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Surfer Dudes by Hrtofgld
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It was with some regret that I left my previous apartment complex as it was going condo and, although I had been very satisfied with my place for the last eight years, I couldn't afford to buy it. I had many good memories (and a lot of good fucks) inside my apartment, but most of the guys that I'd enjoyed watching and screwing had long since gone. Frankie was the last one left, and as we had what he called our "Final Farewell Fuck" as he too was moving but out of state, we screwed each other hard so that we'd have fond memories of the place.

I took a quick shower afterwards and, getting dressed to return to my apartment in time for the movers, I gave Frankie's cock a quick nibble and kiss goodbye as he lay naked upon his very rumpled and stained bedding. Of course it twitched from a semi soft state to nearly rock hard, but I didn't have the time to give it the attention it deserved and sadly, let it slap back against Frankie's taut belly and let myself out of his apartment to get mine finished for the movers.

About an hour or so later, the movers had done their magic and all of my things were aboard the truck and away down the road to the new apartment. I made one last look, checked all the areas to make sure nothing was left behind, and then closed up the place and dropped off the keys at the managers' office, signing myself out and getting a receipt for my keys. I'd get my deposit back in about two weeks, so I was done with that place and got back into my car to head to my new one.

The movers arrived a bit after I did, and soon the furniture, boxes and other junk I'd packed and brought with me was in place. I paid the movers and then just stood looking outward from the bedroom balcony. I'd picked this place over many others just because of this view and the privacy it allowed me. The apartment was split level and also a corner unit, with a wide grassy area to the left and an open lot that had a great view to the ocean. The kitchen, living room, dining room, guest bedroom and bath were downstairs while the master bedroom and bath as well as storage area were upstairs. The little patio and yard outside the kitchen was covered by the balcony from the master suite upstairs, and from here I could look at the ocean with nobody to see me as the rest of the complex buildings turned blind walls towards me. I looked down at the open lot and saw that a group of young guys, older than high school kids but not yet out of college, were standing beside one of those retro PT Cruiser cars, all of them shirtless and showing off some tight and smoothly muscled bodies. They were excitedly chatting about something, but I was just too far away to hear clearly, something about the waves and all. I was about to turn back inside when one of the guys reached into the back of the car and got out a wet suit, then to my shock and delight, dropped his baggy shorts! He was naked under his shorts and had an impressive set to let roll loose as well as a good sized cock which he unconsciously gave a couple of light tugs to before pushing his legs into the bottom of the wetsuit and giving me another thrill as he wriggled it over his hard thighs and full ass. I was so intent on this spectacle that I didn't realize that the other guys were stripping down too, their bodies as magnificent as the first guy's as he now pushed his arms into the upper part of the wet suit and smoothed it over his body before pulling up the zipper in the back. Soon all the young men were suited up and, after chucking their clothing into the back of the car (where I saw portions of what looked like surf and boogie boards), they drove off towards the water.

I spent the rest of the day putting away stuff and organizing, even though I had taken the week off so that I could get it all done without stress. I hit the store and bought enough supply to feed an army as well as stocked up on beer and a couple bottles of hard liquor with assorted mixers. Ready now for anything, I got myself some food and sat outside on the kitchen deck watching outward towards the ocean and sipped a beer, feeling good about it all when the cruiser car came back and parked right where it had been earlier.

The guys got out and stood at the rear of the car, the back open and started peeling off their wetsuits. I guess getting them off was harder than on, for often a young man would assist another as more tanned boy flesh was revealed to me. The light was still good to see what was going on, although I knew my place was in shadow and it would be hard to see me unless I did something to draw their attention. Soon each young man had his suit unzipped down to the pubes and the top half hung down over his ass and then the fun really began.

The guy I'd been so interested in at the beginning of the day now took the lead again and this time peeled the clinging fabric of his wet suit down his hairy legs and tossed it into the car. He stood naked for a few minutes, even brushing off something from his crotch and hard muscled ass before grabbing a beach towel and wrapping it around his waist. The other three soon followed suit and, after a nice voyeur's shot of boy meat, butt and furry legs, the boys were wrapped in towels and then sat about the vehicle chatting about their day. Well, I did have all that beer and they looked like they could be 21...

"Hey, guys!" I said, standing up and walking the short distance across to where they sat. "I just moved in today and am new to the area. What's good for dinner around here?"

The boys were at first startled, then the leader shook out his blond mop of hair and, scratching his treasure trail at his belly button said, "There's a great pizza place down the road, they do giant pizzas with the works for a good price."

He gave me the phone number and I pulled out my cell phone, placing an order for two giant everything pizzas to be delivered to my place. When I'd hung up, I smiled at the guys and said, "So, I got drinks too, beer if you guys are old enough."

