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Sideways and Then Some by Callan Smith
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I've been using the expression "and then some" ever since Lauren Bacall wrote her wonderful sequel to "By Myself." It communicates so much. Anyway I wanted you to know that I recently got myself 'some' during a wine tasting tour in the south of Italy. I was "by myself" but travelling with a group of serious wine imbibers when Leo made his intoxicating appearance.

As often happens, love walked in just when I was least expecting it and at first he didn't appeal to me at all, clad as he was in his over-large clutsy army fatigues. Until Leo my sexual palate had been used to the finest of wines. Not the rough and ready red I found in front of me late one night. He looked like your run of the mill farm boy. Which he was. But when he took his ugly clothes off he was a whole new road show.

Speaking of road shows. The wine tour was well organized and also very economic which meant that we had to make do with what we found on the road. Which was usually a simple farmhouse or the Italian equivalent of a guest house. Not wanting to share a room with anyone I very often found myself sleeping in a barn or wherever the stable hand usually dossed down for the night during harvest time. Unfortunately I saw neither hide nor hair of any stable boys during the entire trip which was highly disappointing I must say. Until Leo appeared on the scene that is.

His parents offered me very comfortable accommodation in a hayloft. They'd converted it especially for their son who was doing his military service and wasn't due back for a month or so. I liked it a lot and really appreciated the singular atmosphere. I sank into an exhausted sleep as soon as I hit the hay so to speak only to wake in the middle of the night to find a flashlight in my face. Leo's flushed face was quite a shock at first as, with his red cheeks and bushy hair, he looked like a fox in the unnatural light. For a moment I thought I was back in the army barracks and it was time to get up and practise fighting the enemy. They often did that to us in the middle of the night.

Forgetting I was completely naked and had a huge hard on I threw back the sheet and jumped to my feet. Leo looked at my nine inch dick and said "Piacere". That's the Italian word for "pleasure" or "pleased to meet you" and I must admit my dick is quite a pleasure to meet. Especially first thing in the morning when it's always as hard as a rock.

He apologized for disturbing me and said he had decided to pay his parents a surprise visit. Of course nobody could have been more surprised than I was. And my surprise usually registers in my dick. I couldn't turn him out of his own loft so I gave him a blanket and he made up a makeshift bed in a corner. I watched him undress in the flickering light. It was like watching a surreal strobe-lit striptease. He removed the army clothing, item by item, and I sighed a lustful sigh when I saw how muscularly beautiful he was. And what a beautiful muscle he had between his legs too.

I've always found haylofts homoerotic. There's something really phallic about all that spiky hay surrounding those horny hunks one sees in magazines. And now Leo was stretching out before me like a gorgeous centrefold stroking his huge dick. I watched mesmerized. The light cast a larger than life dick shadow on the wall too. I flipped. He asked me if the light was bothering me.

I replied by stretching out on the bed myself and hand fisting my own dick till it grew to its full formidable size. He licked his fingers and fingered his foreskin until his sturdy stem glistened in the lamplight like that mythical golden bough in Greek literature. So I went one better and drooled a long slithery line of slick silvery spittle and let it fall on my dick where it shone like quick silver. I worked it right into my shining shaft making slow sinuous sloshing sounds to stimulate his intentions. Not that his intentions needed much stimulating.

He bent his knees and opened his legs so I could get a double dose of his dreamy dick and hairy, air-humping ass. My mouth began to water and I did what seemed to be the only natural thing to do. I crawled over towards him and put my head between his sturdy legs. It was such a fabulous fuck feast I didn't know where to begin. So I dug my nose right in there and nuzzled his balls. Something I don't remember doing to anyone before. He lifted his legs higher, opening his ass up to me as he did so.

Now I had a terrible choice. I could either go up further and devour his dick or go in and investigate his ass with my tongue. I chose the latter. Once again I had never done such a thing before. Steeling my tongue to push its way through all that hair. Normally the very thought would have nauseated me but he'd got me so hot and the smell of him was so mind fucking good that I almost felt I was back at the wine tasting counter savouring the musky tang and checking the full bodied bouquet of a vintage wine.

His ass opened automatically just like sluice gates to a canal barge and my dick was sending out moist messages that it wasn't far behind. My cruising mouth connected with the velvet rim of his butt hole. I slobbered at the entry to this dark mossy cave. As I fielded with the tip of my tongue he yielded with the whole of his ass.

