, my life would change drastically and unpredictably, but, for some reason, I had thought that of all people, Kenny would stand by me. Oh, well, I wouldn't dwell on it. I started to clean up the small mess from the popcorn. There was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Ken was standing there. There was a strange look on his face. He came in and closed the door behind him.

"Now what?"

"Drop your pants."


"Just drop 'em."

"What the hell?"

"Do it...before I lose my nerve."

I did. I don't know why I did, but I unbuttoned my pants and let them fall to the floor.

"Now take out your dick."

"My dick?"

"Take it out."

I did that, too.

"Now, I'm gonna suck it."

"The hell you are...."

I stepped back, but he grabbed my underwear by the waist band. I stopped. He knelt down in front of me and took my dick into his mouth. I was so shocked, there was no way I would ever get hard...except that I was...getting hard. What the hell was happening? Kenny was on the floor in front of me and he was sucking my dick...and I was letting him! And it felt good.

"Don't tell me when you're gonna come...just come."

It was only a matter of minutes before I was groaning and shooting my hot load into Kenny's mouth.

"Stuff tastes like shit. Now...kneel down and open your mouth."

I did, ... no questions asked.

"Suck this."

I did. I took Kenny's big red dick, first in my hand, and then, into my mouth...without questioning what was going on. It was my first dick, but in no time at all, I was really into it and enjoying what I was doing. I had always wondered what it would feel like and taste like to suck a dick, and I liked it. What I really liked was playing with Kenny's big low-hanging balls while I sucked him. Pretty soon he started to move in and out slowly and then faster and faster. And then he grabbed my head and held me still, while he shot his big thick load down the back of my throat. I gagged a little, but I got it down okay.

"Now, that's over."

"What's over?"

"That. We don't have to worry about that any more. You sucked my dick and I sucked yours. It's done. It doesn't matter if you're gay or not. The only thing that worried me is over."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, when you said you were gay, I thought, 'Holy shit, now he's gonna want to suck my dick, and shit, and what if he wants me to suck his? What'll I do then?' So it's over now. I took care of it. We don't have to worry about it now. We've done it. It's over. Shit. Did you put the cards away? I was winning."

"Ken, we just sucked each other's dicks."

"Yes, Donald, I think we did. By the way, I could sure use a beer. That taste is still in my mouth and it pun intended. Did you like it, Donald? Did I do it well? It was good for me...was it good for you?"

"I don't know. No one has ever sucked my dick before."

"What, not even Alyson?"

"Well, yeah, once or twice, but she just keeps saying 'Ewww' the whole time she's doing it, and she barely puts her mouth on it at all. Nope, that was my first real suck. Alyson doesn't count."

"But you said you were gay."

"I am gay."

"How do you know you're gay if you've never had your dick sucked?"

"I don't think that's really how you find out you're gay, Kenny."

"Well, you sure as hell don't find out by shaking someone's hand. Have you ever sucked another guy's dick?"

"Nope. First time for that, too. I have been neither the suckee nor the sucker."

"You're pathetic. You're the most pathetic gay guy I've ever met."

"You've met other gay guys?"

"You think you're the only gay guy in the world?"

"Well, I thought I probably was the only gay guy in the world that you knew up close and personal."

"Well, think again, Pansy Ass. I know lots of gay guys. In fact, I'll introduce you to a couple of 'em if you want me to...and these guys have sucked dicks...lots of 'em."

"I take it then that I was not the first male to put his lips around your ample appendage?"

"You got that right, Percy."

"Are you gay?"


"Have you ever blown anyone before?"


"I don't get it, Kenny."

"Oh, I think you did. I think you got it just fine."

"No. I mean, why me? Why did you suck me?"

"I like you. I didn't like most of the others. I just did it because I knew I had to. I like you. I sucked you, so I wouldn't have to hate you. I wouldn't ever want to have to hate you. Don't ever expect me to do it again, though. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. It was a my mouth. That's all it was. The fact that it was your dick made it bearable. Now, I don't ever want to talk about it again. Get out the cards. I'm not done playin' yet."

And I did. We played for about an hour longer and then, he got up and went home. Nothing else was said about the dick blowing or the being gay. It was over. We were still friends. I guess we had performed some sort of ritual between a straight guy and a gay guy who weren't going to let a little difference in sexuality come between them. I, quite frankly, was thrown for a loop. I didn't know if I would ever quite get over the vision of Kenny down on his knees with my dick in his mouth or the one of me trying to get that giant thing of his in mine. Anyway, it had been my first blow job and it really wasn't all that bad...all things considered.

It was about two weeks later. It was "poker" night again. Ken asked if he could bring a friend?

"You want to bring a friend over here to play Old Maid?"

