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The Assistant by Hrtofgld
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I manage the four open labs on the Northwestern University's campus. Since I cannot be in all four labs at once, I supervise a group of forty students who work for me as lab assistants. I guess that I'm a pretty easy boss as I am always swamped with applications. I have to admit that when it comes down to everyone having the technical and tutoring skills I'm looking for, I will hire the best looking students first. While this might not be exactly EEOC, I have seen my lab statistics jump (mostly from young females who use the labs primarily to see the humpy young male lab assistants) to three times the usage numbers. It doesn't pain MY sight, either!

This particular semester, I was interviewing in the gymnasium, since I had over one hundred applicants. Eighty five percent of the group were male, and nearly all of them were attractive, some drop-dead gorgeous. I smiled, sat down at the table before them, and invited them to come up one by one to talk with me.

Now, this was summer, and no one was wearing any more than they could get away with. This meant that the women were dressed in short shorts, cute little sandals and tank-tops, while the men were dressed in tank tops, shorts and sneakers. Everyone had a gorgeous tan, and all looked remarkably healthy.

The students filed before me, each female being smiled at and then discarded (I had my quota of females already) and each male being interrogated for knowledge as well as a visual examination of their muscles and crotch. While all of the young men would have been acceptable, I was able to whittle the pool down to ten men and dismissed the rest of the pool. I invited the men to the lab lounge near my office for the final selection round tomorrow after 3:00pm. This was my standard time for selections, as it coincided with the men's phys. ed. program, that is, most of the young men at the university took phys. ed. courses that all seemed to end at 3:00pm, and this ensured me that most of them would arrive directly from the showers.

The next day I sat in the lounge, at 3:00pm, watching the young men file in and take their seats. The final selection process entailed a half-hour to forty-five minute conversation as we sipped sodas or iced-tea, then I would take each one into the lab next door and observe them assist students for an equal amount of time. After I had evaluated their field experience, I would take each one to my office and give them the results of their evaluation, either hiring them or letting them go.

As I expected, three young men arrived in the standard gym attire: t-shirt slightly stuck to a damp chest, sweat-shorts that outlined the curves of their muscled butts as well as how heavy their equipment hung before them, and sneakers without socks. The rest of the men were dressed in tanks, shorts and sneakers. I had already arranged the seats in the lounge so that my seat was up front, and the rest of the men were in a half-circle in front of me. This not only allowed me to watch their faces (and allow them to see each other) as we talked, but also gave me excellent crotch views of every man.

One young man, Steve, was truly exceptional. His t-shirt was cropped so that his muscular abs could be seen, a tight line of body hair running down the crevasse to his belly button and disappearing down behind the waistband of his gym shorts. In fact, it was cropped so high that quite a few movements he made revealed his killer pecs and muscular back. He would put his hands behind his head to think about questions that I was asking the men, and his t-shirt would rise up to reveal the reddish-brown, half-dollar sized areoles and perky quarter-inch nipples that always seemed to be hard and standing away from his chest. The gym shorts he wore were gray and covered his lower body tightly from an inch below his belly button to just before his knees. As he had entered the room, I noted with pleasure the tight, bubble butt that might as well have been nude for all the coverage the shorts gave, as the stretchy gym shorts covered his body like a second skin. The crotch view was superb, a really nice bulge that bespoke a heavy set of balls and at least seven inches of cock. He was muscled all over, calves, thighs, you name it, it was muscled.

I had pretty much made up my mind who was going to be hired based upon looks, and of course Steve was one of the finalists from the ten. Two other boys, Richard and Peter, had already passed the lab exam, and had both the knowledge and the killer bodies to be hired. Steve had not yet taken his exam, but I felt that I would have hired him anyway, for the knowledge could always be trained, but the body and looks were genetic. Steve, when all the men drew lots to see who would go first, etc., he had drawn the last spot, so we were alone in the lounge and walked into the lab.

Being closed, we were the only two people in the entire building, all other faculty and staff not working on weekends. At 3:00pm, the campus would turn into a ghost town, all the students leaving campus to get food and entertainment before returning in the evening to study. I showed Steve the computer equipment and then handed him the printed sheet of instructions I had given to all the other men.

"Please follow these instructions carefully. I'll watch from here and see how well you do. You may ask me questions at certain stages, if I don't answer, that means that the answer would give away the test question. I will stop you if you are about to damage or break the equipment, but I don't think you will have any problems. When you have completed the assignments, please return the sheet to me and we'll go to my office to discuss the results."

Steve nodded, took the sheet and started. In all the years I'd been giving this same test to all the men in my employ, I don't believe I've ever seen such a work of art that was Steve's body. As he moved, muscles I didn't know existed on the human body flexed and worked as he bent, twisted and squatted to do the work outlined in the sheet. While all of the assignments were valid in that they could happen in the lab, I had specially designed them so that each young muscular man would have to really work his body to get at some of the items that I wanted repaired, thus giving me an excellent opportunity to see their muscles in action. Steve's muscles far exceeded my wildest fantasies, and when he was finished, my cock was so hard and excited, I was concerned that I would blow my load right there!