Without a word wallets flipped open to show me that the leader was about 23 and the rest of them just barely 21. "Mister, we'll take you up on that beer," said the leader with a grin. I grinned back and after closing up the back of their vehicle they followed me across the lot to my back yard through my kitchen to my living room area.

As the boys arranged themselves on my leather furniture, I got them all beers and then, popping a fresh one for me, introduced myself. "Mike Danvers here, call me Mike." They grinned and raised their cans of beer in welcome, and then the leader did the rest of the introductions.

"I'm Sandy, this guy's name is Paul, this guy's Sammy and my bro over here is Randy."

"Bro? Like real brothers?"

He nodded and Randy grinned a little sheepishly. I studied both young men, noticing that Randy stuck pretty close to his older bro and some of the looks he gave his brother's body spoke of a deeper love than a brotherly one. All the boys had that tightly muscled surfer dude body, shoulders just wide enough, chests developed enough and tightly ripped abs at narrow waists that all pointed to active athletic minded boys. Their butts, thighs and calves were at their best muscled, full yet springy from riding the boards on the waves until they'd thickened from the activity. Paul and Sammy were both dark haired, Paul's hair cut almost militarily short while Sammy's was long and pulled back usually in a pony tail. Other than their arm pits, crotch and lower legs, they were hairless from the neck down. Sandy and Randy, both blonds, were by far the hairiest, with Sandy edging out Randy by a bit more thickness on his treasure trail and what I could see now of his calves and ankles. Randy's blond was a darker one, while Sandy was pure platinum, the effect of the light hair on his darkly tanned legs very interesting to me indeed. We chatted through that can and one more before the pizzas arrived and they fell like staving wolves upon the food as I kept studying them.

The pizzas, two large 20" ones, heavy with ingredients, were gone in less than 30 minutes, the boys' bellies just every so slightly pushed out from the food in their stomachs. I got us another round of beers and noticed the boys looking around the room. Up to this point, I had had good company with some good looking studly young men and, even though they didn't know it, had seen them naked so I was quite content. I'd jack off when they took off, which I assumed would be pretty soon, considering they'd gotten free beers and pizza out of me and didn't have to do a damn thing but sit around and talk. When they got a good eyeful of the art 'de objects upon my walls, I figured they'd head out the door, for all the art I possessed celebrated the naked male body.

Indeed, they were already starting to whisper amongst themselves as they stared at the muscled naked torsos, full body and full rear shots that adorned my walls. One of my favorite photo portraits was a retrospective of a young man named Brad that looked a lot like Sandy and how over five years under the camera he'd matured and blossomed into a very finely built and handsome young man. Randy couldn't tear his eyes off a particularly revealing shot of the guy in the photo doing one of the "happy baby" poses with his legs pulled back at the knees with his hands and his cock, balls and asshole fully on display, just a hint of dampness around the guy's asshole giving the illusion of being lubed and ready to go. I knew better, having been the photographer and having taken those photos of Brad as he turned from a surfer dude like Sandy and became one of the top models on the West Coast, that the photo had been taken just before I had fucked him and that drop of lubricant was such a photo op I had to grab my camera.

Sandy just shrugged at a comment that Paul had made and turned to me with a little grin on his face. "So Mike, are you queer or something?"

Judging that they'd had enough beer to be relaxed enough to just leave if they were offended, I nodded. "That's right, Sandy. I like looking at young guys' bodies such as those you four own and, as you can see, I also like to photograph them." I pointed around the room to my precious collection and continued, "All of the photos on the wall are of men that have been my lovers at one time or another. I'm an amateur photographer and only take these photos for my own pleasure. My lovers know that and they allow me to do so." I pointed last at Brad's photos. "Sandy, you are about the age that Brad was when he entered my life along time ago and as you can see, you share a lot of the body traits that he did. It is very possible that you will turn out even better looking and built like him when you mature a bit more." As Sandy's expression grew thoughtful I stopped and waited to see what would happen next. What did I think surprised the others more than me, although I have to admit, I'm a fair judge of boys.

Sandy just shrugged again and then stood up, scratching at that same place as earlier at his treasure trail. I could see crusted salt water amid the curly hairs and he noticed my look. "Mike, mind if I take a quick shower? These salt crystals in my crotch from the waves today are beginning to bug me." I smiled at him and pointed the way to the bathroom down the hall and, finally returning to the grins he gave me earlier, he smiled at me as he dropped his towel and stood naked before me. "That towel is also too salty to be of use, do you have a fresh one?" I nodded and he followed me to the bathroom where I handed him a towel and washcloth, all the time enjoying watching his body moved before me. He seemed to not care or maybe he enjoyed the attention, but soon he closed the bathroom door and then I heard the shower start up.

