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Sex Smitten by Barringer
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Sexual surprises often come when you're least expecting them. That's been my experience anyway. Hope it's been yours too. The chance encounter on the subway. Eye contact with a flight attendant. The television technician who turns up on your doorstep. The list is endless. Fate provides us all with various golden opportunities and it's up to us to make the most of them when they raise their beautiful heads. Sometimes however they sneak up on us when we're not quite ready for them or have convinced ourselves that we're out of luck - and fuck - and that no more are ever going to come our way. Or when we're 'incapacitated' as I was when I met Paul.

It was one of those hotter than Hades days when even the air-conditioner seems to give in to the heat and leaves you limp and panting. Actually I was more than panting. I was having an asthma attack and I wasn't prepared for it. I hadn't had one for over two years and had forgotten how frightening it could be. The loss of breath. The gasping for air. Don't suppose you'll be surprised to hear I'd been having sex at the time and was 'mid-blow' so to speak. Fortunately on that occasion my partner had taken me to the local hospital and they managed to revive me. Since then, if I'd been wise, I would have seen to it I had the right medication always on hand but so much time had gone by I'd forgotten that initial panic. Nevertheless I had the presence of mind to call a pharmacist friend of mine who said she'd send her assistant right round with an inhaler. He could also give me an injection if necessary. This would give me enough respite till I had the correct medical treatment.

And that's how Paul came into my life. He was literally a breath of fresh air. And I eventually inhaled him real good. But first he took charge of things and got me over my initial panic attack. He gave me an injection and got me to lie down and relax. I was greatly impressed by his firm body and soft re-assuring hands. He phoned Diana on his cell-phone to say that he'd stay with me for a while and make sure I was ok. Actually I was ok from the moment I set eyes on him. His voice and 'bedside manner' were so soothing and the white pharmacist's coat gave him the look of an angel.

He didn't behave like an angel though. At least not like the angels you usually read about. In fact as I lay there on cloud nine looking up gratefully at him he had a devilish glint in his blue eyes, which seemed to be telling me he'd got my number but didn't quite know how to make the connection. As usual, when the sexual antennae begin a-buzzing in my head, I took the initiative.

I told him I was feeling much better and offered him a beer.

"Sounds great," he said.

I accompanied him to the kitchen.

He asked if he could 'make himself comfortable.' Before I could answer he'd started unbuttoning his white coat. Underneath he was wearing just a tight t-shirt and even tighter pants. It was obvious from the word go that he worked out a lot and I 'went' at the sight of him.

"That's better," he said. "It's so hellish hot today."

He didn't drink the beer straightaway but sat on the counter next to the kitchen sink and poured some over his head. Some of it drenched his t-shirt and gave me one of those now-you-see-me now-you-don't previews of his torso. He caught me looking at him.

"Sorry," he said. "I mustn't get you too excited. Diana told me you were into guys."

"That's ok." I said, surprised to be having such an intimate conversation so soon.

"I'm straight myself," he added, "but it turns me on when people look at my body."

Looking at the way he looked at me, I had my doubts as to just how straight this angel from heaven was but he was certainly straightforward. I watched him wrap his lips around the neck of the beer bottle and wondered if he'd ever wrapped them around someone's dick or could be persuaded to do so. And I just loved the way his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed. We talked about this, that and the other and before long he'd finished his beer. He put down the empty bottle and leaned over to the sink to rinse his head with cold water. His tight muscular ass seemed to strain against the cotton of his white denims. I began to sweat in sexual anticipation and June began to bust all over. It really was hellish hot and we were both visibly suffering from it although I'd begun to ask myself how much was due to the sultry weather and the malfunctioning air-conditioner and how much to the ever increasing heat we were producing between us.

"Why don't you have a cold shower before you go back to work?" I suggested.

"I don't have to go back to work. Di said I could have the rest of the afternoon off."

"I'll show you to the bathroom," I said, happy we were already on 'Di' terms.

