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Talking Dirty by Barringer
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I don't know about you, but I find the so-called 'dialogue' in those adult movies a real turn off. It sounds corny rather than horny to me and I usually turn down the sound and concentrate on the images. By the way, I'm not just talking about gay movies. I haven't seen many of those actually although I've been very tempted sometimes. You see, until I met Adrian I'd been tightly ensconced in the proverbial closet and married to Barbara. Besides that I'm from Boston and you'd probably find me a bit uptight and prudish. Adrian cured me of all that. And he did so by talking dirty to me.

I met him at an office party. I was feeling lonely and depressed that night so gladly accepted his invitation for a nightcap. Of course not being born yesterday I knew that meant 'for a fuck' but I was feeling horny and curious as well as lonely and depressed and wanted some experience with a discreet stranger and he looked so nice. Someone you could take home to mother. Not that I'd ever have dreamt of taking him home to mother. She'd have had a fit. But he had that 'innocent look' that always gets my dick up a few notches. It also gives me a false sense of security, as I am lulled into thinking I won't have to go all the way. Although I want to go all the way. I really do. It's just that I'm so shit scared I'm going to like it too much. Nobody at the party noticed we were turning into an item so I didn't think word would get back to Barbara who anyway was at her best girl friend's wedding being a matron-of-honour. I couldn't stand her girl friend so I'd refused to go.

All went well until we arrived at Adrian's place and he stripped for action. I was shy and didn't want to take off my clothes immediately. Especially in somebody else's house. I noticed he had a weird tattoo on his stomach. He explained it away by telling me he'd had the hots for this guy in Prague and thought their love was for keeps so he'd engraved his name there for eternity. I suppose he was telling me the truth but when out of curiosity I looked the word up on the web it turned out to be the name of a Protein Engineering Laboratory which did research on molecular interactions. That figures I guess, as a lot of molecular interactivity went on between us before the night was out.

Anyway it didn't bother me too much at first. I found Adrian's smooth twinky body very appealing and nourished my man-starved tongue at his nipples but when I moved my mouth further down for more substantial meat I found the name of his past love staring me in the face. I told him I found it rather off putting. To my surprise he said we could either turn out the light or play blind man's buff. In fact we could take it in turns to play slave and master, if I liked, and have 'sex attache.' I knew enough French to know what that meant and found the whole idea very exciting or risque, if you want to stay in the vernacular, so I let him blindfold me and tie me to the bed. As I told you before I didn't have much experience in these matters and had only seen comedy films with something like this happening to the man. Nothing really hard-core.

I wasn't completely naked yet so I enjoyed the sensation of him unbuttoning my shirt in the dark and pulling my pants down over my hardening dick. That and the wonderful things his mouth and hands were doing to me. I really trusted him. Then he started in on the dirty talk.

"I'll do whatever you want," he said. "All you have to do is tell me."

"Ok," I replied. "You lead the way. I can't see a hand or dick in front of me."

"Just tell me where you want my hands or my dick," he said in a husky, bedroom voice.

"Ok," I said again, like a lamb to the slaughter.

"Do you want my dick in your mouth?"

"You know I do," I answered feeling a bit foolish. "Do I have to tell you?"

"Tell me if you want my dick in your mouth," he insisted.

The sound of his voice whispering in my ear and the effect of his wandering hands on my body had me feeling as horny as hell. I could feel the heat of his dick and smell the pre-cum at its tip but just couldn't bring myself to pronounce the words. Then the heady ambrosia and the hunger for him was too much even for my Puritan soul. I cried, "Stick it in my mouth. I want your dick in my mouth!!"

"That's better baby," he purred. "Now lick it good. Make it nice and wet!"

I complied and discovered what an unknown thrill it was to be first experiencing somebody's dick in the dark. It tasted just as good as it smelt and made me feel like the dog who'd got the bone.

"Work on it babe, work on that dick." he continued. "Go down on it, that's right. Suck me good."

I couldn't reply this time, as my dick was hard at work obeying his every command. The dog's bone had become a mega-boner. I forgot all about tattoos and taboos and the banalities of sex talk. Not to mention my inexperience and inadequacies. I just let my saliva and his pre-cum swim in my mouth.

"Bet you haven't dribbled like that since you were a baby," he said as I slurped away.

I had to admit to myself I hadn't. But he wanted me to admit it to him and withdrew his dick until I did so. "Admit it, admit it." he said. I hesitated but not for long. The desire was too strong.

"I admit! I admit it!" I screamed at last and gurgled happily as he put it back in my mouth.

I sucked away like a baby just given its comforter. And I tell you man that dick was some comfort. He pulled at my hair and called me Goldilocks then confused matters by calling me a dirty pig and asking me if Baby Bear wanted more porridge. All my Mother Goose Tales began to merge into one. I couldn't speak so I growled in agreement as he pushed his dick further down my throat.

"Growl some more baby. Growl all you like. I'm going to give you your oats."

I tried to recall the sweet innocent face that I'd seen and liked at the party but somehow the image didn't go with the degrading words he subjected me to as he turned my mouth, and later my ass, into a doormat for his dick.

"Lift your legs baby, before I spill all my cum in your mouth," he said.

I did exactly as he said and waited for the full force of that fantastic dick.

"Easy does it baby. I'm going to tongue-fuck you first. Get you all lubed up."

And he did just that but not before asking me if Baby wanted Daddy to feather fuck him.

"Ever had a tongue up your ass baby?" he said just to make my embarrassment more complete.

"No," I lied although Barbara had tried once. "Or a dick like yours either." I added.

"I'm going to get you just as wet as you got me, baby. Prepare the soil for my blushing rose."

There was nothing blushing about his rose and it felt more like a thicket of thorns as he entered me.

"Relax your ass baby. It'll only hurt if you resist. Come on baby, let me into your wet pussy."

Then, as he began to push more of his huge barge into my narrow love canal his talk got dirtier and dirtier and I found I was enjoying both the talk and the feeling. Especially the feeling. I opened my sluice gates right up and let him full steam ahead. "Full cream ahead" I should have said because he filled my butt to the brim with his thick jizz. It streamed out of me and between his thighs and he spread some of it over my dick as he jerked me off.

That's when I learned what being fucked by a man was all about. It sure as hell beat making love to Barbara but I suppose that was not entirely her fault as part of me had always been passive and I was so tired of being on top. This was a whole new road show for me. In fact I never wanted to hit the road again. I wanted to stay here with Adrian. Tattoo his name on my stomach. After all I could always add an 'a' if I ever went back to being hetero again. Which I knew was now very unlikely.

Afterwards we had a shower and some steak and red wine. My ass and my mouth felt like a mixture of raw steak and red wine too but I had no complaints. After all I had achieved what I'd set out to do. With a little help from my friend, of course.

Another time he wanted to reverse the master and slave roles and eventually I succumbed and did what he asked of me but without a lot of the dirty talk. I need a little more practice at that.

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