"Hey, he's okay with it. Besides, it'll be more fun with three of us. I might not win all the time."

"Okay, but I might be embarrassed."

"It'll be fun. I promise. He's a good guy."

"What's his name?"

"Hunter...Hunter Stevenson."

Hunter Stevenson. I had never known a Hunter before. It sounded sort of suave and way too young for Kenny and me. But, this was Kenny and I never questioned him. After the blow job incident, I probably never would. They arrived promptly at eight.

Hunter was unbelievable. He was about 6'2" with golden/reddish/blondish hair, big shoulders, big blue eyes, dimples...and he was about five years old. This kid was going to play Old Maid with us? Well, it was all right with me. At his age, he was probably still an expert. I'd just sit and look at him all night. Holy shit, what a looker.

He had to go to the bathroom.

"Where did you find this guy, Mary Moppets Escort Service?"

"No, asshole, he works with me. He's new. Quite a hunk, huh?"

"Quite a hunk? He's gorgeous! How old is he?"

"Twenty-four, twenty-five. He's got a degree from Harvard.

"Well, he sure doesn't look it. If he's got a degree from Harvard, what's he doing hanging around with you?"

"I told him I was gay and had a great big fuzzy dick."


"I told him I was gay and that I could introduce him to some nice gay men around town."

"You son-of-a-bitch. You don't know any nice gay men around town."

"I know you."

"I'm not gay."

"You sucked my dick."

"I mean, I'm not 'gay' gay. I don't do it or anything."

"You did it to me."

"You know what I mean."

"Shit Donnie, the kid was lonely and in a new town and gay. What was I gonna do with him, offer him to the wolves?"

"No, I guess not. He really wants to play Old Maid. He thought it was a kick. He said we'd have to teach him how."

"Well, he seems nice enough. I'll just have to keep my erection hidden under the table."

"That's my boy."

"His name is really Hunter?"

"No, it's Bambi, but I got him to change it just for you."


"Why thank you. Coming from a gay man, I consider that a term of endearment."

The evening was really quite enjoyable. Hunter turned out to have a great personality. He was funny and smart and a really good Old Maid player. He beat Kenny four times...something I had never been able to do.

"Well, it's getting late. I guess I'll be going home."

"I had a great time. It was nice meeting you, Hunter."

"Oh, Hunter isn't going home, are you, Hunter?"

"What do you mean?"

"Alyson's out of town, right?"

"Well, yes, but...."

"Hunter had the distinct impression that he would be staying the night."

"But, I...."

"Look, if you don't want me to...."

"No, it's not that I just...."

"Then, what is it, Donnie, cold feet?"

"No, but...well.... Oh, all right, but...."

"Donnie's a novice, Hunter. Be gentle."

And then he was gone. I don't know when I have ever been so embarrassed. There I was, standing in my kitchen with a kid half my age who I had just met and who had the distinct impression that he was going to spend the night with a sex-crazed older man. That didn't sound at all bad, except that I had no idea how to spend a sex crazed night with anyone. I had only ever given one blow job, for Pete's sake, and that was under duress.

"Look, Donnie, if you want me to go...."

"I don't know what I want you to do, Hunter, but I'm pretty sure wanting you to go is not it. You're absolutely the most beautiful man I've ever seen. My dick was so hard all night just looking at you, that I thought it was going to drop off. But I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I've been gay all my life, but in the closet, so not really. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I think I do."

"Then, explain it to me, because I don't. I'm afraid of you, Hunter. I'm afraid of being stupid in front of you. I want nothing more than to do with you what I think we're about to do. The only problem is, I've never done it."

And then, without saying a word, he walked around the table to where I was standing, took me in his arms and gave me the most amazing kiss I have ever had. I never thought that I could kiss another man. I could imagine myself doing almost anything else with one, but not kissing. I thought my lips would freeze up or something, or that my teeth would clench in some sort of death grip. But, nothing like that happened. I just sort of melted in his arms. Of course, it didn't hurt any that I was looking into those deep blue eyes. No kidding, I just melted. So, when his tongue started to...well, do its thing...who was I to fight it. I just let it, and let mine respond in turn. Did I say my dick had been hard before? Now it was this battering ram sort of thing. I didn't even recognize it anymore. The feeling was way different than anything I had ever felt before.

"If you don't stop kissing me right now, I am going to shoot the biggest load in my pants ever known to mankind."

He just laughed and backed away from me. First, he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor. His chest was beautiful and well-defined, and his nipples were so pale and inviting, I had to taste them. He let me. This would not be hurried. He knew it was my first time and he would let this love making evolve in its own way. I enjoyed my delicacy for what seemed to be forever, and would have gone on and on enjoying it forever, but Hunter, it seemed, was not satisfied with mere nipple sucking. He gently lifted my head and kissed me softly on the lips again, pushing me softly away as he did so.

