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Special Training by Hrtofgld
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RIIINNNGGG! Groggily, I picked up the shrieking phone and answered it.


A ragged breathing, as if somebody was either jacking off or had run a long distance greeted my ears.

"Look, fucker, it's...Shit! It's four AM in the morning! If you want to get your rocks off, call one of the jerk-off lines!" I was just about to slam down the phone when a wail of agony stopped me.

"Wait-Mike-it's me, Steven!" I pulled the phone closer to my ear and waited. "I'm...I'm in trouble, and I need your help."

"What's the problem?" I assumd that this stud probably was stuck somewhere and needed a ride. I was going to enjoy telling him to fucking walk and then slam down the phone.

"I'm not sure..." he said, his breathing still ragged and his voice sounding hoarse. "I just came to a little while ago and found a phone booth. I need to see you, man."

"Tell me more, I've got a busy day tomorrow and don't have time for something that could wait until later to deal with."

He paused and said, "I've been kidnapped and molested, but I don't know what they've done to me, and I need you to help me." With a sob, he started to cry and said, "Please man, it hurts so much!"

I took some small pity on him and told him to drive on over.

"You do have your truck, still, right?"

"Yeah, they didn't steal anything, just knocked me out and took me somewhere. I woke up in the back of my truck and called you."

"I'll see you in a little while and I'll have some coffee ready."

With another sob, he thanked me and hung up. I got out of bed and pulled on the jeans and t-shirt I'd been wearing earlier that night, still smelling lightly of cigarette smoke from the bar I'd been to. I also put on my leathers, so that Steven knew that if he was fucking with me, he was truly going to be FUCKED. As I waited for him, I thought back about the first time I'd met this guy.

Steven had just turned 21 then, was looking for a room somewhere near his college, where he was attempting to get a bachelors in Psychology. I was living about fifteen minutes away from the college, and (looking for willing young men to abuse a bit) had placed an ad at the Anvil, one of the local gay leather bars. He called me the next day, and we agreed to a simple arrangement. He would get room and board from me for $150.00 a month. I received access to his body whenever I wanted it.

"No ass fucking," he said, "'cause I'm straight. I do need a place to stay though, so if you wanna do anything else to my body, go ahead."

I explained that I was a Master and that he could look forward to some pretty intensive beatings if I was pissed off at him.

He just shrugged and said, "Won't be the first time somebody hit me."

We settled into a year and a half of pleasurable companionship. I had a once-weekly session with his hairy, Mexican American muscular body restrained in my "playroom", his butt beaten with various leather devices. Steven discovered that he enjoyed being a slave bottom. Steven still refused to allow his ass be enjoyed by a man, so I helped him find a nice dominatrix. He moved out and became her personal body slave. From what I had heard, he was relatively happy.

As I pondered these memories, he arrived at my door. I let him in, knowing in an instant that he'd been worked over by experts. His clothing, which had never been too well kept anyway, was in dirty tatters on his body, streaks of mud and other earthy materials across both the remaining fabric and the major expanses of exposed flesh. Twigs and leaves were entwined in his hair, and some fell out as he entered my home. I noted that he was walking quite stiffly, and asked him if he'd like to sit down.

"NO!" he said, "I'd rather stand, if you don't mind." He did take a cup of coffee from me, heavily sweetened the way he liked it, and drank nearly half of it before continuing. "I sure hope you can help me, because I'd be very embarrassed to talk with anybody else about this."

He started telling me of how his dominatrix had kicked his ass out of the house a couple of days before, throwing his meager belongings out towards his truck and telling him to get lost. "I guess that I fucked that one up pretty good," he sighed. "I tried to be a good slave, but I discovered that she just didn't turn me on anymore. She blew her top when she came home one evening and, instead of being naked and in my dog collar like I was supposed to be, I was in the bedroom jacking off to a couple of her porno magazines." He grimaced at the next memory. "I thought that her arm would NEVER wear out, she beat me so long and so hard. She left me alone and in bondage for a two days, she would visit only long enough to slap some antiseptic on my torn butt, then when my ass healed, she threw me out."

