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On The Rocks by Barringer
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When we started I didn't know much about photography and he didn't know much about posing but nature sometimes has a happy habit of taking over and adjusting things. He was my wife's younger brother and I'd been longing to ball him ever since I met him at our wedding in Rio. He was what they call under age at the time but he turned eighteen during our honeymoon so I didn't have long to wait. Anyway, forbidden fruit is always the most tempting, especially if it hails from Brazil and is juicier than a papaya. You see my wife is Brazilian and beauty seems to run in the family. I knew Diego was up for grabs the moment I set eyes on him but convention told me you don't go around grabbing male members of your new family especially when you're supposed to be on honeymoon.

And of course, I wanted to be absolutely, absolutely sure before I made the first move. I mean it's difficult propositioning your own brother-in-law especially if you're afraid it's going to get back to your wife. We exchanged glances every now and then but he always lowered his eyes and started examining the pattern on the table cloth or something dumb like that. This should have been an indication to me that he was interested but, as another saying goes, there are none so blind as will not see. This cat and mouse game went on for several weeks and drove me wild. Once our forearms brushed as we were passing through a doorway. There was static everywhere including my dick which fairly bristled. I'll tell you man, I've heard of toothbrushes doing it but never dicks. Now I know better; and I was sure he did too.

My big chance came when we went to the beach together one hot, glorious afternoon. Sara wanted us out of the house so we grabbed a pair of towels and headed for the sea. On an impulse I also grabbed my camera. It was the middle of the day and the sun was glaring down on us as if it knew what I had in mind. The beach was deserted. Everybody was probably at lunch or having siestas. We found a shady spot between some rocks and were protected somewhat by a dilapidated beach hut. Actually I shouldn't be speaking in the plural. Diego was brown as a berry and didn't need protection. At least not from the sun. We hadn't really been alone together until that day and had only exchanged a few words. He spoke English but was pretty taciturn by nature and I couldn't think of one original thing to say. He started the ball rolling by asking me why I'd brought the camera. There wasn't much to photograph.

"Force of habit I suppose," I said.

"Once a tourist always a tourist," I added.

"Why don't you take some of me?" he said.

"Sun's a bit strong and there are lots of shadows," I replied.

"They may make the photos a bit more interesting," he said.

I didn't want to lose the moment so I starting taking a few shots. He was squinting a bit as the sun was in his eyes but I couldn't very well move the rocks or the beach hut. Besides they made a very picturesque background. In fact I defied all the rules of elementary photography but he seemed in the mood to play so I persevered. I mean with a digital camera you keep the best and delete the rest and he looked really provocative leaning against the rocks.

"How do you want me?" was his first question.

I hardly dared say "Butt naked," so I said, "As you are is fine."

But it wasn't of course. I wanted to see what was under the bright red t-shirt.

After a few boring shots he said, "I'll take off my top if you like."

That's when I first cottoned on that I only had to say the word and he'd be out of his cotton pants too. But I said nothing except "Ok" and watched him slip out of his top.

He was pretty skinny but had muscles in all the right places so I wasn't too disappointed. He took his beach shorts off without any provocation from me and sat down in his underpants with an "Ok I'm game," expression on his face. I took a few more shots. The elastic was loose so I was concentrating on that when he stood up to see if anyone was coming and took them off completely. I got some great butt shots while he did that but by now I was hot to see what his dick was like.

The bastard stood with his back to me and his face towards the sea. Soon it seemed he had forgotten me altogether. He was sweating a little by now and his butt glittered and shone in the sun. He stirred feelings in me I'd never had before. I had such a strong desire to beat his butt or better still fuck the ass off him.

"Are you getting the shots you want?" he asked.

"I'm getting there," I said ambiguously.

"Take your time," he said. "I love being photographed."

That I'd already worked out by myself.

"Of course we won't be able to show them all to my sister."

And with that he turned round and I got an eyeful, and very soon afterwards a mouthful of the biggest dick I'd ever seen on one so slim.

"Bet you didn't know you had that effect on me," he said.

I smiled. "Don't worry. It's all in the family." I assured him. "You're having a similar effect on me."

I lowered my own bathing costume so he could see. Now our dicks and our feelings for each other were out in the open.

He sat back on the rock to take me all in and I took my first photo of my brother-in law's dick. He'd been right about interesting shadows. The sun was now in just the right place. It cast a nice dark shadow behind his long black dick. Brought it into relief as they say. Brought me 'into relief' too.' Then he hand-fisted it to make it look even bigger.

"You're a cock-teaser," I said.

"And you're a dick head," he said. "Do you realize how long I've been waiting to get even this far? You're one real slow burner. I thought you'd never catch fire!"

"I'm about to erupt all over you," I said.

"All in good time," he said, " take a few more photos of my dick first."

Reluctantly, I picked up the camera as he seduced both me and the lens by pretending to jerk off. At least he seemed to be jerking off. As he got harder it became harder to tell. All the while he looked at me with half-open mouth and wet lips and gave me a 'cum-suck-me-look.' Some of the time I felt like an intruder because he seemed to be having a love affair with his own dick. At one stage he pointed it towards his open mouth and looked for all the world like he was going to shoot his load right in there. In between all this he ran his hands over his chest and stroked his nipples. I knew that soon I was going to run out of shots and self control. Even a digital camera has its limits.

Soon I saw that his body was making involuntary jerks and knew that now was the time to pounce. And I made it just in time. He gave me a rich reward for all my photographic labours. A jugful of thick cum cream that overfilled my jowls and had me coming here, there and everywhere. I dived in the sea to clean away all trace of our photo-cum-porno-graphic afternoon. I wrapped a towel around me and we headed for home. I wanted to wrap my arms round him too but I knew we would have to keep a low profile. And I 'm not talking about photos. By the way, I did take one last shot of him that horny afternoon. I hope you won't be too disappointed as there's no trace of his cum juice. By then I'd licked the platter clean.

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