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One Wild Night by Bradbad
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I met Justin in my Junior year of college. It was a new dorm and a chance to make some new friends. Not that I ever had that many friends, any way. Looking back, it seems that there have only been one or two people, at most, in my life that could really say they knew me well. Being an only child, I guess I had become comfortable doing things by myself. Mostly I had become comfortable getting my own way, and my few close friends respected that. They all knew that when I decided to leave a party early, there was no sense trying to talk me out of it. Just another one of those absolutes in nature, I thought.

For some reason, I was immediately attracted to that guy across the hall. Yes, he was dripping with sexuality - most guys are at that time in their lives - but we really connected mentally as well. I didn't know it at the time, but I had just been given one of life's greatest gifts - a true friend.

Back in those days, I knew I was gay but I was still hopelessly locked in the closet. The people I hung out with in high school were very vocal in their hatred of 'fags', and so were many people around me in college. I did come to know some openly gay people who worked in the cafeteria with me, and there were others in the band, but they seemed to belong to a separate society, or a parallel universe or something. The point is, I never really felt like I was part of that crowd, and I was very alone in the straight crowd. But, I was pretty good at being alone and isolating myself from any serious relationships where I might have to reveal too much information. That is until I met Justin. Talk about getting hit on the head with a ton of bricks! That guy made me crazy with lust. Just catching a whiff of him made my heart race and my cock spring to life. "This is going to be a long semester if I don't get over this guy", I thought to myself.

As I said, Justin lived across the hall from me that year. He was from Philadelphia while I hailed from the Pittsburgh area. We both had pot-luck roomies that year, and neither of us got along with our cell mates. Justin noticed that I was in the band, because I was always running back from rehearsal just in time for dinner in the dorm cafeteria. One evening we crossed paths in the hallway and started chatting. He also played the sax, he volunteered, but had lost interest. The casual chit-chat went on for a few minutes before I unlocked my door, threw the sax case in the closet and flopped down on my bed.

"I guess I missed dinner", I said as I glanced at the clock. "Anything good tonight?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, they had taco salads" he said in a goofy way. "I don't really like taco salads, but I do like to say 'tac-ooo salad'!" Then he kept saying it over and over, and before I knew it we were both giggling like complete imbeciles!

"Stop it!" I said, trying to catch my breath. "What the hell is your problem - are you wasted or something? It's only 7 o'clock!"

"Yep - I sure am!" was the reply. Turns out he was into recreational drinking as much as I was.

He then stumbled over to his room, and I stood up to see what he was up to. This was my first and last chance to avoid getting to know him, as my isolationist-self wanted to do. But the sheer joy of laughing that way with him made me suppress those feelings, and I walked over and stepped just inside his room.

He had already taken his shirt off and tossed it onto the pile in the corner. His back was to me as he stood at the desk fiddling with glasses and a bottle of something. The stereo churned out a Talking Heads tune, which I had ignored up to that point. I just stood there in the doorway, paralyzed by the sight of this gorgeous man apparently pouring me a drink I could hardly wait for him to turn around so I could get a look at his chest. Was it hairy or smooth? Muscled or not? A jolt of electricity shot down my spine and right into my stiffening cock.

Justin turned around, and with a big smile on his face said "Tequila time"! (Now I knew one of the reasons I liked this guy.) After two or three shots I began to feel a warm wave spread through my entire body. Just then "Take me to the river" came up on the CD player, and our eyes met in approval. He went for the volume control, and I went for the door so as not to piss off the RA. We continued to do shots and sing poorly as most guys do with loud music and alcohol. I got more and more horny, and made sure that as we stumbled around the room that we'd occasionally bump into each other.

I tried not to get caught looking, but it was so hard not to stare at him. His chest was covered with a light blond fur that was perfectly distributed. The hair merged in the center and ran right down into his shorts. Oh how I wanted to follow that trail! His pecs were full and firm, but not too big for his slender frame. He had small, hard nipples peeking out through that golden fleece adorning his chest. Sorry to disappoint you, but nothing more happened that night.

