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Summer Heat by Will
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It was far too early in the day to be awakened by the lively chatter of some morning disk jockey playing loud rock and roll music. And what the hell was that metallic clanging sound?

I had rolled my nude body over onto my back when I remembered that my father had said something about hiring a crew of house painters to re-do the outside wooden trim on our 150 year old stone farmhouse. I gave my morning hard-on a couple of soft strokes as I glanced at the digital clock. It was 8:14 AM for God's sake,. a good three to four hours earlier than I had been getting out of bed since coming home from college last month for the summer break.

Dad and mom would both be off to the city for another day of high powered lawyering by now, so normally I'd have had the house to myself until 3:30 when I left for my job as a waiter at Dad's club. It paid squat, but the tips were outrageous. It's amazing how rich guys throw around money sometimes. And almost nightly I could count on hooking up with one of them for some late night fun. Dad would surely shit himself if he knew how many of his friends and colleagues preferred the company of slender young blond boys over persons of the female persuasion. It was no accident that all of us waiters were good looking college guys with a sizable bulge in our black tuxedo pants.

My attention shifted to my open second floor bedroom window as the aluminum ladder that was leaned up against it started to rattle. Before I could find the bed sheet to cover myself, one of the painters appeared on the other side of the window screen. He smiled at me. Or more accurately, he smiled at my seven inches of stiff cock. He was definitely interested.

"Hi" he said, nodding at me.

"Hi yourself."

"Hope I didn't wake you."

"Naw. I was up anyway." I slowly stroked my stiff dick and smiled back at him. My name is Chad Taylor, or C.T. for short. My friends at college insist it stands for Cock Teaser instead of my name. Who am I to argue? After all, if the shoe fits...

It was Tuesday morning and I hadn't gotten my rocks off since Saturday night. I had a bad case of the early morning hornies, and the thought of getting it on with a blue collar type instead of a business suit really fired me up. I sighted down between my spread legs and raised my head off the pillow to look at the painter over the head of my hard cock. I gave him my naughty little boy smile. "Well, at least part of me was up."

'Yeah. I can see that." he said softly. He stared up from between my feet at my throbbing cock, licking his lips.

The mood was abruptly broken by a voice shouting up from somewhere down below. "Rick! Take that storm window off and get to work! Who are you talking to?"

"Uh. Somebody was in this bedroom, and I sort of got him up. I was just apologizing to him."

"Well move to another window. You can't be waking up the family like that!"

I called out. "It's okay. Really. I don't mind." I kept smiling at Rick. He was in his mid to late twenties, with wavy brown hair, badly in need of a hair cut, bleached a shade lighter by spending a lot of time in the sun, and he was already slightly sweaty. His dark brown eyes were a perfect match to the hair. He had on a snowy white tee shirt, obviously new, and a red bandana which he had twisted up into a headband. He was deeply tanned and had about three days worth of beard stubble across his chin. The diamond stud in his left ear lobe sparkled when he turned his head. He was decent looking, in a rough sort of way. Yeah, I wouldn't mind spending an hour or two with this guy. I wouldn't mind that at all!

I stroked my cock again, real slow. Rick was trying hard to focus his attention on removing the storm window instead of on me, but it really was no contest. He half-heartedly poked at the window as I started to stroke myself in earnest.

My prick is seven inches of solid meat, with a flared head that tapers almost to a point, and is about as thick as the handle of a wooden baseball bat. And they simply don't get any stiffer than mine. It's like a tree limb growing out of my crotch. Every guy that's ever seen my stiff prick, and there have been a lot of them, has had some comment on it. One of my other nicknames at school is 'King Cock'.

I reached into the drawer of my night stand and get my tube of KY. I smeared some onto my stiff cock and worked my hand up and down the shaft. Jesus, it felt good! I fondled my balls, feeling them slide around between my greasy fingers in their loose sack. I was having a lot of fun putting on this little show for Rick, tugging at my balls, stroking my hard dick, and generally working myself up into a real lather. Between the dining customers and the other waiters, I'd been getting it so regular that I hadn't had to jack off since finals week. It felt real good to be doing myself. Real good.

I took a bit more lube and greased up my asshole before working my middle finger up inside myself as far as I could reach. I kept stroking myself with my other hand, oblivious to whether or not Rick was still watching me. I finally forced myself to stop simply because I didn't want to get off just yet.

I lay back against my pillows and started twisting and pinching my nipples. By this time I was grunting up a storm. I must have sounded like some sort of wild animal in heat. My cock throbbed, gyrating wildly on its own as I writhed around in sexual ecstasy.

I glanced at Rick. He was staring at me bug-eyed, tongue hanging out. I could only see him from his chest up, but he had to be rubbing himself through his white painter's pants. It excited me all the more knowing that he was getting off just from watching me.