I spoke like it was the most natural thing in the world but I was shaking like a leaf. Where was all this going to lead I wondered. Although of course I knew. I handed him a couple of towels before I left the bathroom. I suppose I could have stayed to undress him but didn't want to make things too obvious. Not that they weren't already. His dick certainly was. I could see the burgeoning bulge. He wasn't long under the shower and came back into the kitchen wrapped in one of the towels. I had to suppress a sigh. He looked both refreshed and irresistibly appetising. As they say in the ads, he was body beautiful. I asked him for his sweaty beer-soiled things and threw them into the wash machine.

I gave him another beer and offered him a chair but he said he preferred the counter. He leant languidly against the kitchen wall and stretched out his long legs. This of course gave me a good view of his strapping thighs and luscious inside leg. I gulped in spite of myself. By now I was willing to risk another asthma attack to see just a little bit more of him. As if he could read my mind he loosened the towel from around his waist and let it fall open. His dick rose up to greet me.

"Sorry." he said, "I have little control over the darn thing. It always gets horny after a shower."

"That's ok," I said but he seemed more in need of admiration than consolation.

"Especially now that my girl friend has left me. Haven't had any lip service in quite a while"

"That sucks," I said, staring open mouthed at the unexpected genital display.

His dick was at half-mast and his balls were like hard boiled eggs.

"I wish someone did," he laughed but I knew he was serious.

"I usually do," I said blushing in spite of myself, "but you've caught me at a bad time."

"We could take it slow and easy," he said. "Don't forget I'm here to look after you."

I don't really know, even now, why I was so backward in coming forward. Here was this straight stud offering himself to me on a plate and begging me to lick his platter clean. And giving me what was quickly turning into a horny puppet show and yet I was the one who needed encouragement.

I watched fascinated as his thickening dick bobbed up and down in front of me as if he was pulling it by an invisible string. He was so laid back and unembarrassed and gazed at it proudly as a master would at his performing dog. He asked me if I'd ever seen a dick like it. I had to admit I hadn't.

"It's got a life of its own," he said. "Needs the spunk taken out of it. Needs it real bad."

And of course that's just what I wanted to do. Give it a hard slap with my lips and take all the spunk out of it but I was afraid of bringing on another asthma attack. Past experience had taught me that giving head called for strong lungs and good breath control especially when dealing with a mega-dick like Paul's. Nonetheless I moved forward hypnotised by this python snake charmer standing in my kitchen willing me to go down on him. We hovered a bit but then somehow our lips locked and I discovered that in spite of what everyone says straight guys do kiss. At least this straight guy did or maybe his whole story was just a line to lure me on or help him out of the closet.

He pressed his tongue so far in my mouth and his dick so hard against my body that I couldn't get down to his dick anyway. Especially as he'd wedged his hands down the back of my pants and was making pizza dough out of my butt. To make matters worse, he was now leaning against the wash machine so that when it went into the spin cycle his whole body began to vibrate. It was a real turn on. I managed to tear myself away like I was Doris Day in a Rock Hudson movie and got his things out of the drier. But he turned out to be Marilyn Monroe and asked me if I wouldn't mind putting them in the icebox to cool off. Told me he got the idea from 'The Seven Year Itch.' If the scenario hadn't been so hot and horny it would have been funny. But no director or scriptwriter could have made up such a scene. That's when I started having serious doubts about how straight he was. I mean what straight guy puts his undies in the icebox?

He sat back on the counter looking rather crestfallen. The expression of amused disbelief on my face had taken the wind out of his sails - or the wood out of his masthead. For once he seemed embarrassed which gave me the upper hand. I no longer felt such a dork. I still felt afraid of being breathless for all the wrong reasons but his dick and his balls looked so appetising. I made no more bones about tackling his boner and went over and licked them. I must say, there's something cool and comforting about a guy's hot cock even when the temperature is in the nineties. As I sipped at the sweet and tangy font of his wellspring I thought how many less hang-ups we upright and uptight Puritans would have if we were allowed to draw nourishment from our father's dick as well as our mother's breast. "That's right. Wow that's great." he said and lifted his legs way up high so my tongue could get at the furry valley between the bottom of his balls and his ass crack. I must admit I was wheezing a bit by now but I was also teasing his little pink rosebud and making it blossom with the pleasure it was getting from my fuck-feather of a tongue. "Wow man," he sighed. "Right on."

