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Snake Bite by Hrtofgld
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I'm a nature nut. Since college when I would roam the forests in the area around my college town with my good buddies, many times making love under the trees or, on longer than a day hike, within our cozy tents. I had found that even my straight friends, who knew I was gay, would be up for a little bit of hanky panky as long as neither their other friends nor their girlfriends knew about it. We still played it safe, no matter where we hiked or camped, and watched for spiders, snakes and bugs that could cause problems. Armed with enough rubbers, lube and supplies, we could spend an entire weekend just enjoying nature and each other's bodies.

I continued my hikes and campouts long after college, the activities helping keep my body in good shape and with a little more work after I hit thirty, weights kept my muscles in prime shape and trips to the spa kept my body hair from becoming its own forest. This weekend was no different, sun, food, drink and of course the lube was all I needed to get away from work and into the trees. Thus it was, as I was enjoying a particularly warm and lazy afternoon at my campsite that I spied the young man on the rock.

He was in his late teens or, most likely, early twenties with golden shaggy cut hair, wearing a tank top, cargo shorts, gray socks and some sturdy looking hiking boots similar to mine. A small backpack, more like a knapsack, was on his back and he seemed to be holding a large stick of some kind, I guess to help walk with over the rough trails. I'd been to that particular rock before, so I knew how rough that would be without assistance. It was a good sunning rock, wide and flat as well as getting some solid beams of sunlight through the trees on a nearly constant basis. The young man scanned the area around him and, seemingly making up his mind about something, pulled off his pack and set it down on the rock, then rummaged around inside it until he found a small kit and a rolled up towel. The towel he spread out on the rock and, setting the kit beside the pack, sat down and began removing his boots and socks.

Seeing that a nice little show was on its way, I rummaged around in my own backpack, got out my binoculars and, positioning myself for the best view without sunlight glinting off the lenses, settled down to watch. Now that I could see him clearly, I could see the bright blue eyes and the little bit of blond stubble on his jaw and noted that as I'd thought the legs and arms I'd seen before were hairless, I could now see the light golden furring on his calves and forearms. He peeled off his t-shirt next, revealing wide shoulders, filled out pecs and a narrow waist with a little golden happy trail at his taut belly heading south to disappear under the waistband of his shorts. This was getting interesting, I thought as I began rubbing the growing bulge in my shorts.

The young man then began applying some form of lotion; I guess sun block or something, from a small bottle he got from his kit all over his face, neck, shoulders and arms. I silently applauded how he lovingly rubbed the lotion into his full pecs, which made his hardening nipples and their reddish bases move about tantalizingly over the heavy muscled mounds. His application of the lotion to the rest of his torso was as delightful, for he played a little bit with his belly button before popping out his abs as he stroked over that area. My cock was already at the leaking stage, so I hauled it out for a little air and with one hand idly stroked it while my other was holding the binoculars to my eyes.

I could have enjoyed this for some time, but the young man was impatient and, with a little wriggle and hip motion removed his cargo shorts to reveal that he liked going 'commando,' his hairy ball sac and thickening cock flopping between his legs as he fished off the shorts from around his ankles and set these down with the rest of his clothing. Now settling back against his pack, he squirted more lotion around his bare upper thighs and rubbed it in with long, loving strokes down his thighs, knees and calves, until his entire body was glowing in the sunlight. A little more of the lotion seemed to now be used as lubricant, for a goodly amount was added to his palm and then, with another check of the area, was applied gently and carefully to his crotch.

He delighted me further by spreading his legs a bit more, bending them at the knees so that his feet rested securely on their soles while he massaged the lotion into his ball sac and perineum. I had placed myself perfectly to get a direct view of that furry space, watching him lift his heavy balls up and away while his other hand stroked firmly down from the base of his cock to the widening area around his asshole. I could see this area very clearly, his pale pink rosebud receiving a little bit of glistening lotion and pulsing each time a finger rubbed gently against it. This little show went on for a good while, one hand manipulating one or the other pec, pinching and rolling a nipple between his fingers or squeezing the firm muscle while the other started the slow languid stroking motion up and down his cock shaft. I estimated that his cock was a good eight inches at this point, although he could be a bit longer than that. His blue eyes closed as he continued enjoying his body and I was getting closer to my own orgasm watching him close in on his own when I saw a different movement near his crotch.

