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So Who Was by Billy Knox and Mark Grissel
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Billy smiles, turning to capture those lips, softly, briefly....... as much as he loves dick, he needs to sit, and sit he does, sprawled across Mark's lap, back curled against muscular chest, fingers reaching up to idly play in Mark's short, brown hair..... needing to simply chill for once........ only speaking after a steady stroll of seconds passing by. "So who was your first?"

He knows that, else they would already be exhausted.. and the chilling is always nice too... rare maybe, but definitely nice. "Mmmmm.. James Marren... back in high school, senior year... he was in my gym class and had caught me peeking.. I thought sure I was in for an beating..."

"Mmmhmmmmm" smiles, turning his head a bit, nuzzling lightly against Mark's neck, breath teasing skin, drowning in the scent of his aftershave "Tell me more......"

"Mmmmmm" He smiles and cradles Billy close "More is it? Always with you its more...," a dramatic, teasing sigh, allowing that teased skin to vibrate beneath Billy's lips "Well, we were the last two in the locker room, me because I was too busy sneaking, so I thought, peeks of his magnificent dick and gorgeous bubble butt... he was amazing.. he was almost 6 foot tall, built like you wouldn't believe... and skin a glorious color... he played Tight End.. and looooooordy did that name fit.... "

The chuckle rolls softly from his chest, spilling across Mark's throat "Sounds like someone I used to kick the shit out of....... being the" pauses, then lets his Texas twang through full force "southern cowboy that I am...." then occupies his mouth with a newly found cigarette to let Mark go on.

Laughs, tickling Billy's sides a moment before smoothing his hands over him again, rather enjoying the physique a youth of hard ranch labor put on the boy. "Well, quite possibly.. but good god he was yummy.... Anyway.. he waited a while after everyone was gone, and I had finally started to get dressed, when he grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers...'You get a good look there -fag boy-?' he snarled and I about shit my pants right there.. " shakes his head "All I could do was stammer '' He smiled then, and I was completely lost.... instead of pounding me, he kissed me instead...."

A thick, worn boot hits the floor at the tickle, squirming backwards against him to get away from those tickling fingers, tattered pockets of his blue Levi's rubbing oh so innocently against Mark's groin...... but he remains surprisingly quiet, curious, and listening. His only sound a slight breath that blows a stray lock of blond hair from his eyes. He shakes his head, fingers lifting to play with Billy's hair as he remembers, smooth voice filling the air "I was.. stunned.. still.. though I went with the flow.. I mean, I'd been dreaming about this guy for months... he pulled away, and smiled 'Looks like I was right about you...' he said, and pulled away, dropping his towel 'So take a closer look if you want...'. Oh my god, Billy, he was gorgeous.. I wanted to just, eat him up... he obviously had had a bit more experience then me.. though he was patient as I reached out timidly to touch him... he grabbed my hand, and I flinched a bit, much to his amusement... he turned me, and had me sit on the bench, and then showed me how he liked to be touched... I nearly came right then and there..."

Young lips curve into a devious smile, dropping his already deeper voice to a low croon, knowing how it teases Mark's senses "...... then and there in the locker room...."

"Ohhhhhhhhh yeah... aren't I a bad boy?" chuckles and shakes his head "I got bolder relatively quickly, exploring his dick as I had my own so many times... after a while, he ran his fingers through my hair and pulled away... and took me home with him for more... privacy... I was so scared I almost didn't go..."

Resumes that tease of his fingers through Mark's hair, short fingernails scraping softly over his scalp "How could you be scared of a thick dick....."