Justin was about 3 inches taller than I, and rather lanky from a distance. Most of his work-out time was spent on his upper body. But he did have very sexy legs - equally carpeted in that beautiful blonde hair. And the one thing that surprised me the most was how turned on I got by his feet. He had such long toes, I was just amazed. I've never considered myself as being obsessed by any particular body part on anyone, aside from the obvious, but those feet! And as luck would have it, Justin hated shoes. Everywhere he went, whether it was hot, cold, raining, through rocks, across hot pavement - no shoes. Just those beautiful naked feet for me to admire.

Anyway, as I got to know him better over that year and the next, I let my guard down a bit and became "involved", if you will. I went home with him to Philadelphia on several occasions, and he came to my home too. We spent a lot of time together just watching TV, going to parties, and driving around aimlessly. One night, during a particularly wicked party at the dorm, I pulled one of my patented "I'm going out for some air" moves, which everyone knew meant I had had enough of the crowd and was not coming back. Actually, I was really drunk and so hopelessly in love with Justin I had to get away before I did something to mess it all up. The last thing I wanted was to lose my new friend.

I took a walk to a nearby park that had a huge, open field - one of my favorite places to escape. It was a warm, starry night, like something out of a trashy romance novel. (Or so I hear.) I'd been there about an hour, when much to my surprise, along came Justin to see if I was OK. Damn! Why did he have to do that! Still really drunk, we both laid there staring at the sky - a few feet apart. After a few minutes of idle chatter, I decided to steer the conversation towards something productive to end my torment one way or the other. I was going to tell Justin I was gay.

I don't really remember how I laid that all out, but I do know that I didn't get very far before I got the distinct impression that he knew what I was trying to say, but just didn't want to hear it. So I left well enough alone, and kept my secret locked up inside. My love for Justin continued, but I had nearly given up all hope of ever coming clean with him.

Then, it happened. Another night of intense partying led to a sordid little affair that could have ended our friendship forever. I thought Justin was totally passed out, but then again, he must have known what was happening....

Justin and I remained good friends, nearly inseparable at times, until I finally graduated and left town one semester before he finished. But that didn't stop me from wanting to spend time with him. School was only an hour away from home, so I found myself back there on many weekends to party with Justin and a few other friends still there. Hell, I would even drive there after work on a Thursday afternoon, party for a few hours, and get back in time for a few hours sleep before work on Friday. All that craziness was just to be nearer the man I loved for a few hours, even though I couldn't tell him how I felt. The pain of that was a constant drain, but it had become a part of me just like my hair or my arm.

That summer Justin decided to stay in town and take an extra class or two before returning to Philadelphia to start grad school. He got a job as a bouncer/door man at a hotel night club that we often frequented. Now Justin was really not the bouncer type. For one thing, he was not 'huge' and not much of a physical threat to anyone. But the real flaw in that picture was his personality. Justin didn't have a mean bone in his body. He was so easy-going and polite, it just seemed ridiculous to think he could be happy trying to do that job. Fortunately, the summer is rather slow and it turned out to be easy time.

I continued my weekly trips to keep in touch. Near the end of the summer, the club was preparing to close for a few weeks for remodeling, so a big last-night bash was planned. Justin was able to get off work early and join the fun. I was trying to keep my drinking under control so I could drive us home, but once the bar closed it got really interesting.

At 2:00 am the "ugly lights" came on, and most everyone had to leave. I got to stick around because I was Justin's friend, and I knew some of the other employees. That's when the serious drinking began. The staff decided that they might as well finish off as much of the opened booze as possible, rather than pack it up or toss it out for the remodeling. All sorts of shots and shooters were being passed around, but I still tried to keep a lid on my intake. Justin, however, was really putting them away, and eventually got extremely drunk. He was bouncing off the walls, falling down on the dance floor, and saying the silliest things! He was the life of the party that night.