When I returned to the others, they were just standing there stunned by what had just happened. Randy especially stood poleaxed as he stared at the towel on the floor that had covered his older bro's body. This was far different than the quick change out by the car, and the boys were a bit confused. From the bulges that were showing at their crotches, however, they were not upset by it at all. "You guys might also want to shower as well," I suggested, pointing to Randy's salty belly hair trail. "Just go ahead and hop in when Sandy gets done so we can save a bit of water." I went to the linen closet and pulled out more towels and washcloths. "Oh yeah, I'll wash your beach towels if you like while you shower."

With big understanding grins Paul and Sammy pulled off their beach towels and handed them to me, Randy recovering in a few seconds later and handing me his before grabbing his fresh towel and washcloth and almost running to the bathroom. Paul and Sammy exchanged knowing grins and then as we settled to wait for the brothers to finish cleaning up, they told me a little story.

"We'd known about each other for the last year or so," Paul said, sipping a fresh beer as Sammy nodded agreement, "in face, it was Sandy that first organized our regular surfing activity just so he could see us all naked. Randy is so in love with his brother that I'm sure they've fooled around, but they've been careful to do no more than brotherly touching when we're around."

Sammy picked up the story, "So anyway, Paul and I have been fucking like bunnies anyway, thinking we're the only two gay guys around, and then these two gorgeous blonds show up and want to get naked with us. Sounds like a guy's dream, right? Well, it's been very frustrating as we don't get much farther with them than what you just saw here. In fact, I think Randy was shocked that his bro took you up on your offer."

"Oh?" I said, now a bit puzzled, "What offer is that? All I offered is to let him shower."

The two guys exchanged bigger grins, if that was possible. "Oh, yeah, you wouldn't know, huh?" said Paul as he unconsciously started stroking his thickening pole, Sammy following right with him, "Sandy only showers before he gets ready for sex, otherwise he prefers baths, always has and Randy knows this." It dawned on me then what they were saying.

"Wait a minute," I said, blushing a bit myself at the implications. "You mean when Sandy gets out of that shower I can get lucky?"

The two guys guffawed at the look on my face and suggested I start getting naked since soon Sandy would be out and ready for action. "Man, this could be good," drooled Sammy as he sat down and spat in his palm to get some lube for jacking, "I've only once seen Sandy's rod in action and even that was too quick." Making up my mind right there I went upstairs and, after quickly getting naked and freshening up, got out lube and rubbers to bring with me as well as extra clean up towels just for that purpose. I returned downstairs and the two remaining boys gratefully accepted some lube as they began jacking a bit more heavily. "Don't be too quick, man," whispered Paul as his eyes followed his fuck buddy's hand as it flashed over Sammy's steely rod, "you want to save some of that for me too." Sammy just grunted and slowed down, the two boys now maintaining their rods as they waited for the main event. In about ten minutes both brothers appeared, washed, dried and with Randy wearing a huge blush as well as a throbbing boner. I grinned at Sandy, who looked at my body and started throwing a boner of his own.

"Ah, I understand that I've been accepted?" I said as I moved towards Sandy and he replied by grasping my cock and fondling it. No words were spoken yet it was clear that he wanted to be the boy and me be the man, so I obliged him and let him sink to his knees and suck my cock with reverence. Surprising both of us was Randy, who slipped around me and began giving my ass a nice tongue bath. From the groans from the "penis" gallery I figured Paul and Sammy were already enjoying the show, so I relaxed and let the brothers work their magic on me.

After a blissful time of Randy's talented tongue at my asshole, he moved down between my ankles to where the real treasure for him was and slowly, lovingly began sucking his big bro's cock. A moan from Paul drew my eye to where the boys had been and watched as Sammy fingered Paul's rosebud as Paul lay on his back, legs pulled back to allow his fuck buddy to have full access to his rear end. Paul's eyes were rolling about in his head as Sammy's expert fingers worked Paul's butthole loose enough for something much bigger. That got me even hornier and I decided that first up would be Randy, considering how his pert little butt was already in the proper position!

Sandy just leaned back with a look of rapture on his face as his little bro sucked away on his rod, Randy every so often releasing the cock just long enough to suck in a testicle for a bit or to rub hard with his fingers over Sandy's perineum. I pulled back and got behind Randy, giving him an exchange butt licking that he seemed to like, for his butthole responded by becoming perfect for insertion within minutes. Not one to waste an invitation, I pulled on a rubber, lubed us both up and then pushed inside him.