Unfortunately, I was unable to go 'right on' and take him on the full-extended trip to ecstasy as my chest started heaving again. He immediately jumped to his feet and came to my rescue. He stood right behind me and, slipping his hands up the front of my shirt, began to massage my chest. I leant gratefully against him and relaxed into his firm body. It wasn't long before his dick was back on track and my butt was getting a mean massage as well.

"I didn't mean for all this to happen," he whispered. "It's this dick of mine that's to blame."

"That's ok," I whispered back.

"No guy has ever tongue fucked me before. I meant it when I told you I was straight."

"Put it down to the heat of the moment," I said knowing he had to find some justification for his frisky feelings. The closet door was ajar, he was just afraid to come all the way out that's all.

"Even so, I must say you sure act strange for a straight guy," I told him.

"Can I fuck you if I'm careful?" was all he said.

"Yes," I said, then added, "Even if you're not careful."

"Let's have a shower together. The water will relax you."

"And your dick will have just the opposite effect." I said.

I got undressed quite naturally in front of him forgetting just how big my dick could get.

"Wow," he said for the third (and then fourth) time that day. "Wow, your dick's a real stunner."

"Thanks," I said blushing my second blush and hoping there wouldn't be a third.

We stood under the shower admiring each other's bodies - and dicks - for quite some time.

"I've never fucked a guy before," he said shyly, almost blushing himself.

"So you keep saying. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." I told him.

"I want to. I want to," he said.

Instead I got a repeat performance of what he'd done to me before. He pulled me roughly towards him, clasping my butt and rubbing my dick against his. We were both dangerously near to coming.

"I think you'd better turn me round," I said. "Remember I'm not a girl."

"I know you're not a girl," he said spinning me round like a top and lathering me up good.

His dick was inside me before I exactly knew what was happening to me. This straight guy sure was full of devious surprises. And my ass was full of his dick. I was breathing heavily once more. From asthma or his dick I know not. A combination of both I suppose. He massaged my chest once more and naturally I relaxed against him again. His dick felt so good and I knew he was doing his best not to hurt me or overexcite me but I wanted to be hurt and overexcited.

"I'm not that fragile," I said working my butt down on his dick and driving him into a frenzy.

He left off massaging my chest and started massaging my dick instead. He fucked me and jerked me off until I was absolutely boneless. I felt like a deflated party balloon and he'd certainly burst that. Unfortunately, I rather spoilt everything by starting to wheeze. He picked me gently up in his arms and carried me into the bedroom. He wrapped me in a towel and handed me the inhaler.

"Sorry," I said as I regained my breath and equilibrium. "I'd much rather be inhaling your dick."

"Plenty of time for that. And don't forget you still have to finish that great job you did on my ass."

"You do realize, don't you, that tongue fucking is just a preliminary measure," I said.

"How do you mean?" he said playing dumb. Or maybe he was dumb but I didn't really care.

"It leads to other things. Are you sure you can manage my nine-inch stud stunner?"

"I'm ready to give it a try," he said, "If you are."

"Just give me a day or so to build up my strength and I'll soon straighten you out straight boy."

Actually we didn't need a day or so. Just a couple of hours. We were so into each other by now and his ass was so hot for my dick it opened up like a pair of sluice gates as I barged right on in there. Mind you he made a hell of a lot of noise while doing so and did a whole lot of wheezing himself.

At the time of writing, we're still together and are what he calls an 'item.' He seems to have given up on girls. For the moment anyway. When I mention the fact he changes the subject or says he has to keep his promise to Diana.

"What promise is that?" I asked him the other day.

"I told her I'd look after you," he said hugging me to him.

And he's certainly doing that. Of course I'm doing a pretty good job myself.

Looking after him I mean. By the way that reminds me.

I must remember to get his underwear out of the icebox.

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