"So what happened to you? Obviously she didn't do this to you."

He nodded, wincing a bit as his clothing moved over his abused body. "I got out of there as fast as I could. I drove off into the woods, thinking that I could hide out there for a while, I planned to return after she cooled off. The next day I found that not only had she found a new "boy," but she'd also changed all the locks! Her new slave told me that he was instructed that under no circumstances, even if I was bleeding to death, was he allowed to let me inside." He paused a minute, then continued. "I returned to the woods to contemplate my future plans. I'd stepped out of the truck to pee, and was watering a bush when I was grabbed from behind. A stinky rag was placed over my mouth and nose. I guess I passed out, and woke up a few hours later."

Seeing me glance over his torn and dirty clothing, he said, "I guess I fought them or something while knocked out, or else they played with me, which is what I think happened. Whatever they did to me is nothing compared to the way they left me."

Intrigued, I said, "Left you? And I assume that this is why you need my help?"

"Yes. But first I need your help with something else."

As we talked, he removed the last few tatters of clothing and stood naked before me. Almost, naked that is. A leather and metal harness encased him. I motioned for him to get closer. I then had him turn around so that I could study the contraption a bit more closely. He was in a specialized leather t strap - one that had been modified so that it could be locked into place in more than one area. His cock and balls fit through a small hole in front. A leather band was padlocked between his balls and cock so that he couldn't pull his balls through the narrow gap. His cock was encased in a leather sheath that was oddly bumpy in places, and was securely attached by a chain with another small padlock. When I turned him around, I saw that the t-strap had been pulled tightly between his legs so that it was between his muscled, furry buttcheeks and padlocked with another combination lock. I parted his cheeks slightly, and ignored a groan as I probed a bit futher to discover that a large dildo had been padlocked to the t-strap. The entire dildo as well as a bit of leather thong was well inside Steven. I knew that with time and patience I could pick the locks (having done so for Steven once before when he 'accidently' got stuck in some handcuffs that had no key), but the combination lock threw me. As I turned Steven's body back around, I noted that a dark marker had been used in places on his body. Written into the thickest part of his body hair, almost all but impossible to see, were symbols. After ten minutes of peering into the thatch of hair between his muscular pectorals, I decided that I needed a clearer field, and instructed Steven to follow me to the bathroom.

He stood in the bathtub while I liberally coated his body with shaving cream.

"What are you doing?" he asked, watching me ready a safety razor and then run it over his chest.

I instructed him to remain quiet and made him aware that I'd leave him in his harness if he didn't. He shut up, and sadly watched what he thought was his mark of masculinity being removed with quick swipes of a safety razor. When all but his head and what was covered by the front of the t-strap was clear of hair, I could read the combination to the lock with ease. "22 right, 31 left, 45 right..." The lock popped open and I removed it, carefully lowering the strap to where it connected with the dildo. A small golden key lay inside the leather, and I tried it on the locks and found that it fit the dildo lock. I opened that lock and freed the strap, leaving the dildo inside Steven. Steven stood still in the bathtub while I looked over the operation.

A small smear of lube made me aware that whoever had put the dildo up Steven's ass was professional. They knew that they had to use lube or else risk damaging Steven, which was clearly not their task.

"Hold on, Steven. The dildo is too far inside you for me to grasp from out here, so I'm going to have to reach inside you to get it. This is going to stretch your asshole a bit more, and might be painful. I won't harm you. Do you understand?"

He nodded. I carefully worked my fingers around the dildo until I had enough of a firm grasp to pull it out. Steven only gasped once when I had first inserted my fingers, but remained quiet as I moved around his pucker and got hold of the dildo.