It was one of the more harmless snakes, non-poisonous, but could inflict a rather sharp bite and this particular kind didn't like movement around it. As the boy's hand began moving faster and faster towards his orgasmic goal, I watched as the snake began coiling up to strike. Although I knew that the snake was not poisonous, I thought the kid had better be noticing what was going on between his legs. He, of course, was so close to shooting that he was oblivious to the hissing between his legs and, just as the first spurt of his orgasm shot from his dick, the snake struck!

The shout of joy turned immediately into a wail of pain as the snake bit deeply into the boy's upper thigh, only an inch away from the family jewels. I quickly zipped up to go assist the young man who, as I'd thought, shot up and away from the snake which had fled from the area. He had the wits to clamp his t-shirt against the wound, but as I raced up to where he was, it crossed my mind I could get something more out of this...

"Hey, you ok?" I said as I entered the rock area at top speed towards him.

He just moaned and fell back down on the towel, his legs curled up with his hand holding his t-shirt tightly to his thigh. Yes, this was one good looking if slightly dumb boy and I knelt down beside him and shook his shoulder a bit.

"C'mon, what happened?"

He opened his eyes (and his legs a bit) and saw that there was another human there. "Oh, fuck," he cried, "I just got bit by a snake!"

"What did it look like?" I said, knowing the snake in question wasn't poisonous. "Did it have brown stripes with scattered small dots?" That was the snake I'd seen strike him and I put some fake urgency into my voice. As I'd thought, he looked directly at me.

"Yeah, it was."

I quickly pushed his hand away from his thigh and forced his legs open, his now softened cock and heavy balls falling down with their own weight. "OK, I better get started on this," I said as I got between his legs and bent forward until my lips were against the wound. I began sucking against the wound, knowing that this boy had no idea what I was doing except what he'd seen and heard from TV. His equipment pressed against my ear as I pulled his muscled thigh against my mouth.

He moaned again, but this time because my 'life-saving action' was causing the side of my head to rub against his sensitive cock and my hands were squeezing his thigh as I worked on the wound. "There," I said as I moved away from the area, "that should have gotten any poison that might have been left at the site." I glanced at the trail of cum that was on his upper torso. "Hey, were you jacking off?" He turned bright red in humiliation and nodded. "Oh, shit, that poison could have traveled into you by now. Did you know that the veins in your thighs are the veins that make your cock grow hard?"

"Noo..." he whispered, still bright red and wondering what this meant.

"Well, that means that if any poison got into those veins and from the way that is bleeding," I said as I pointed to the wound site, "you probably picked up venom and ported it into your cock. That's a bad thing for you could loose your cock if we don't act at once."

"What do I need to do?" he cried fearfully, his hands covering his crotch in a futile attempt to protect his toy from damage.

"You just relax," I said, "the only cure I know of is to move the blood around in your system quick enough so that the venom moves out of your cock and enters your cum." I pulled his legs back into the position they had been before, although spreading them a bit wider and then said, "As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to have to give you a heavy massage to help move the blood around you and into your crotch, then massage your testicles until they are ready to receive the blood and then perform extractions to purge any remaining venom from your cum until you are clear."

"Fuck, ok, just get this over with." He lay back again and I first examined the wound at this thigh, which had clotted well and looked clean enough to take what I was going to do to it. I held out my hand and he put the lotion he'd been using into it, a good dollop until I nodded and then, after transferring some to my other hand, began slowly and with heavy pressure, began massaging his shoulders and chest. He groaned as I stroked hard against the swelling pectoral muscles of his chest and as much as I wanted too, I left his hardening nipples alone because I couldn't figure out a lie fast enough to explain how I was getting venom out of his body by playing with them. His pecs were good enough, firm under my hands and getting my cock interested again in the process. I pushed hard against his abs, barking that he needed to flex against me, and enjoyed the feel of his pumped abs against my palms a bit before moving to his legs and, taking one at a time, heavily massaging the thick muscles there from the foot upwards to his crotch. I did avoid mostly the area around the wound site as I didn't want him bleeding again, although I think he was beginning to enjoy the servicing if his twitching cock was any indication. I knew I had triggered his hormones as I rubbed his perineum hard, stroking upwards from his hairy hole towards his bouncing balls, because every time I moved upwards, his cock twitched and filled out a bit more. My hands now closed over his ball sac and, with an admonishing look at him as he started up, began to give his family jewels a good workout of their own.

