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New Technician by Hrtofgld
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The college where I worked was hiring and finally things could be going my way. Over the last three hires in my department I got a redneck, a fat chick and a fat idiot, all of them mostly useless in their job but somehow pleasing those that had been on their committee. Of the three, the redneck was the best looking, but I'd never in my wildest dreams hint at anything around him, for while he professed to be very 'open minded' about things, it was clear when he got drunk that he didn't care for me at all. It didn't help matters at all that I was not only senior to him in the job, but I also had just been named lead computer technician. In the meeting we had where my group was notified of my new title and duties, the redneck had jokingly said that he'd have to find a gun now to kill himself since I'd been selected. I think the rest of them didn't get the joke when I replied that I'd help him load it.

The new position was going to be at our southern campus, one that historically had been the dumping ground for folks that were rather hard to work and deal with. It seemed that all the fussy teachers and prickly staff members were 'assigned' down there. However, management decided that it wouldn't be fair for somebody brand new to be dropped into that pool and decided that they preferred this new position to work at the northern campus to get acclimated to the environment, etc. It was no surprise when the redneck was somewhat asked to work down there, the surprise came when he accepted as he had recently moved to where he was closer to that campus anyway. Not a week later he had moved down there into the old shared office that now was his alone (another benefit since he shared one with the fat chick) and we settled into the process of selecting our new technician for the northern campus.

We paid our IT folks very well at my college and thus we had a lot of applicants, and had soon whittled down the apps to six strong candidates, two women (one of 'color'), an African-American (or whatever they preferred to be called these days) man, two Asian guys and a younger white guy named John. All of them had strong experience, all had various special talents that had moved them above the rest of the pack, but John was somewhat special as he was the only candidate under 40 and he currently worked in the same type of position in a sister college just up the road. We interviewed each one, and unanimously selected John as our prime candidate and the lady of 'color,' to final interview. Later that week we were told that John had been hired and I was over the moon, for not only was John incredibly skilled (something we desperately needed) but he was also, if my gaydar was working properly, gay like me.

He was 29 'and a half', as he'd jokingly said in his interview, and had short styled dark hair and deep blue eyes. Smooth shaven, his summer weight suit fit him so well and when invited to remove his jacket, displayed wide shoulders and a narrow waist through the well tailored light shirt he wore. I would have liked a swimsuit competition for all the candidates, but of course that wouldn't have been allowed, although I think John would have easily one with a body that he seemed to have. Indeed, it was this highly polished look in a younger man that first blipped my gaydar.

The interview was the smoothest we'd ever done, he was able to answer clearly and concisely in a voice that was pleasantly deep without being 'in the cellar' and all of his answers were bang on the money for what we were looking for. The two older ladies on the committee (like me) fell in love with his good looks and poise; the two older men were impressed with his knowledge and candor. He actually blushed when one of the two older ladies, the chair, told him the rest of the hiring process and that, while there was a physical examination required of all new employees, he'd pass it with flying colors. Technically an EEOE violation, but if she hadn't said it I would have!

As lead I was to do a lot of John's training, so when he reported for his first day of work in a second suit and tie that may have fit him better than the previous one, I took him first to Human Resources to complete his paperwork then took him back to the office and handed him a clothes hanger.

"You won't need that monkey suit here, John, although you sure look good in it," I said as I had him take off his jacket and hang it on the hook behind the office door, "you'll do better in a comfortable, stain-free shirt and jeans than risking damaging such fine clothing." I pointed down to my own 'uniform' of a well tailored rayon Hawaiian print shirt and cotton slacks. "Something like this you can still look good and do a good job as well without trouble."

John grinned at me (man, does he use Ultrateeth products or what) and thanked me, then pointed to his tie. "I guess the tie can come off too?"

"Yep, no sense of that either, we're quite business casual with emphasis on casual." I laughed and took John (after he'd removed and carefully hung up his tie) to where the most casual worker in my group was, the fat idiot. He'd never worn the ill fitting suit he'd worn to his interview after that day and arrived always in a dark t-shirt and dark shorts with tennis shoes. I had to admit, though, his clothing was always clean and never worn with stains or rips, so I never said anything about it. I introduced John to the IT group, and then took him on the grand campus tour.