"OK, I've got it, I'm going to pull it out now." As my hand withdrew, a long, wide, black latex dildo came out with my hand. A good eight inches long and easily four inches wide at the head; a punishment dildo, used for guys who get off on ass play. Since I thought Steven wasn't into assplay, this was a statement by somebody, somebody who wasn't done with Steven yet. I stared at the greasy leather thong that hung about two inches from Steven's ass.

"I still feel something up there," he said. The pressure of the dildo was gone from his ass ring. "What's going on?"

I told him to keep still and tugged lightly on the thong. Steven gasped again. I kept pulling on the thong. A roundish object attached to the thong begin to appear in his pucker. I continued pulling, and soon a plastic ball appeared in his opening, widening his pucker to almost the size of the dildo head before popping out. More leather thong still inside Steven.

"You seem to have anal beads stuck inside you, and they've been well shoved inside from the dildo. Be patient and keep quiet, and I'll get them out."

I kept pulling and tugging while Steven writhed. Steven still stood in the tub, his upper body leaning against the cool tile, his poor abused asshole now disgorging large 4" wide anal beads. After six beads had been removed, the last one popped out. It was smaller and had been taped closed, obviously for a reason. Steven groaned with pain - and with a little pleasure, or so I thought - at all the anal stimulation. I examined the last bead and found that inside the bead was another golden key.

The key fit the lock on the leather sheath that was now very tight and difficult to remove. Steven's cock had grown during the anal stimulation.

"Oh, God," Steven hissed through clenched teeth, his hardon fighting with the unyielding leather restraint. "Hurry and let me out!"

I undid the lock, pulled the chain from the metal hoops, and released the sheeth. Steven's cock surged forth and widened the space between the sheath and the front of the t-strap by a good two inches. I carefully removed the sheath and found plastic tubing wrapped around the shaft. one end was pressed down at the end of the shaft and taped with surgical tape, while the other was inside Steven's cock and heavily taped with more surgical tape. I unwrapped the free end and another small gold key fell out. I pointed the tube towards the drain and put this last key in a safe place.

"Steven, you've also got a catheter in you, and I'm sure that you're plumbed all the way to your bladder. When I find the release valve, you're going to pee without any control, and I need you to stand still and let me take care of this. You got that?" He nodded and put his hands behind his back, a good slave at the end of his humiliation. I removed the surgical tape until I found the small plastic valve. I told Steven to relax, made sure that the end of the tube was in the drain and opened the release. I held Steven's rigid tool in my hand, enjoying the softness of his shaft skin and the hardness of his boner while my other hand held the tube down the drain. His urine flowed for some time, making me highly suspicious that they'd filled him up with a bladder 'enema' before sealing him off. When no more liquid drained out, I judged him to be empty and then told him to wait a bit.

"I'm going to remove the catheter now, and it will not feel very good. I think you've got a long catheter in you and this will make it a bit more unpleasant. Just take it easy, and I'll go slowly and carefully." I started pulling on the catheter, Steven's face took on a look of discomfort. and I continued pulling the catheter out of his cock until the last few inches fell out by themselves. The sensation of the anal workout, my intensive handling of his cock and removal of the catheter was too much. His balls began to tighten against the strap and began turning color. His cock became rock hard.

Steven screamed, "I'm cumming!" His cock and balls throbbed with pain. I quickly removed the lock on the strap above his testicles and as his balls were released, his cum started flying about the room. He must have had lots of cum in him, for he kept cumming and jetting for a good fifteen minutes. He then calmed down and his cock started softening. I carefully removed the rest of the t-strap from his body and looked with a new eye at his now naked body.

When Steven lived with me, I enjoyed touching and stroking his hairy limbs and butt. Somehow I was highly eroticized by the soft skin and the kinky hair. Now that he was shaved, he seemed even more naked, only a patch around his equipment like many a young man have. The black permanent ink numbers and letters of the combination lock written in the now bare areas on his body like tattoos, heightened the image. I knew that they weren't coming off soon, and would have to wear off with time. Steven, who hated to wear anything but shorts and tank tops, was now going to have to dress from neck to ankle, in long sleeves and pants for quite a while.