I pressed hard into each ball until I could feel enough resistance to be just uncomfortable, considering I wanted to make him (and myself) feel really good afterwards. Testicular massage was actually something at which I was good, at least all of my bed partners and lovers had said so. Most guys are freaky about any messing about with their balls, but even my boys had said that when they had allowed me to fondle a bit roughly their balls, they'd enjoyed it and the resulting sex all the more. This seemed to be the case with this young man, for he only clamped his hands on mine once after I'd started, then just laid back and moaned while his cock locked into full erection and oozed precum. Seeing this gave me another idea and I quickly bent forward to suck his cock into my mouth, savoring the little tang of the lotion he'd used (I checked it, non-toxic so I was safe to lick any skin that had this stuff applied) as well as the salty/sweetness of his precum. His eyes flew open as his cock registered the warmth of my mouth and started to sit up, but a quick smash of his left ball settled him right down. When I'd sucked up the little squirt of precum that my last abuse of his ball had shot into my mouth, I let his cock slip from my mouth and slap against his tight belly.

"Sadly it looks like we might be too late," I said as I rolled the precum in my mouth like a connoisseur (of cum, which I actually was) and pretended to analyze it. "I'll have to take in more of your fluid to make sure, and most likely will have to have my antibodies work on your full cum before I can give you any antidote."

He went white with fright and his cock deflated like an untied balloon. "Am I going to die?" he said, looking at me with scared blue eyes.

"I think I can save you," I replied, returning to my perusal of his testicles and warm skin sac, "but you will have to do exactly as I say without complaint, for there's no time left to argue."

"OK," he said, "what do I need to do?" I motioned for him to lie back and I vacuumed his cock back into my mouth. He fell back against his pack, his legs spread and his entire crotch being used by my expert mouth and hands. I'm sure if anybody had walked by at that time they'd have seen the obvious sexual activity, but this poor blonde kid was convinced he was going to die unless I did whatever I wanted to him. Pressing my advantage, I brought him to full erection again and then released his balls, only to lube up a finger and press it against his furry virgin hole.

"Hey!" he said as he felt my finger entering him, "What are you doing to my butt?"

I pushed him down and said, "If you want to live, just shut up. I need to massage your prostate also, since the venom has gotten into your sexual organs. If I don't do this then you might not see sunset tonight." He turned pale at that and leaned back to amazingly spread his legs wider if that was possible. Any resistance at his hole suddenly seemed to melt away and my finger slipped into him deeply with no obstruction. He was a very clean boy, which I appreciated, and soon I was stroking and prodding his prostate with one, then two fingers. When he was in thrall from all of this activity, I carefully removed my clothing, piece by piece, until I was as naked as he was. Thank god he was simple, for if he'd figured out what was about to happen next, he might have taken his chances at dying.

He did cry out as his orgasm shot down my throat, the previous ball massage and then the prostate massage doing what I knew would happen and I sucked his freshly churned cum down my throat, keeping his prostate active with hard jabs and twirls of my fingers. When the young man finally ran out of juice and energy and just lay there like a dead thing (or after a really satisfying orgasm), I applied lotion to my cock and, without much ado, pressed the head of my nice nine fat inches into his unsuspecting hole.

He was impaled before he could even say anything and any argument soon turned into cooing as he felt my cock work his tender ass and prostate like the champion I was. I scooted around so that he was almost riding my cock, his legs spread and flying in the air as his shoulders and head were the only things still upon the towel. I fucked him this way for a bit and then I set him down, adjusting our bodies by leaning back and pulling upon his arms until he was straddling my middle and fully impaled upon my cock. He soon got the idea and continued the operation on himself, rising up and then dropping down upon my cock, allowing me to fondle his pecs and now tweak his nipples liked I'd wanted to before. "Oh man, you're fucking me! Nobody's done that before and it feels real good!" he yelled as he continued slamming his full white ass onto my hard cock.

"This will help as my cum inside you will provide antidote to the venom in your system," I gasped out, continuing the charade of 'saving his life' while I got our respective rocks off. He just moaned and howled as his orgasm built up again for the third time that day and as suddenly he flinched and his cock began spewing all over between our chests and abs. This made my own cock begin flying and he begged me to save his life with my life giving cum in his ass, totally getting into the whole thing and seemingly a bit disappointed when I finally stopped cumming and pushed him off my softened cock.

I reached over to where his clothing was and fished out of the back pocket of the cargo shorts his wallet. I flipped it open to find out his name was Ian and that he was, indeed, just 21 that day. I also memorized his home address and then put the wallet back where I found it. He was lying on his side watching me and then, to my amazement and delight, moved closer to me.

"Well, Ian," I said as I stretched and pulled him into my embrace, "guess I better introduce myself. I'm Mike." He nodded, still well fucked out to do more than just idly trace the cum spatter over my chest from his erupting cock. "I'd better observe you for a few days to make sure you're going to be alright." I noted that his home address was a college dorm in town and asked, "You cool with that? You'll be away from home for the weekend."