I closed my eyes and imagined his head nestled between my thighs, his mouth wrapped around my dick giving me some excellent head. I could almost feel his stubble bristling against my tender inner thighs. I couldn't help myself. I reached down and grabbed my slippery cock, stroking for the finish line. I kept tweaking my nipple with my other hand.

It was a glorious orgasm. My first cum shot flew at least two feet into the air before splattering all over my shoulder and neck. The second and third spurts shot forth, coating my shaved chest and stomach in thick white strands of jizz. My cock still throbbed under my grasp, hot and angry, squirting it's liquid lava. I released it as the middle spasms of my orgasm ricocheted through my body. Single drops of cum shot forth in six inch arcs, plastering my lower torso with hot, sticky sperm.

Finally the last droplets of cum bubbled forth in a steady stream from the piss slit, running down the upper side of my cock and forming a puddle in my closely trimmed blond pubes. I moved my hand from my tit down to my balls and squeezed out the last drops of the load, laying there whimpering, almost too sensitive to touch myself.

My cock, still fat and heavy, was no longer able to stand up. It fell backwards under it's own weight, laying on my flat stomach, still seeping clear drops of my boy juice into my navel. I lay still, recovering, enjoying the warm glow that seemed to surround my body, feeling my cum liquefy and run down over my shoulder and chest. With my eyes closed, I scraped some of it onto my fingertip and touched it to my tongue. It's bitter taste always somehow surprises me. Other guys cum seems to taste sweet, but my own...

"Jesus Christ, Rick! Are you gonna stand up there all day playing with yourself, or are you gonna get some work done?"

"Right away, sir. Sorry, sir. I was daydreaming again. I'm really sorry sir." Rick glared at me angrily, envious of my orgasm and his lack of one. I flicked a quick smile at him and sat up. I grabbed the red bikini briefs that I had worn last night from off the floor aside of the bed and wiped myself down with them, saturating the skimpy fabric with the essence of my manhood. Ignoring Rick, I got up and, still naked, headed for the bathroom and a shower. I could feel his eyes running all over my back as I twitched my ass out through the door and into the hall.

Maybe later, Rick.


* * * * * *

After taking a long shower, I went back to my room. The ladder was still at the window, but Rick and the storm window were gone. I slipped on my beige Speedo support briefs that I had found in a thrift store. They were so early 70's retro! The briefs nearly matched my tan and I knew that I appeared to be nude when I wore them, even from a short distance. Their thin stretchy fabric made a perfect banana hammock for my goods. Every bump and hillock was clearly outlined for anyone that cared to look. I guess they were meant to be worn under shorts or an unlined swim suit perhaps, as sort of an athletic supporter, but hey! It's my house, and I'll wear whatever I want. Hell, if the painters weren't there, I'd have laid out by the pool nude, working on removing my tan lines. There's a reason why one of my nicknames at college is Cock Teaser.

When I got outside I made sure that Rick got a good look at me. I'm small, only 5'6" and about 125 pounds, with blond hair cut so short that even my scalp is tanned to a medium dark brown. I have nice blue eyes, and a fit body that I keep shaved except my pits and my pubes, which I already told you I keep clipped short. My last nickname at school is Chicken Delight. But don't get me wrong. I've been around the block a few times. I prefer to top, but there's not much I haven't done sexually. At least I don't think there's too much left to try.

When I got outside, Rick studied my body closely, particularly my crotch. He was alone on the sunny front side of the house. I wondered if he had managed to get himself off since my little show. He licked his lips. "You're looking real fine, kid. All tanned and all. Real fine."

"Thanks." I said. I winked at him. "You're looking pretty good yourself, Rick. It's a shame that boss of yours is around, or maybe you and I could get to know each other a little better. Maybe a lot better." I looked at him mischievously. He wanted me even more than I wanted him.

Rick's look changed suddenly, and he got a bit flustered. What must have been the boss man had come around the corner of the house behind me. I turned in time to catch him giving me the once over. I acted the part of the naive innocent, unaware that my outfit, or rather the lack thereof, was any cause for inspection. The boss pretended in turn not to notice anything unusual.

"Are you the one that Rick woke up a while ago?"

"Yeah, that was me."

"Well, I'm sorry about that. Rick doesn't use his head there sometimes, you know?"

"Hey, it was no problem. I was just telling Rick that I was too hot to sleep anyway. I really didn't mind at all. And I'm sure that Rick is real good at using his head for some things." I put just a bit more emphasis on 'good' and 'head', and glanced sideways at Rick to see if he had caught it. He had.

"Well, It won't happen again, Mr. Taylor. I assure you."

"No harm done. And please, call me Chad." I nodded my goodbyes and headed over toward the pool. As I rounded the back corner of the house one of the other workmen gave a soft cat call and another one wolf whistled at me. It's nice to know that even straight men take notice of a nice male body.