Steven softly asked "Will you check to make sure that nothing's wrong inside me?" His cumming had sufficiently sapped his strength so that now he was now pliable. I nodded. Steven bent over, carefully splitting his asscheeks apart so that I could look into his asshole. Because of the dildo and anal beads, his asshole still hadn't closed much, and gaped open a wide two inches. I put some fresh lube on my hands, put a small flashlight in my mouth, pulled open the hole, and began lightly probing with my fingertips. Steven groaned

I prodded the prostate, and checked the lower end of his rectal walls. I didn't find anything unusual such as tears or abrasions. Indeed, Steven was so clean that I figured that before the "incident" had taken place, they had forcibly cleaned him out so that he'd be able to take everything that they were putting inside him. I stroked his prostate more and noted with glee that his cock was beginning to harden again. Finally, I pulled my fingers out of his asshole and patted his smooth rump.

"Everything looks OK from here," I said as I rinsed the lube from my hands in the sink. "You will probably have a really sore asshole for awhile, especially from all that stretching that you are not used to. Peeing will burn and be a bit painful for a day or so, but otherwise these guys were very professional and made sure that you'd only be in discomfort, not permanently damaged." I patted his butt again, enjoying his light flinch at my touch now that his mental 'crisis' was over.

"However, I can tell you that from my experience, you will need your asshole carefully probed and stretched for at least five or six months now to help it close." He turned and looked at me as if I was bullshitting him. "Right now you've had the equivalent of a small man's arm stuffed up your asshole, and this has loosened your anal ring to a degree that you might require surgery." His eyes widened at that particular thought, so I continued, "You might not have to have surgery if you follow exactly what I say." He nodded and I patted his butt again.

"You may live with me again for a short while during treatment. You will again give me your body as previously agreed, but with a new agreement added. Your butthole needs special training to be able to avoid surgery as well as to help it shrink back to its original state. This will involve months of intensive massage and manipulation of the ring and inner walls of your ass." I stopped, moved away from him and pulled the shower curtain closed so that he could finish cleaning up. "Of course, you could avoid all of this and hope that nature takes over, but I suspect that you'll be shitting your pants more often than you'd like. When you're cleaned up, dry off and meet me downstairs."

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later Steven walked downstairs with a towel wrapped around his waist, just barely covering his groin. "Come here," I said, indicating the space between my legs. He walked over to the spot and I said, "Turn around." He did, and I pushed on his back, making him bend over. "Grasp your ankles and stay there," I instructed, and removed the towel from around his waist.

There, in all its glory, was his hairy asshole, nice and clean, still gaping open about an inch or so, reddish and warm to the touch. "Keep still, and I'll see what's going on up there." I inserted a finger about an inch inside the ring, and felt around. Nothing seemed out of place. When I removed my finger, the tip was clean of any matter. "It looks as if you're not damaged inside," I said, running my fingers around the sore lips of his asshole. "However, you are still dilated over an inch, and this will be a problem." I stood, told him to not move, and went to get a few supplies. When I returned, he was still bent over, holding his ankles. He had a quizzical look on his face as I entered the room with a small bag.

I returned to my chair and squirted some lube on my fingers and inserted them into his ass. He groaned. I continued stroking and manipulating his asshole until some of the redness went away. Of course, the muscle was loose and would need to be filled with something, so I lubed up a small butt plug and slid it into his body. He started to rise up; I slapped his butt and pushed him back down. "Stand still," I demanded, locking the plug into his asshole, "This is hardly any bigger than your hole now, and is much more forgiving than the monster that had been there. This will help plug you up so that your asshole can start to get its tension back." I quickly attached the plug to the harness I'd brought, and buckled it into place. "I'm not locking you in, I've only buckled it so that you can remove it when I tell you to." Steven nodded. He looked really tired out, so I ordered him to bed. We both climbed into my bed. Steven was too tired to complain about the sleeping arrangements, and I didn't say anything. I turned out the light after stripping down to the buff and crawling into bed. He remained quiet as I moved closer to him and held him against my body. I moved my arm over him and held onto his cock. I assumed that doing so reminded him of when he had lived with me before, or perhaps of how his previous mistress had handled him. We slept through the rest of the evening and into a good part of the morning.