He nodded. "Yeah, I told the guys that I'd probably stay overnight at least and most likely hang out for the weekend. I thank you for taking such good care of me." I nodded back and then abruptly stood up, letting him slip away to look up in surprise at me.

"First of all, you'll need to come down to my campsite," I said as I gathered up his things and shoved them all into his knapsack. I handed him his boots and socks, however, as I knew the terrain was too rough for bare feet, although that 'nature boy' look would have been priceless. "I'll need to monitor you carefully, so you'd better stay naked for now. Nobody's in this area anyway but us, so you'll be fine." I knew that the area was clear because I'd made sure of it earlier. "Ok, let's go." He followed along behind me, his only clothing on his feet and his softened cock and still heavy balls bouncing as he moved with me down the steep trail. We arrived at my campsite with only a few scrapes from branches that had 'somehow' gotten away from me and smacked him in the testicles or on his full, firm white ass.

I pointed to a tarp I'd laid down earlier for my own use, however I figured little Ian would prefer it to sitting on the forest floor. "Have a seat, I need to examine you and get another extraction." He looked dumfounded at me, but sat down and spread his legs obediently when I got down myself to look at the bite site (which was already healing nicely) and then to start the process of 'extraction.' "Sorry, I'm not a young guy like you anymore," I said as I pulled out of my 'toy kit' a long blunt smoothly varnished stick about a foot long, with the last three inches carved into a handle and wrapped with leather. "I can't get hard that often and I need to seriously stimulate your prostate. I also need to massage you and your balls again." He just looked at me and then moaned as I slowly stroked him with the lotion and then semi-roughly worked his testicles until he was dribbling from a good hard cock. I slicked up the business end of the stick and then told him I was going to extract him in a different position, one that would make it easier for the venom to find the proper exit. Ian nodded and followed my instructions, getting on his knees and then leaning forward until his head rested on his folded arms. His full pecs hung down almost as good as a girl's boobs, but infinitely more interesting to me than those soft rubbery things and as he spread his legs to me, his cock and balls hung delightfully down for my use. "Ok, here we go." I pushed the stick in slowly until it was mostly in (and his cock jumped with the pressure on his joy button) and then began slowly moving it like a piston in and out of his ass. My other hand started slowly jacking him in time with the stick and before long he was moaning and groaning, his cock leaking precum as if some internal dam was going to break. With a cry it did, and his hot boy juice began jetting from him, his muscles in rigid relief all over his body as he shot what seemed for a long time, only slowing down as I stopped prodding his prostate and jacking his cock. "That was a successful extraction," I claimed, examining the shots all over the tarp. "OK, let's clean that up, we'll clean you up and then have something to eat, OK?" He was a bit wobbly from the intensive cum, but nodded and we cleaned up the place, wiped him down carefully and then prepared dinner.

I did an 'extraction' every couple of hours on him, massaging his body and then specifically his balls, then having him assume the extraction position and use the prod on him while I 'milked' him from behind. Occasionally I'd play with the muscles on his chest and abs, this seemed to move the extraction along nicely and he'd shoot almost in consecutive orgasms from all the stimulation. Finally, he began complaining about how sore his balls were and I noted that his asshole was looking a bit abused, not to mention that he'd been shooting loads that had been getting paler and paler each extraction. I smiled at him and suggested that we rest a bit and then I'd give him more antidote. He perked up at that and we almost cuddled by the carefully built campfire, his golden skin reflecting the warmth of the flames as he lay against me. It was a warm enough night that he wasn't cold, which was a good thing because I had no intention of letting him have his clothing back! After a little while passed, I spread out my sleeping bag and then told him to get me ready.

"If you want some antidote tonight you'll need to help me with this," I said, indicating my cock which had only started to twitch alive. He nodded and carefully took my cock and balls into hand, then proceeded to give me a reasonable blow job. I played with the parts I found highly interesting on his body and then, when I was good and hard I pushed him away and lay down on my back, pointed my cock up in the air and said, "You're ride is ready."

Ian applied a little bit more lotion to the tip of my cock and then straddled me, hunkering down until his asshole was lined up and then sat down in one slow motion movement until he was fully impaled upon me. He began riding my cock and I began rubbing every part of his body that I wanted, mauling his pecs and abs which only made him groan louder and then stroke his heavily muscled thighs as they worked to move his body up and down upon me. His cock grew to its full size, slender but a nice length and young enough to be ramrod straight. His balls were so heavy still that his ball sac stretched down even with his cock rock hard to allow his balls to lightly slap against my belly on the down stroke of his body. When I heard him begin to groan on a regular basis and his balls began wriggling like fish in a sac, I grasped his cock and began roughly jacking it, his moans turning into little shrieks of pleasure as his cock started almost pumping out precum.