Then he slowly took off his belt and unbuttoned his pants. I thought I was going to faint. I stayed on my feet by leaning against a chair, locking my eyes to his and not looking at or thinking about what was happening. I heard his pants, the belt buckle jingling, fall gently to the floor. I looked. His penis wasn't huge, but it was perfect. It was nestled perfectly into a set of soft pink balls that matched their owner in their beauty. If the nipples were perfection, then there was no way to describe what now hung before me. I knelt down, almost in a trance, and buried my face in his sweet dick and his beautiful soft balls. The scent was wonderful, the warmth unbelievable. When his penis started to harden, I nearly lost it completely.

"Do you want me, Donnie?"

"Oh, god, yes."

"Then take"

He smiled a smile that was at once sweet, innocent and invitingly devilish. My dick did a quick "hello" in my pants. I had had no experience, and yet, I knew exactly how I would do I had to do this.

I led Hunter to the guest bedroom and turned down the sheets. Alyson had decorated the room in a soft, pale blue, the perfect setting for sex with this beautiful blonde man with the even more beautiful deep blue eyes. I gently laid him down on the bed, kissed him softly, and then stood back to drink in his beauty. He looked up at me and smiled. He wanted me. I don't know why he wanted me, but he wanted me. I knew...he was telling me in every way. It would be the way it should be...a mutual, slow, controlled, but animal sexual hunger. God, I wanted this boy with every part of my body.

Hunter spread his legs slightly, allowing his dick and balls to settle gently between them, and then reached down, holding them up to me as an offering if some kind. I accepted his gift, happily burying my face there once again. Only this time I did more than just bury my face. My lips searched instinctively for, and then found the tip of his beautiful penis and drew it slowly inside my hungry mouth, my tongue tasting every wonderful inch, as I felt it magically grow there to its full length and girth. I was in heaven.

I enjoyed that wonderful dick in every way possible. I licked it; I played with it; I sucked it; I playfully bit it; I tried to deep-throat it; I tickled the tip of it with my tongue; but, most of all I tasted it. I loved the taste. I couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't get enough of him.

And then he began to return the favor. He worked his body over into the sixty-nine position and gently pulled my dick into his mouth. Sixty-nine was not going to happen. There was no way I could suck and be sucked at the same way. I could do one or the other, but not both. The decision was not a tough one. My lips slipped off the tip of that beautiful hard dick...too hard to groan with a mouth full of dick...and I just let him work his magic. Was I gay? Oh yes! Oh god, yes! Oh hell, yes! Could the kid suck a dick? mmm hmmm. Yep. Yep, he could. Oh, shit. Oh, god. Suck it, baby. Ohhhh, shit.

I made him stop. He had to stop. I jumped off the bed and stood up, cupping my throbbing balls in my hands. There was no way I was going to come that fast. It would not be over that fast. No. No. No. I walked around the room, allowing my dick to cool off...allowing the wonderful anguish in my balls to subside...willing my pending orgasm to pull stop...and it worked. Blue balls? You bet! Did I care? Hell no! I didn't come. It wasn't over. The wonderful, beautiful, unbelievable bundle of sex in my bed had sucked my dick and I had not come. There would be more!

When I had regained my composure and looked back at the bed, the blue eyes were fixed on me and a smile was on the beautiful lips. He puckered up those amazing objects of my desire and blew me a kiss...and then, he slowly turned over. How do I describe this ass? How do I describe perfection? They were like porcelain...matching globes of porcelain...only not cold and brittle, but soft, and inviting with a thin brushing of soft hair. I had to have them. I had to touch them. I had to kiss them. He turned his head and smiled at me. That was it. That's all. I knelt down hurriedly beside the bed, beside his body, and began kissing that unbelievable ass. Did I say his dick tasted good? If his dick was dinner, his ass was sweet, sweet dissert. Kissing it was so natural and such a turn on. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed it more and more and harder and harder, hearing my self moan and groan while I did so.

And then I pulled those orbs apart. Let me repeat that...and then I pulled those orbs apart. The beauty of what I found there finished me. There was nothing now that could contain me...nothing. I had to fuck him, and I had to fuck him now.

"Oh, god, Hunter...Oh, my god."

Hunter laughed softly, and handed me the lube, kissing my hand as he did so. This would not be smooth and practiced. It was my first time. But it would be sincere, and it would be loving...and it would be short. Oh, god, would it be short. If I could just hold off until I got my dick completely inside him...if I just could. I poured some lube on that beautiful rose bud and gently rubbed it in. A bolt of lightning shot straight through my balls, I stopped. I waited. No orgasm now...not now. It seemed natural to insert a finger, and so I did. It was so tight at first, and then so warm, so wet, so....