I decided to devote my entire day to Steven, because of this I called in to the office. Becuase I'm the boss - in more ways than one - no one argued with me (the young man at the other end of the phone probably was rubbing his butt remembering the last time he argued with me, but that's another story). I got up to stretch out the kinks. Steven, a sexy vision, was still laying in bed and throwing a massive night rod. I moved closer and stroked his eight inches of hard cock while gently manipulating the butt plug up his ass to stroke his prostate. He came so quickly that I almost got an eye full of cum. I moved just in time, the jets landed instead on his chest and cheeks. I milked his cock a little more until I was sure that he'd emptied his balls and grabbed some cum rags from the floor - actually his old clothing - and carefully wiped up his cum. From previous experiences, I knew that nothing short of attempting to fuck him while he slept would wake him. He particularly enjoyed being jacked off in his sleep. I woke him up. It was time to begin his his treatment.

We returned to the bathroom where he again stood in the tub. Steven was either a good slave or too sleepy to argue with me that early in the morning. I carefully unbuckled the strap holding in his plug, and eased it out. I motioned Steven to turn towards the drain. I turned on the bullet enema device in the stall and carefully worked it into his butt, the water filling him quickly and cleanly. He leaned against me, one muscular arm on my back. I enjoyed the feeling as I worked the bullet deeper into him. When he was completely filled, I eased the bullet out of his butt and told him to clamp down as much as possible. He did so but only a trickle of water appeared as he tightened his asshole. Steven winced. After ten minutes or so, I allowed him expel the water, and noted how clear it was, then repeated the procedure about four more times so that his asshole would be retrained to close properly. By the third time, he'd managed to cut the trickle down to a drop or two. With the last try, he was able to clamp completely shut.

After he'd expelled the last bit of water, I turned on the shower and stepped in with him. We washed each other's bodies carefully. His body was still bruised but healing. He ran his hands lightly over my body so that he wouldn't be punished for causing me any pain. He gasped only once when I drove my soaped up fingers against his asshole, working the suds just barely inside the ring. Looking into his eyes, he quieted, only wincing a few times as I carefully cleaned his asshole. We rinsed off, then dried off. I again payed special attention to his asshole. I picked up the butt plug and strap and proceeded to reinsert the plug into Steven.

"Do I have to wear this again?" he asked as he felt the greased tip enter his butthole. "I was tight enough back there, wasn't I?"

I firmly strapped the plug into place, then turned him around so that his clean smelling ass was pointing at me. "Assume the position," I said, ignoring his childish whining. I examined the fit of the plug, pleased that his ass ring tightened and loosened instinctively around the plug. "Tightly squeeze your asshole," I commanded. Steven squeezed with all his might against the rubber intruder. "Loosen while I count to three, then tighten as I count to five," I instructed. "Continue doing this until I tell you to stop." We did this exercise for about twenty minutes. I then unbuckled the strap. "You will remain in position," I told him, swatting his butt lightly when he attempted to rise. "I wish to see how well you're progressing." I greased up a finger and entered him. I then instruced him to squeeze and relax again. He did so, following the same exercise as before. I was pleased to note that there was good clutch and tension of the ass ring around my finger. I probed a bit more during the exercise. I prodded his prostate a few more times; he gasped with each jab on his love button. His cock grew and dripped with precum. I removed my finger, reinserted the butt plug and restrapped the belt.

"You are doing well Steven, but I did feel some looseness that should not be ingnored. The plug will stay in today, and you are expected to exercise your asshole for twenty minutes every hour today. I will check on your progress throughout the day. The exercise will become second nature to you after a while. You must perform the excersize at the beginning of every hour.