Then it was time to go. Justin was unable to walk on his own, so one of the bartenders helped me get him outside to my car, leaving his there. Of course, he fell down a couple of times in the parking lot and got soaking wet from the rain. All this was very amusing at the time. So off we went, back to Justin's apartment.

I was able to get him from the car into the apartment with little trouble. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a leak. I was in the living room preparing my bed for the night - a sleeping bag on the floor. That was actually better than trying to sleep on the short couch. Besides, if I placed the sleeping bag correctly, I could have a direct line of sight into his bedroom. Hopefully he would give me a little strip show tonight so I could twist that image into a pleasant dream to get me through the night.

After a few minutes, Justin stammered out of the bathroom, mumbled something to me on his way through the living room, and headed for the bedroom. I was all ready to watch him undress, but instead he just dove on the bed and passed out. Damn! Then I remembered he was still soaking wet from rolling around in the parking lot at the bar. I yelled in and told him to take his wet clothes off. No response.

I found myself at one of those points in your life when an opportunity for misbehavior presents itself and you must choose a path. Do I just try to wake him up and tell him to take those wet clothes off? Do I let him lie there all night and wake up miserable? Or do I go in there and take his clothes off for him, and make sure I get something for me too? All the possible outcomes raced through my head like the computer in the movie "War Games" until a decision was reached. It was time to act.

I got up and went into the bedroom, and sat down on the bed next to Justin. I tried to wake him up by talking loudly and shaking him a bit. After a few minutes, he showed signs of life, and eventually I got him to stand up. I helped him get his shirt off, and he started taking his jeans off by himself. I took that opportunity to remove the now-soaked comforter from the bed, and Justin crawled back onto the bed wearing just his briefs. He was sound asleep in no time, flat on his back, and I returned to the living room. During that entire encounter my heart was racing and evil thoughts consumed me. But I managed to do the right thing and go back to bed myself.

When I laid back down I tried to put him out of my mind, but my hard-on just wouldn't quit. I slid my shorts off and started gently stroking my cock, hoping I could satisfy my desires without doing anything I might regret. As you may have guessed, that didn't work. After about 30 minutes, I was still wide awake and rock-hard. It was rather warm in the apartment, and I was starting to sweat and get thirsty. I really didn't want to jerk off because I wanted this feeling to last. But I had to stop and go get some water.

Knowing Justin was out cold, I just got up and went to the kitchen for a drink without getting dressed. On the way back, with my still-hard cock bobbing up and down as I walked, I caught a glimpse of Justin lying in bed. Moonlight pierced the darkness of the bedroom, and it made that golden fleece covering his body glow, beckoning me to come closer. This was another one of those opportunities for misbehavior, but this time I chose a different path. My cock was in control, and I carefully walked toward the bedroom.

A tremendous rush of warmth overcame my body, and again, a jolt of energy shot down my spine. I walked over to the bed and knelt down between the bed and the window. If Justin woke up, he would be blinded by the moonlight behind me, and maybe wouldn't notice I was naked. I gently shook the bed and called his name, to see if there was a reaction. Nothing. A little louder, and still nothing. Time to get busy or forget it.

Justin was still on his back, one arm across his chest, the other at his side. His legs were slightly spread, and his briefs were hanging loosely on him. I could see the outline of his sleeping cock under the briefs, and a bit of his bush was showing. I reached out and held my hand just over his bulging pouch, careful not to make contact yet. My body was trembling with both intense fear and excitement, and I had to pull away and take several deep breaths. "My God", I thought to myself. "What the hell am I doing?" Before I could answer, I reached back over and softly pulled on the leg opening of Justin's briefs to expose his ball sac. His balls glided out into the moonlight and I glanced up to his face for any sign that he noticed. Still no change in his slumber.

Just then I felt a wet sensation on my leg, and realized my cock was oozing honey all over the place. I used my other hand to squeeze out a nice bead, and then slurped it down while still warm. Well, that's all it took. I was so hell-bent on getting off and so cock-crazy that I took even more risks with Justin.