It was soft and mushy inside. My tongue slithered in easily like the snake in the Garden of Eden and he quivered and convulsed in horny response. I stuck a finger or two in there as well. He let out a moan of satisfaction and his thighs splayed wider. At this rate, I thought I'll soon be half way up to my elbow. My dick was getting very impatient by this time and wanted in on the action. I must say I saw its point. I sucked Leo's balls as if I was swallowing two juicy plums and, taking advantage of his horny howls, opened his legs just as far as they would go and rammed my whole nine inches right into him. I aimed for the sky. He almost swallowed me, balls and all. He wrapped his legs firmly around me and I held on to him as if I was aboard a bucking bronco. His thighs opened even wider and his ass rose high into the air and he clamped down on my dick like he never wanted to let it go. While my dick was initially appreciative of this tightening hold it soon began to feel it was in a vice or something and wasn't able to give vent to its powerful feelings.

By now Leo was whimpering like a pet puppy. His face was rolling deliriously from side to side. My dick was whimpering too but it couldn't roll from side to side as Leo was clasping it so tight. It took the only other path available and went onward and upward. But there's only so far that even my dick can go and just when it seemed it couldn't get any further or fuck Leo any harder he responded by loosening his butt and writhing his heaving hips up down on my fuck-crazed dick as if he was giving it the kiss of death. Which indeed he was for he looked at me with grateful half-glazed eyes and sent me such strong vital messages of undying love that I went in and out of there like a pulsating piston.

His body shuddered and shivered and his teeth chattered but I knew he wasn't cold and increased the pace. I churned away at that farm boy's butt of his until I had reduced it to butter. I reduced my dick quite a bit in the process. I came in violent spastic spasms and enormous joyous eruptions and was so carried away by the swelling sensations that I let him jerk himself off instead of giving him the full service I had intended to give him.

One thing we hadn't done yet and we soon made up for it. We kissed. And that was fucking great too. It was just like cumming all over again but this time with our tongues. Naturally we spent the rest of the night in the same bed. I woke early next day to the crowing and growing of cocks. Normally whether my partner is male or female I always play the dominant role. Which is another way of telling you I've never been fucked. But with Leo I learned to take it both ways and it was great. In fact maybe I should have called this horny story, 'Both ways and then some!'

I found his cock was awakening sensations in me I'd never experienced and there was nothing I could do about it as he was halfway inside my ass. It felt so snug in there too. Like the proverbial bug in the rug. He started by licking his thumbs and stroking my nipples. The bastard must have known instinctively that my nipples are the secret key to my sexual kingdom. He had me writhing like crazy and got me so horny that my butt gave way. He was in me and up me before I could say stop.

First my body went taut and strained, then as his dick hit my love button it began to rise and fall like a surfer riding the perfect wave. My ass quivered like an arrow that has been shot from the bow and is about to hit the target dead center. Except his dick was doing all that, and then some. But I was so fuck crazy by then I didn't know if I was coming or going. Although I think I was mostly coming. And all the time he kept on tugging at my nipples and plugging my ass as if he was topping and tailing gooseberries. He made my hot butt hole feel like a fucking frostie. What's more the constant friction of his hairy chest seemed to be shaving my back raw and turning my spine to sponge.

His sweat mingled with mine as we writhed in unison midst pain and pleasure and I soon began to lose the power to distinguish one from the other as he pounded and pummelled me towards oblivion and ecstasy, and then some. Before long this delicious mutual agony found merciful, blissful release in a cascade of cum cream and sweat as we broke the sexual sound barrier and sent the early morning pigeons fluttering to the skies. Morning had indeed broken and so had my ass. I couldn't believe I'd been defending my virginity and manhood for all that time. And for what? It was all so fucking phenomenal.

Later his mother apologized for the 'inconvenience' and made us a huge farmhouse breakfast. I needed it. He didn't have to report for duty for a few more days and kept popping up unexpectedly at wine venues. Popping up and popping in if you know what I mean. Of course this time I didn't mind at all sharing a room though I must admit we sometimes had difficulty keeping the noise level down. Walls have ears and I do have something of a reputation. For nearly a week we fucked like ferrets and ground each other to a milky pulp. We drank a lot of good wine too. In fact my cheeks were almost as red as his at the end of it all. My face cheeks I mean. And then some.

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