I smiled at him and patted his firm butt. "Of course, if you forget and I catch you, you'll get a different lesson and you will still be expected to perform the exercises during this lesson. Do you understand me?" Steven nodded, and we went down to breakfast. Steven's equipment still hung through the opening in the butt plug strap - his butt obviously plugged with something.

My servants, all too familiar with both the appearance of young men in discipline devices, as well of the consequences if they showed any disrespect to these young men, quietly served breakfast. The servants assisted Steven a little too much, finding it necessary to fondle the bulge that appeared under the cloth while placing the napkin across his lap. After we finished our meals, I glanced at the clock and walked over to Steven. I noted with pleasure that his butt muscles were working as he stood up, the flexing of his asshole was going well. It wasn't until after lunch that Steven slipped up when I checked in on him in the library.

He was reading a favorite book of his in his favorite position, one leg draped over the arm of the chair while the other was splayed outward, allowing full view of his crotch and asshole. As I watched him being completely absorbed by the book, I noted that the time had come for the exercise, and slowly passed by as he continued reading. I knew that he was not paying any attention to the time nor to my presence in the room. I cleared my throat. I got his attention, and with a quick, guilty glance at the mantle clock, Steven knew that he'd fucked up.

Another chair in the room, one that Steven had grown to hate, stood near a window that overlooked the street. I used to position the chair so that passerbys on the street would be able to see me spanking this naked grown man. His face was concealed providing he didn't look back at me. I moved the chair into the correct position and motioned him to position himself.

He moved silently before me, and started undoing the buckle of the strap. "No!" I said, slapping his meaty thigh, "you will receive your punishment with the plug inside to help you remember next time!" In a daze he rebuckled the belt and laid himself over my knees, butt out to the world, his head down on the other side. With a good grasp, I picked up the thick three-hundred page book he'd been reading and began beating his butt with it. I payed close attention to landing the thicker portion of the book in his asscrack against the plug.

He cried out the first time I smacked the plug, but kept quiet through the rest of the punishment, knowing that I'd beat him all the more if he did anything more than quietly sob or moan during his punishment. I beat him for the full twenty minutes of his exercise period, giving him roughly fifty or sixty hard, slow smacks with the thick leather bound book on his bare butt and plug. Finally, I stopped, checkeing to make sure that he really wasn't hurt. I don't usually spank my boys with strapped-in toys, but I wanted to drill the experience into his head so that in the future he would do as I say. After a few minutes of silent weeping, I helped him stand and then moved to the far corner of the room.

"You may begin your exercises now," I said, sitting in a chair which faced his corner. You will do forty minutes of exercise to make up for the twenty you decided not to do earlier. You won't do that again, will you?"

"Nnnoo, Sir."

"Good boy. Now begin."

I watched his reddened, bruised butt begin to flex, the excersize painfully worked the sore asshole against the unforgiving latex of the plug. I checked him during the routine, so I knew that other than sore muscles and a little abrasion, he was fine and the pain was only muscular. When the forty minutes passed, I went over and smoothed lotion over his burning butt. I instructed him to go to the bedroom and lie down for a while. I'd come up to remind him of his exercises when it was time. He nodded, and went upstairs.

The rest of the time passed quickly, and Steven got very good at doing his exercises. He also did a fine job of keeping the plug in him without discomfort for a good seven days. We ceremoniously removed the plug for the last time. Steven carefully cleaned the plug and placed it in the toy chest along with the strap he'd worn as his only clothing for the last seven days. Still naked, he requested a bath. I approved. He lovingly washed his body, paying close attention to his now very muscular asshole and firmed butt. After he dried off, he returned for my inspection.

I reviewed his clean body, checking the asshole as usual by placing a lightly lubed finger up his ass and telling him to do the exercises. He was extremely good at them. The pressure against my finger increased thirty fold, then relaxed just as easily. I began to remove my finger. Sheepishly Steven told me that it felt good up there and that his as felt empty without anything up there. I smiled and told him to wait until evening.