I leaned over and took a good whiff of Justin's crotch. I could feel the heat from his body on my face, and I just had to see and feel more! My hand was getting tired, so I let his briefs go back to covering him loosely, and I relocated myself from the floor to the edge of the bed at his feet. It was all I could do to not nibble on those glorious toes while I was down there, but I knew a better prize awaited me. If I could just get those briefs OFF without waking him! I figured that even if I did wake him up, he'd be so groggy or confused that I could get out before he realized what was going on.

So I reached up and grabbed the waistband on both sides, and started to work them off his hips. Before I knew it, I had those briefs off and smashed them up against my face for a final sniff. Still a little damp from the wet jeans and/or sweat, the smell made me crazy with lust. Now that Justin's package was free of that restriction, his balls hung low, resting on the sheet below. His cock was nestled in a patch of golden fur, pointing left towards the moonlight.

I stood up and slowly nudged both his feet out a couple of inches to get a better view. Still he didn't move or change his breathing at all. Next I placed my knees in the gap between his feet, and went down for a close-up. I just hovered there for a moment, my face about two inches from his exposed cock and balls. Again the heat hit me and I quickly lapped his cock up into my mouth. I was very gentle at first, just lightly holding it there, listening for a reaction. Hearing and feeling none, I came up for air and to enjoy the view once again. Feeling more daring by the moment, I went back down and this time worked first one, then both balls into my wet, hungry mouth. I'm sure my hair was rubbing against his legs and cock, as I really had to reach down to get them. His balls were so big I could barely get both in at that angle, but by the time I was through they both got a good spit bath.

I came up for air again and to give my cock some attention. The honey was still flowing and I enjoyed another taste, this time rubbing some of it around my throbbing cock-head. Had I kept that up for long, I would have blown my load right there all over Justin. Perhaps later, I thought.

Refocusing my attention on Justin, I noticed his balls were somewhat contracted now. Perhaps it was just the cooling effects of the spit shine I gave him. Or could he be waking up and enjoying this? I decided to find out.

Bending over from a kneeling position was giving me a headache, because I too had been drinking that night. So I moved his left leg back towards center a bit, and ever-so-slowly crawled up next to him on the bed, my head right beside his crotch. There was still no reaction to that move, so I went back to work. His cock was still pointing left, right at me, so I stuck my tongue out and under, and took it all in. Justin's cock felt like hot butter in my mouth. Even flaccid, he had enough to reach the back of my mouth with very little suction. I sucked him in, working the shaft with my tongue, and let him relax slightly before sucking again. Each time I sucked a little harder, and each time he stretched a little more.

I began to work my own cock again with my left hand, thinking this was as good as it's going to get. Justin was way too drunk to perform sexually, I thought, and even if he did get hard, he'd surely not appreciate me devouring his cock! Boy was I wrong.

Just then he took a deep breath and shifted his body around. "Oh shit - I'm busted!" I thought. His right arm went up behind his head, his left arm which was behind me raised up and then down on my shoulder, and his legs spread apart more. Then back to the slow, regular breathing I had monitored all along. I froze until I was sure he had stopped adjusting, then when I thought it was safe, I did what any cock lover would do - I started sucking him again! This time, he was starting to show signs of life - his cock was still flaccid, but certainly bigger than before, and his balls had dropped again.

When I went to work on that lovely cock, it only took one stroke of my tongue before I felt the first faint pulses of an erection. There was no turning back now - I knew that if I got him going, he'd let me finish rather than stop mid-stream. No guy wants that. So I got a little more aggressive. I began to fondle his balls with my left hand while I sucked on his stiffening cock. God, it was getting so big in my mouth, but I kept right on working. By now there was a nice pool of spit collecting at the base of his cock. I was nearly drooling at the pleasure of his hot rod against the back of my throat. I starting pulling on his balls harder, and then used the excess spit to wet down those golden globes.