I found excuses to go back and forth to the house at least half a dozen times over the next three hours, making sure each time to pass by Rick and say a word or two to him. It was a few minutes before noon when I was chatting up Rick yet again and the foreman came over to us. "Boy, you two sure like to talk, don't you?" His tone of voice left no doubt that he was pissed off. "Rick, you're not getting one damn thing done today. I'm going to take the boys for lunch now Rick, but you're gonna stay here so you can work straight through, without pay, to get caught up. I want this window scraped and primed by the time we get back, and I don't want to hear any excuses from you why you didn't get it done. Do we understand each other, Rick?"

"Yes sir, Ted."

"All right then. Get busy, Rick. See you later."

Ted turned and walked away. Rick and I both listened as the other three guys climbed into the van and it drove off. When they were out of sight Rick put his scraper down. "You and me got some unfinished business, kid." he said quietly. He put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed slightly. "I've had a hard on all morning from watching your little jack off show, and I think it's about time you take care of it for me."

We went inside and I led us right up to my bedroom, my cock pointing the way through the support briefs. Rick didn't even bother to close the door behind us.

"Now kid, how about you give me a little head to get things started. What was your name again?"


"Well now Chad, let's see how good that mouth of yours is." He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. I went willingly. Rick was busy unbuckling his belt and pulling down his zipper. "I want some good head from you before I pound the living shit out of your sweet little ass. Come on, Chad. I'm sure you know how to give good head."

I pushed his hands away from his crotch and nuzzled the front of his pants. They were still warm from the sun. I could feel his hard cock trapped sideways inside the white denim fabric as it pressed against my cheek. I reached up and finished pulling his zipper down, splaying open the front of his painter jeans. He was wearing tighty-whiteys and his cock pressed forward into them obscenely as soon as it was released from the snug white denim.

I worked his pants and underwear down off his hips to expose a nice six incher, hard as a rock, with a circumcised bullet head that tapered down evenly from the fat shaft. There was hardly any head ridge at all. And his balls were nice and meaty; plump, but not overly large. Pretty average, really, but any hard man is good to find, you know?

I took him into my mouth as I continued to work his pants and briefs down his sweaty, muscular legs. He was already a bit juicy and the tang of his pre-cum ooze made my mouth water. The head of his cock was like a warm coal, hot against my tongue, slippery and oh so firm. I struggled his pants down over his work boots, finally managing to strip them off of him. I worked his cock with my lips and tongue. lost in the misty haze that is cocksucker's heaven. I pawed at my own hard cock, still trapped inside my Speedos.

"Lick my balls." he growled.

I did as he said, hefting their weight with my tongue, trying for a while before finally getting them both into my mouth at the same time. I hummed up a storm, buzzing the cum in his balls and wondering if he was the kind of guy who would shoot off without telling me first. Not that I wouldn't know anyhow. He started gasping for breath, leaning forward so that it was difficult to stay on his balls. I thought for a second that he had already lost it.

"Stop it, Chad. Now!" I stopped my humming, disentangling his hairy nuts from my mouth. "I wanna fuck you before I lose my load." He straightened up suddenly, pushing my head away from his midsection. Man was he ever hard!

"Stand up!" he commanded. I did as he asked.

"Take off your shorts, boy!"

I like it when my partner strips me naked, and I hesitated for a moment trying to decide if I wanted to force Rick to do that.

"Damn it, Chad! I said STRIP!"

Before I could react, Rick reached out and grabbed the waistband of my shorts. He yanked down sharply, tearing the waistband loose from the body of my shorts. I quickly slid what was left of my briefs down and off. I was as naked as I had been when Rick first saw me. And every bit as hard.

"Now, that's more like it! You better damn well like taking it up the ass, Chad, because that's what we're gonna do. You do like taking it up your ass, don't you? Doesn't matter. Where the hell is your big tube of lube, Chad?"

Getting screwed isn't my favorite thing to do, but I do it. I much prefer to be the fucker than the fuckee. Those old guys really get off on having seven inches of stiff young cock sliding in and out of their asses, or on giving me head, even swallowing my load of cum. But when I hook up with guys my own age, we end up doing anything and everything together. I was certainly no stranger to taking it up the ass.

Rick had been rooting around in the drawer of my nightstand, and had found my lube and a new box of condoms. "Good boy" he muttered under his breath. "A real boy scout." He tore open the box and spilled the contents on my bed. He pulled one of the rubbers off the strip and ripped open the foil wrapper. I watched as he unrolled the condom down his rigid shaft. He grabbed the K-Y and in his excitement, squirted too much onto his fingertips. He spread it over his sheathed cock, and drug his index and middle fingers through the excess lube.