That evening, we prepared for bed. Steven came in from cleaning up; his body pink and golden, his dark brown hair carefully combed and his face scrubbed clean. A light masculine scent from one of the bottles in the bathroom wafted from him, and he had "dressed" for the occasion, without any assistance from me. He wore a black leather cockstrap as he entered the bed. We kissed, and he waited for me to give the orders.

"Go and get the black bag from my office," I commanded. When he returned, I quietly opened the bag and pulled out the black dildo that had been inserted in his butt so many days ago. His eyes widened at the sight of the object. They widened more he saw me begin to lube up the monster.

I retrieved a pair of special restraints and a collar from of the bag. I placed the collar around Steven's neck and then I attached the two wrist restraints to the collar. I placed Steven's wrists in the restraints, and attached two long latex covered chains to the collar. I placed two restraints on Steven's ankles and attached the ends of the chains to the restraints, causing his legs to rise up and back and position his asshole in perfect placement for fucking. With his legs in the air, and his hands at his neck, Steven was completely helpless and could not prevent any activity around his ass or his cock.

I placed my greased finger into his butthole, and the moan of pleasure from Steven indicated to me that he now enjoyed butt play a lot. I smoothed the hair surrounding his hole with my fingers as I inserted a second, and finally a third finger. "Remember your exercises!" I hissed at him when he tensed painfully at my third finger entering his body, "you have control over your asshole!" With that, the asshole loosened and I comfortably added a fourth finger to his ass.

I massaged the area with my fingers for a while. I then pulled the black monster dildo towards me and after adding more lubricant, slowly inserted the first inch into Steven's ass. He stopped breathing for a second, but a light slap on his balls got him back in line. The anal ring loosened more and more, and before long I had most of the dildo inside him. "Now I'm going to show you what a good slave should enjoy," I said, as I began to move the dildo in and out of his butt. A minute or two went by and I could see him frantically tightening and loosening his asshole around the invader. He finally realized that he could control the pressure on the ring. Relaxing finally, he began to enjoy the dildo as it massaged his prostate and worked his ring.

After half an hour's time, I pulled the dildo out of him and greased up my own cock. Steven's cock was dripping with precum. Startled at the removal of the dildo, Steven looked up. He saw me preparing my own nine inch monster, sighed contently, and nestled his head back against the pillows. I entered him, and began fucking his butt as I'd always wanted to.

His moans became deeper and louder as I probed his insides with my cock. I made it a point to not only stretch his hole as wide as I could, but to also pound his prostate with every jab and rotation. I could stroke his helpless body all I wanted. I leaned down to kiss him, sticking my tongue into his open mouth. Steven reciprocated, which nearly blew me away. In little over one week's time, I'd molded this macho straight boy who liked to get his butt whipped into a deeply appreciative bottom who liked a cock up his butt. Smiling at the thought, I pounded my way to a huge orgasm, cummig inside him. I collapsed on his bound body.

A few minutes later, I pulled out and grasped the turgid cock before me. While slipping a finger into his hole and prodding the prostate, I stroked his aching cock. Ten strokes and prods later his orgasm hit and his chest was coated with his man juice. I wiped him off and left him on the bed, still in bondage, while I showered. When I finished showering, I released him and as he went to shower.

I picked through the black bag beside me and found the chastity belt I'd removed from him a little over a week earlier. As I listened to the shower running, I mused at the turn of events that had brought Steven back to me. I thought of the phone call from his mistress informing me that Steven was not just watching her porno collection, but also watching an all male bondage porno. She was angry at herself for not being able to see his buried gay needs. She and I had cooked up the abduction. I purchased the chastity belt, and found three willing men to do the deed to Steven in exchange for a few nights as her slaves. I carefully coached them on the proper use of toys. I explained the uses of maximum pain and discomfort without risk or damage, and sent them off. As Steven showered, I carefully put the belt back into my bag and waited until he returned. I wondered if he was ready to wear the belt again, or if I needed to keep it for some more special training.

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