"It was my first time! Other then in my dreams, man... I was terrified.. but at the same time... ohhhhhhhh god I wanted him... Needless to say, I went.. and his mom wasn't home, so we had the house to ourselves, but for me, he locked us in his bedroom anyway.. And then he laid me down on his bed, and treated my body as if it were a buffet table... after the first five minutes, I was no longer scared...." Shakes his head, smiling at the memories.. "My god, when he blew me.. whew.. I was in heaven... seeing him down there, feeling... well it sure didn't take me long to blow, and I was embarrassed.. he took it in stride, however, and promised that he would make me cum again before I left... I wanted to blow him, but he would have none of it, not my first time... he made it all about me, and how I felt... He said later that his first did the same for him... and he would do no less for me... " You should have no less your first time....."

Well I know that -now- though I wouldn't have thought it then... James was incredible.. His first was older, and taught him well... he asked me how far I wanted to go, and my respect for him just kept increasing.. I wanted to give him everything... and while blushing all over, I told him so... he grinned that huge boyish grin of is, and said he had been hoping I would say that... He had a bottle of baby oil in his drawer, and proceeded to slather it everywhere... he was so gentle with me... going so slowly as he used first his finger, then two, then another... I was.. amazed... squirming, writhing, moaning, gasping for breath... he took it slow, so easy... and soon, when I was hard as a rock again, asked me if I was sure...."

That boot hits the floor again, pushing back as he wriggles so slowly against him, drawing his ass in a smooth, inviting move across Mark's lap, crooning once more "And were you suuuuuuuure, Mark?" His drawl thick, thickening, knowing the answer, but he had to say it anyway, and knowing exactly how this affects his lover.

And Billy got the reaction he was aiming for...... a tender moan, hips pressing up against that wriggle, which of course does absolutely nothing to hide the effect this memory is having on him.. oh no, that's not happening a' tall... "Keep talking and moving like that boy, and I'll show you how sure.... " laughs softly, and nods

"Oh I was so very sure... he lifted my thigh, wanting to watch me as he entered, and slowly slid into me... he had me well lubed, and stretched, but I was so unprepared for that feeling of.... full.... but oooooooooohhhhhhh god.. once he was all the way in, he just stayed there, letting me adjust... it felt so fucking good... and then.. then he began to pump.. I almost came on the first stroke again.. but he begged me to wait for him... "

He can't help but answer that soft moan, slowing his wriggle down to a long, sloooow stretch against Mark before he settles down and behaves, enjoying this memory a bit himself...... even if that settling down meant that he continued to press back against Mark, just slightly, egged on by that initial tone.... and the memories it brings. Memories he's sure he will share by the end of the night.

He lifts into that stretch, and again as he settles "Mmmmmmm where was I? Oh yes... getting fucked... He was amazing.. everything I had dreamt the first time should be, he was... he soon asked me if I was ok, if I could take more.. and all I could do was moan and nod.. begging for all he could give... and give he did.. soon the headboard was banging against the wall, his sack hitting me in the ass with every pound... I was all but screaming at that point, and not in pain... his voice soon joined mine, and we were making an unholy racket... and then he...."

Dark baby calf brown eyes glitter, playfully flexing his back, slightly, to roll so gently against Mark's chest in another aberrant tease at that well timed pause "He....?"

His arm tightens around Billy through another soft laugh, hand smoothing over his belly "..... reached between us, and began to stroke me in time with his thrusts... It was a complete overload of sensations, and I exploded everywhere... covering me, and him and even the headboard didn't escape it... I'd never come so hard and long, or far in my life... and somewhere in there, he came as well, soothing the burn of his thrusts with his cum..."

He moves to stretch against him once more, teasing what he knows must be a painfully hard cock beneath restricting fabric "Mmmmm...... lucky guy he was....."

"Was he? I think I was the lucky one.. unfortunately he moved away the next year.. but until then.. he and I were regular fuck buddies.... So now you know the sordid details of my first time.... "

Tilts his head as he leans back, resting against Mark's shoulder.... with what provides him with delightful access to his neck, allowing his teeth and lips to play there, alternating physical touch with brush of warm breath "I wouldn't say sordid......"

He moans softly at the nip, sliding his hand under Billy's shirt to caress over his belly "Oh? and what would you call it....."



To be continued ...


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