"Just do it, Donnie. Just fuck me. I'm ready. Just jam that baby inside. I want you there...I really do. Do it fast...all at once. I want you to come inside me...not on the way in...not all over my ass."

And so I positioned myself above him, pulled him up just slightly and plunged my dick inside.

"Oh, god, Hunter. So good. So wonderful. So hot. So.... Ooooohhhhhhh godddddddddddddddd...............

And I came. Over and over and over again I shot. My balls felt like they would fall off. The feeling was like nothing I had ever felt before...the wonderful, warm enfolding of Hunter's sweet ass...the beauty of the boy himself...the unbelievable depth from which my orgasm came. I lay there on top of him, breathing hard and feeling the orgasm spread through my entire body. Neither of us moved. He seemed to know exactly what I was feeling and that any movement on his part would have been too excruciating for me to endure. We lay motionless until my hardness was gone and I was no longer inside him.

"Hunter, do you want to....?"

"No. Maybe some time, but not tonight. You're not ready. It would tear you apart. No, that's enough fucking for tonight."

"Was it...."

"Good for me? (He laughed softly again.) Yes, yes it was. Giving someone as much pleasure as you were having is always good for me. Your orgasm inside me was wonderful."

He was still hard.

"You haven't...."

"No, but I'd like to. Would you help?"

"You know I will."

"I'm going to lay down on the bed again and raise my knees. You can get to my ass again that way. I want you to lube my ass stick your finger in as far as it will go. Massage my prostate. I also want you to suck on my balls at the same time."

"Like this?"

"Exactly like that. Yes, right there. That's right. Right there. Oh, yes, Now, your finger, yes, right there, massage me right there. Don't worry about hurting my balls. Suck them a little harder. That's it. That's it. Just like that."

I was sucking his finger inside him massaging his prostate while he masturbated himself. It was incredibly sexy and I felt his sphincter tighten around my finger as he approached his orgasm. He began to writhe slowly and moan.

"Yes, yes, yes, don't move. Yes, right there. I'm gonna come. Yes. Oh, yes."

And then, his body stiffened and he shot his load all over his chest. The boy could shoot a load of sperm, yessiree. From down where I was, it looked like a very sexy Fourth of July giant explosion after another. When he had finished, his body relaxed completely and I pulled my finger out of his ass, and released that final ball from my mouth. It was hard to give up that final ball, but I knew it would all have to be over sometime.

"That was very nice, Donnie...very nice."

"I'm glad I could help."

"Oh, you did more than help. You have a natural talent...a real gift.

He laughed, pulled me to him, and kissed my once again...hard on the lips.

I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up, bringing a warm washcloth out to the bed to do the same for Hunter. Then I climbed in beside him, and he fell asleep in my arms. When I awoke, he was gone, but there was a note on the dresser.

"You're a beautiful man, Donnie. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. Hunter"

If I had anything to do with it, it would be very, very soon. The phone rang.


"Donnie, baby."

"Hello, Kenny."

"Did you..."

"Yes, we had sex, Kenny."

"All right!!!! My buddy's first time. Did you like it?"

"I liked it."


"Oh, yes, Kenny. Oh hell, yes."

"You guys gonna do it again?"

"If it's up to me we are."

"I watch?"

"Hell, no."

"Ungrateful asshole."

"Oh, never ungrateful, Kenny...just a gentleman. I'll always be grateful, but you never get to watch."

"Bummer. Well, I just talked to Trey, and he had a good time, too. Can't wait to see you again. Says you're hot."


"Ooops. Uh, Hunter."


"Okay, okay, his name isn't Hunter. It's Trey."

"Go on. I'm waiting."

"And he doesn't work with me, he's my nephew."

"He's your what?!"

"My brother's kid."

"And you brought him over here for me to fuck?"

"No, I'm a good uncle. A good uncle would never do that. I brought him over there to play Old Maid. He's're just happened, that's all. He said he's always wanted to see what sex was like with an older guy. You're an older guy and...."

"But, your nephew?"

"You didn't like him?"

"I liked him. What's not to like?! But, your nephew?"

"Then he's in?"


"The Old Maid Club...he's in?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. He's a great kid. Holy shit...Hunter's your nephew...."

"No, it's Trey...Trey's my nephew. Good. Hey, Donnie, I got another nephew. He's a little older, but, you want me to find out if...."

I slammed down the phone....thought about it....then dialed again quickly."

"Yeah, asshole?"

"About that older nephew...."

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