"Lay on the bed, Chad. Face up. I'm gonna loosen you up a bit and then I wanna watch your face while we screw. You got that, boy?" He pushed me backward onto the bed, our stiff cocks playing against each other for a few scant seconds. "And no playing with yourself! I'll see to it that we both get our jollies. Okay?"

"Okay, Rick. But please, be gentle. I really don't do this that often."

"Yeah, right. We're both virgins here. Sheesh! You really expect me to believe that crap?" I was laying on my back, crosswise on the bed by now. Rick's finger shot up my butt in one quick motion. I gasped at the suddenness of it. Before I could catch my breath, he was working two fingers in and out of my hole. I pulled my asscheeks apart to give him better access, rocking slightly back and forth as we established a rhythm.

Soon, the assault on my ass increased to three fingers as Rick told me how good it was going to feel for the both of us in a moment. He was right. I wanted it as much as he wanted to give it, and any discomfort from his too hasty foreplay quickly went away. With his free hand, he pried my leg down sideways, splitting me open for easier access. I grunted and moaned with pleasure, straining to push down far enough on his fingers for him to consistently hit my prostate, but not quite able to get there.

"Get ready, Chaddy boy. Here it comes!" He pulled out his fingers and before I had time to miss them, he thrust his stiff prick up my ass. With a single lunge, he got well over half of it into me. He grunted and rocked as he worked the last two inches in, filling me with his hot cock.

I felt like an absolute slut. All I could think of was getting myself off. I pulled my asscheeks wide apart, trying to drive him deeper and deeper into my hole. I rocked down against him, feeling his heavy balls swinging into my ass crack over and over again. I grunted real loud, unable to form a coherent sentence, or even a single word. His prick head was massaging my prostate gland and I was ready to shoot off without ever being touched from the outside. It was easily the hottest fuck of the year.

"Oh Shit! Oh Jesus!!! I'm gonna cum, Chad. I'm gonna cum. Oh shit! Oh shit!!! OH SHIT!!! JESUS!!!! FUCK!!!!! I'm coming Chad. I'm coming in your hot tight hole, boy! Onkk!!! Ahh ...!!!" Rick thrust deep inside of me, anchoring himself tight up into my ass, his cock laying across my prostate as it vibrated with his orgasm. The slight twitching was more than I could stand. As Rick shot off deep inside my bowels, I wrapped my long slim legs around his torso and clamped myself tight down against him. My cock was trapped between our bellies as it spasmed and spewed forth my second load of the day.

Bells and whistles started ringing and I actually thought I saw fireworks going off. We held together straining for over half a minute before he collapsed on top of me with a loud moan of satisfaction, smothering me with his closeness. We quivered against each other and I became aware of the smell of sweat and mansex which suddenly seemed to permeate the room.

It was done. I suddenly felt cheap and used, disgusted with myself for losing control over my desires. But at the same time, I felt immensely satisfied. It was the hottest sex I'd had in a long time. It was everything that hot sex is supposed to be, and more. I unwrapped my legs from around Rick's body and he rolled off to my left side. The room was still spinning as I shook myself back to reality and slowly sat up.

Big wet splotches of cum had splattered the front of Rick's shirt. His limp cock, still sheathed in the condom, lay upside down on his belly. Visible through the translucent latex, his load seemed to fill the entire top half of the rubber. He smiled at me.

"You are one hot number, kid. I may end up getting fired for this, but it was worth it. Hell, there's plenty of work to be had this time of year."

I was embarrassed. It had been great sex. I wouldn't mind having it happen again. And again. And again. And I still wanted to feel his beard stubble rubbing against my thighs. I just smiled at him as I picked up my morning bath towel and used it to wipe myself down. I dropped it on Rick when I was done.

We both heard the van pull up at the same time. Rick jumped up and pulled on his white briefs, not even taking the time to pull off the rubber, which hung heavy with it's load of cum in the tip. He struggled to pull his painter's pants on over his heavy work boots, managing to snap the waist button as he headed out the bedroom door.

"See you later, kid. We'll do it again. Hell, maybe I'll even let you plug my ass. I've always wondered what that must feel like." He grinned at me. "See you around, Chad."

I lay back down, staring at the ceiling. From downstairs I could hear Ted's voice yelling at Rick. 'What the hell is with you today, Rick? You didn't do a damn thing while we were gone. Not one damn thing! And what the fuck did you manage to spill all over your shirt? You're about this close to losing your job, you know that? I don't know what the hell to think. You're a hard worker when you put your mind to it, but you sure as hell don't have your mind on it today. What the hell did you do while we were at lunch? Just what the hell did you do? Well, answer me, dammit!'

I smiled to myself. I could take a two hour nap, shower again, and still get to work without a problem.

Life can be so sweet sometimes.

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