One last downward thrust was enough, it seemed, for he arched his back and howled as his cock erupted within my hands, spraying his torso as I aimed his spurting member at his face and chest. His asshole clamped down on my cock and triggered my 'antidote delivery system,' my spurts thick and heavy within his warm hole. He suddenly became like a rag doll and fell backwards, his cock still held in my hands but now his back lying against my lower legs while his ass was still impaled upon my cock. It actually felt ok to me and I left him there to recover while my cock softened and slowly slipped from its warm scabbard. After relaxing for a bit more time, we slowly cleaned each other off and then, cuddling inside the sleeping bag, drifted off to sleep.

The following day he was extracted almost ten times and given antidote about three times, all of this gladly accepted and often requested, only mildly complaining when his balls and/or asshole became aching or sore from overuse. We'd take rest periods then, his naked golden body always resting against mine and usually with me idly stroking his full pectorals or muscled thigh lightly, almost in a petting mode. I had sufficient food supplies that we were well fed and since there was a clear, unpolluted stream nearby (I'd done the sample testing earlier) we had clean water to drink and wash up with. Bodily evacuation functions were handled off to one side with careful cleansing of the affected area following that activity. Evening approached and we had our last antidote delivery before going to sleep again.

The next morning Ian woke and actually played enough with me to get me hard enough to ride almost without permission, and after a slow start, received his antidote and got up to get cleaned up. When he returned, he was a little disappointed to see that I was beginning to pack up.

"Mike, is that it then?"

I nodded, well satisfied that I'd used this boy well and satiated my sexual needs for the time. "Yeah, we need to get back to civilization. Our food supply is all but gone and, more importantly, you are out of lotion!" He laughed at that as I'd expected him to and then helped with dismantling the campsite until everything was stowed back to my backpack. His knapsack, which I'd put away for the weekend, was now the only thing sitting on the ground as I hefted my backpack onto my back and got it comfortably settled.

"Do you think I'll be ok now?" Ian said quietly as he retrieved his rather wrinkled clothing and put on the shorts and t-shirt before pulling the knapsack onto his shoulder.

"Yeah, well, I have something to tell you," I said, deciding to come clean about the weekend and letting him go off knowing he was in no danger from the snake bite.

He grinned and said, "You're going to tell me that I was never in any danger, right?"

I just looked at him and said, "That's part of it, yeah. How did you know?"

He pulled off his knapsack and then, after fishing around in it a bit, pulled out a little survival guide that showed the various snakes in the region. He showed me the one page that he'd earmarked with a good photo of the very snake that had bitten him and very clearly said that, while painful, the bite from that snake wasn't poisonous.

"I have something to confess to you as well, Mike." He actually did the 'little kid caught in a lie toe drag on the ground' movement and then looked up at me. "I'd noticed you right away and thought you were one hot daddy. I really wanted a good look at you and had decided that I'd give you a good show before coming down to visit with you." He grinned and pointed to the book. "I knew that I might run into a snake up there on that rock, so when I saw that one was nearby, I figured that as long as I wasn't bitten in my private bits I'd be ok. When I got bit and you came running up, I decided to see what you'd do, considering I was naked there." Ian smiled and said, "I was so glad that you wanted to have sex with me that I almost forgot to act scared a few times." He rubbed his ass thoughtfully. "Although, I still like your cock over that wood stick of yours, but it was worth it to get you to jack me off."

I laughed, my grand plans lying in shambles, but still happy things had gone as well as they had. What Ian said next surprised me.

"Let's get together again, OK? We really don't need another snake bite to continue having great sex, do we?"

I shook my head and then pulled him into a big hug. "You bet, we can skip the snake next time and just go right for your cock. How about that?" He grinned back and we returned to where our cars were and, after exchanging phone numbers, made plans for the next weekend. I watched Ian drive off and smiled to myself, then returned to the campsite which really wasn't that far away. Hidden away were a couple of cameras, one that captured most of the activity in the camp and the other one that had accidentally gotten the entire show on the rock on tape. I smiled as I retrieved the cameras and, checking that they'd recorded properly, returned to my car and drove back to my place, happy that not only did I get another shot at Ian's muscled and perfectly fuckable body, but I also had it preserved for myself forever.

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