That caused him to take another deep breath, during which he moved his left arm behind his head, joining his right arm. Obviously, conscious or not, Justin was enjoying this as much as I was. With a little more room to maneuver now, I got back into the kneeling position over him, never losing contact with his cock. I kept working his balls with my slippery left hand, and let my now-free right hand explore the trail of fur leading down from his chest. I just randomly teased my way up the trail, in, out and around his belly button, all the while continuing to slurp on his now rock-hard cock.

As I found the middle of his chest, I had about exceeded my reach to still keep a comfortable lock on his cock. Justin was a bit taller than I was. So I straddled his left leg, with my right foot on the floor, my left knee bent between his legs, my balls resting on his thigh. That allowed me to start working on his nipples. I was determined to take him right over the edge! As soon as I started tweaking his left nipple, I felt his cock surge in my mouth. He must have really liked that, so I squeezed a little harder and began twisting and flicking both nipples, first left then right.

Justin began gently thrusting his hips up in sync with my head action on his cock. I knew he was getting close, so I tried to take him home. I noticed that I, too, was generating a little hip action, grinding my balls ever harder on his thigh. I thought it was time to explore the last of the uncharted territory on his body, so I started to work my left hand under his balls and toward his hole. The thrusts he was delivering to pound my throat gave me ample room to make progress there. I made sure to let some extra spit seep out of my mouth and down his balls into my hand. Then I worked two fingers back and forth between his balls and his hole to get him all lubed up.

He was really breathing hard now, as was I, but still with his eyes closed. He hadn't said a word, so maybe he thought he was having a really great dream. It didn't matter to me any more. I circled his hole with my forefinger, and worked the spit around the entire area. This sent more surges through his body and right into his grinding of my mouth. I pressed gently and my finger went right in with little resistance. It was so hot inside, I couldn't wait to try another finger and bring him off.

I realized my cock was producing a steady stream of pre-cum all over Justin's thigh, and I was really aching to blow my load. I grabbed hold of his chest hair with my right hand, pulled my forefinger out of his hot hole, and immediately jammed two fingers back in. I starting finger-fucking him like this, increasing the pace until I felt his balls contract and his cock start to shudder. He grabbed his cock out of my mouth with my right hand and began jacking furiously. I glanced up again, and Justin still had his eyes closed but had a really serious look on his face, and was grunting slightly to the rhythm of his stroking.

I leaned up, began pumping my own cock and continued fingering him for only a few seconds. Just then we both tensed, and violent ribbons of hot cum started erupting from both our cocks. His load went straight up in the air like a Roman candle on the Fourth of July, landing on his chest in several splatters. I shot my jizz straight onto Justin's belly into a steaming pool of pure pleasure. The site of all that cum glistening in the moonlight was intoxicating!

I continued to kneel beside Justin, enjoying the gently fading pleasure we both experienced, when suddenly the fear returned, jolting me back to reality. What do I do now? How do I explain this if he wakes up? As if on cue, Justin took another deep breath, exhaled slowly, and moved his arms back to his sides. His head turned away from the window slightly and he was clearly back to his deep slumber.

I eased myself off the bed, grabbed the nearest t-shirt off the floor and wiped myself off. I used the same shirt to mop up my cum on Justin's belly, but most of his was matted up in that beautiful chest hair. I'd surely pull a few hairs out if I tried to wipe that up, and I didn't want to risk rousing him, so I let him sleep like that. He'd be so hung over in the morning, he probably wouldn't notice anyway.

I crawled back into my sleeping bag, and slept like a rock. When morning came, I made sure I was up and showered before Justin woke, and had some breakfast cooking. When I heard him rustling around, I yelled in to him and told him to get up and shower so we could eat and go get his car. He crawled out of bed, wrapped a towel around himself and headed for the shower. He didn't say a word or even look at me, and I thought for sure he knew what happened and was going to confront me about it. But after he showered, Justin came out, got dressed, ate breakfast and off we went as if nothing happened.

To this day we are good friends and keep in touch regularly. I still wonder if he really knew what was going on, and regret risking a lifetime friend for one night of ecstasy. But it really was the best sex I've ever had, despite the way it happened.

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