I've fucked many a guy, well, been fucked by them too, but I must say that Randy's asshole was the one hole I'd found that seemed to instinctively knew how to make the fuck the best for both of us. When I entered him, it was loose enough to allow just enough friction to be pleasant for me, it seemed to adjust itself to my length and width without the few seconds to get used to the size of my cock, and it seemed to turn into a tight, warm tunnel as I pulled back out, capturing the head of my cock in an almost vice like grip for maximum pleasure. Randy knew what he was doing, so I figured big bro had been doing some training, indeed Randy instinctively adjusted his hips and back so that my thrusts homed right at his inner joy button. Truly one of the best fucks I'd ever been fortunate to give and one I wouldn't forget soon.

"Oh, man, Mike, you can sure fuck!" said Sandy as he watched me ram into his little bro. "I really want some of that!" By this time Paul and Sammy were watching me too, and with some secret message passing as they looked at each other, they came over and pulled Randy off of my cock as well as off his bro's cock. A bit dazed, Randy followed them to become the creamy blond filling in their dark haired sandwich, the boys taking turns at Randy's mouth and ass. This left Sandy now sitting by himself, a dripping rock hard cock between his splayed legs and me with a throbbing hard on that wanted release.

"Your turn now, Sandy," I said as I got a fresh rubber applied and lubed up. Sandy didn't reply, he just rolled onto his back and, in perfect 'happy baby' position, displayed his furry crack to me. I lubed him up as well, carefully making sure he was good and oiled before fucking, and then placed my cock head against his pucker and slowly pushed inside.

It was with delight I discovered that Sandy shared the same ass trick as Randy, and I was inside before I knew it, the same looseness going in and the same tightness on the way out, with Sandy adjusting his body to get maximum thrust against his prostate. That along with the sexiness of his body and smile as well as the delicious groans of pleasure from him were all Sandy needed to set me over the edge and I nearly blew the end of the rubber off with my strong orgasm. Right behind me Sandy began coating his furry belly and chest with boy spunk, his cock still trying to squirt more out over and over as it didn't want the sensation to end. I collapsed on top of my boy stud, dimly hearing the shouts and groans of ejaculation from the trio beside us...

...the orgy continued late into the evening, by two in the morning we'd finally drained the youthful stamina of the boys. All of us had the slight soreness associated with cumming too often too quickly and the slight achy stretchy feeling of a well fucked asshole. Each of us at one time or another had taken little cat naps between fucks and now we were spent, a tangle of bodies on my living room floor. I got up and stretched first, smiling at the well fucked and satisfied look on Sandy's face as he opened his eyes and grinned back up at me. The other three stirred as well, and I looked around the room, used rubbers and empty lube packets scattered everywhere. "Ok guys, I'm fucked out. Let's get cleaned up. My bathroom upstairs can handle this many guys if we're friendly." They laughed at that and followed me upstairs to the larger master bathroom where the shower area was indeed large enough for five guys as long as they didn't mind having to touch each other. The boys took to this like ducks to water, and soon amid the horseplay we got cleaned up, dried off and then decided to crash for the night. Paul and Sammy opted for the guest bedroom downstairs and the brothers stayed with me, so it was that when the lights went out I had two furry blond boys on either side of me as we drifted off to sleep.

Later that morning we got together downstairs and I made up some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. They had the same starving wolf approach to their breakfast and I kept cooking until they pushed back from the table and thanked me for the meal. By this time I'd laundered their beach towels, considering that's all they had on when they had entered my place and now, somewhat reluctantly they each donned a towel around their waists to head back to the car and then head out again to see if they could catch any waves.

"Guys, thank you for an enjoyable evening," I said as they helped me clean up the kitchen.

"Our pleasure, Mike!" said Sandy as he grinned at his little brother and friends. "I think I can safely say it was one of our most enjoyable evenings together too! We should do it again soon."

I thought about that and grinned again, then said, "Why not? You guys know where I am and I sure don't mind letting you shower and hang here in the evenings between waves." I smiled at the boys. "Who knows? Maybe you'll be comfortable enough with me to let me take your photos like the other young men in my life."

"Get your camera out, Mike," said Sandy as he gleefully pulled off his towel and yanked his bro's towel away as well. Paul and Sammy grinned and peeled theirs off and the boys stood together, four buffed surfer dudes wearing nothing more than a smile when I got back down stairs with my camera and took my photo. "There's a start, Mike," said Sandy over his shoulder as they put their towels back on and headed out the door. "We'll be back later tonight and we'll talk more about those photos, especially if we can have copies too!" I watched the boys get to their car and, pretending they didn't know I had my camera and was snapping photos like crazy, stripped down and pulled on their wetsuits just like the previous morning. They drove off, waiving at me as they passed and I smiled, thinking that although I had good memories of my old place, this one promised many more.

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