"I'm done, Mr. Danvers," Steve said as he handed the instruction sheet back to me, "how did I do?"

I swallowed, and told him to meet me in my office in a few minutes. I gave him directions to get there, and told him I needed to close up the lab before I got there. He nodded and walked out, my cock almost bursting at the sight of his tight buns flexing with his movement out the lab doors. I turned off the lights and the computers we'd used, closed and locked the doors, and went up the stairs to my office.

Being pretty lucky, I guess, I had snagged an office with a large window overlooking the quad in front of the computer building, as well as a big window on the other wall that allowed me to see into the main lab. The first window showed me the humpy young men that played soccer, football, what have you in the traditional "shirts and skins" method of defining teams. I could sit for hours (and indeed had, at times) watching the handsome, buff young studs working out in the quad yard. The window into the lab was more for security purposes, and was special one way glass that allowed me to view them only. When I arrived at my office, I noted that my door was ajar, and some very interesting sounds were coming from within.

"Unnnnggghh, ohhhhh!" Peeping through the crack in the door, I saw Steven standing before the full-length mirror, his hands deep into the front and back of his shorts! The little fucker was playing with himself in my office! I watched as he juggled the "family jewels" in their pouch within his shorts, his hand fondling the heavy balls within the fabric. His other hand was stroking across an area between his asscheeks that I would have bet was his tight asshole. He let go of his balls briefly to let his hand snake up under the t-shirt to rub his pecs and abs, pinching on his nipples and moaning as he squeezed tighter and tighter. His head was thrown back and his eyes closed, so I knew that he wouldn't notice me when I entered the room. Quietly, I walked up behind him and slipped my hand down to grasp his hard on while I held him in place with my other arm.

"I see we're going to have quite a bit of fun, Steve," I said as I squeezed what felt like nine inches of young man meat in the tight pouch. "You might have told me that you'd do anything to get this job, even jack off for me in my office."

"Uh, that's not quite what...unggnn!" I had moved my hand down to his balls and squeezed, as well as put my fingers onto his highly sensitive left nipple. As I squeezed the meaty nipple, rolling it between my finger tips and adjusting pressure based upon his responses, he moaned and bucked his hips, pressing against my crotch with his hard ass and into my hand inside his shorts. His hand, which had been playing with his asshole, now had turned to cup my crotch as he pressed against me. "Like that, do you?" I said, squeezing the nipple hard and being rewarded with quick thrusts in my hand as well as his questing palm over my own hard equipment. "I bet you're almost ready to cum, aren't you?" He moaned louder, his head nodding, and I said, "Wonder what would happen if I worked the other nipple?" I clutched his shaft tightly, his foreskin giving enough looseness for jacking, and in a lightning move, grabbed and twisted his right nipple.

"OH, GOD!!!" I felt the surge of his cum as it shot into the gym shorts, soaking my hand, his crotch area, and the entire front of his shorts. His loose hand had already unzipped my trousers and freed my cock, and my load shot over the back of his shorts, coating them as well. When both our orgasms ended, I removed my hands and stepped back, wiping my cock off onto his meaty butt and then repositioned my cock into my trousers. As I zipped up, I tossed a box of tissues at him and said, "You might want to clean up a bit."

Steven stood there, his heavy panting from the orgasm delightfully causing his muscled chest to heave and his abs to flex, his gym shorts so soaked with body fluids on both sides that he would have some trouble explaining how they got that way. "Mr. Danvers, would you have any water here?"

I did, and handed him a couple of bottles. He tipped one back, drinking it almost all the way empty before stopping, then carefully capped it and drank down the second one to about the same level. He applied the tissues to his front, getting any creamy looking liquid off, and then handed the tissues back to me.

"Mr. Danvers, could you clean off my butt please? I can't reach it that good." I nodded and wiped off my cum from his full butt, and then waited to see what he'd do next. Uncapping the first bottle, he carefully poured the water over his crotch and a little at neck and armpits to simulate sweat, the dark stain of the cum melting into the new stain from the water. He handed me the second bottle and directed me to do the same at the waistband of the crotch and let the water flow over any left over stains. When I'd completed that, Steven looked like his entire body was sweaty from heavy exercise (which it almost had been) and not from just shooting off a few minutes ago.

"Thank you, Mr. Danvers. I take it I got the job?"

I laughed and slapped his damp butt, the sound echoing in the quiet office and empty building. "Yes, you did, Steven, even without the sex you'd have been selected."

He smiled and, taking my hand from his butt placed it firmly on his cock. "I don't mind the sex at all, Mr. Danvers. You're a sexy guy and I'd been trying to figure out how to get it from you." He laughed at my dumbfounded look and said, "I'll see you tomorrow after 3:00pm ok? Sure hope your office is still open, I might need to relieve myself again..."

He walked out and I recovered enough to clear away the mess we made, making a note to myself that I should keep cum towels, lubricant and perhaps some rubbers in the office just in case...

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