He was pleased with the campus, admitting that he'd first wanted to work here a good five years earlier, but that no positions had been open. One was open at the sister college, and he'd accepted that one, but this is the college at which he had dreamed of working. When John saw the Wellness Center and all the weight equipment, he nearly cried.

"Oh man, can staff use this?"

I nodded. "There are even 'staff only' times for those that don't want to be around students and the places opens early enough that you could get a workout in before you came to work if you wanted."

You would have thought I'd handed him eternal life. "Mike, that's wonderful! Thank you!" John gushed as he stood like a kid in a candy shop with unlimited funds. "Wish I could work out right now!"

I introduced him to the head of the center and John immediately made his appointment for check out on the equipment to let him access the center. "Is there a fee for this?" he asked.

"No," replied the center head, "Just bring your own towel and practice good public gym behavior and we'll do just fine."

John turned to me and asked, "Mike, you'll come with me tomorrow, right?" I thought about it and decided it was worth a lot of sweat and some pain to watch this stud work out.


We made plans and then continued the tour, then I treated him to lunch off campus and we talked a bit more.

The waitress had just moved away from our table when John casually asked me if I was gay too like him. When I'd picked up my jaw, I nodded and he smiled, and then sighed happily as we dug into our burgers and drinks. The conversations turned to work and what he was expected to do, so we made it a business lunch and I gave him the 'rules of the road' at work. We finished our lunch, returned to work and then I gave him some time to familiarize himself with his desk, station and the thick 'how to' book that all techies at Northwestern got. I couldn't introduce him to the fat chick as she was on a nice long maternity leave, so I left him by himself.

We'd planned to do the workout after work rather than early morning, and so promptly when work was over, John headed with a gym bag to the staff bathroom to change. Since I had a private office, I just changed in there and had my gym gear on when John returned. I almost fell over at how perfect he looked in his even tighter plain white t-shirt, his full pecs filling out the top half while I could (if I dared) run my hands over the ridged peaks of his abs at his narrow waist. His shorts were more Lycra like, fitting also to his lower body like a second skin and accentuated his full, high ass and thick muscled thighs. Interestingly, they were bagging right at the crotch, so although you knew he was male, there was nothing really obviously showing. We did our workout, John happily pumping more iron and stretch rubber than I'd ever done and, since the Wellness Center students used the gym's locker rooms to shower, we decided that we'd just head home instead of showering at school. There were many little sperms lost that evening to my cum rag as I recalled every swell of his hard smooth muscled body.

The next day he showed up in a rather form fitting shirt that still buttoned up, yet it was of a casual fabric and print. His jeans were very well fitted to his muscular lower body, something that caused me to stay behind my desk a lot that day to wait for my cock to settle down before I could get up. I trained him in the range of administrative and instructional systems we supported and helped him finish setting up his e-mail and passwords. As we were together almost that entire day, we lunched together again although we did have a few others from the department with us and so didn't talk about personal things very much. That evening John changed and headed to the gym for the 'second half' of his workout, whatever that meant, so I headed home and again treated my cum rag to a new collection of freshly whipped sperm.

The rest of the week went quickly, John shadowing me and the other technicians and doing some computer troubleshooting on his own. We'd worked out a good training program and so I still could get my job done and still have some time left to help John out with his work. Friday rolled around and it was nearly the end of the day when John came up to my office and invited me to dinner.

"I just want to thank you for all your help with getting me this job," he said, smiling at me as he settled into one of the armchairs beside my desk. "I really appreciate the opportunity here and thought that you might like to go to dinner with me tonight as a small token of that appreciation."

I was flattered and agreed, and almost like a date he said he'd come pick me up if I'd give him my address. "Nothing fancy," he said, "so don't go to too much trouble dressing up, but I thought we might hit a club or two afterwards." Ah, I thought, and agreed to that, and so by six-thirty I was showered, dressed for 'clubbing' and ready for him. Right on the dot he was at my door, cleaned up and dressed a lot like I was and we laughed a bit before getting into his car and heading out.

Dinner was pleasant and we had a bottle of wine before and with dinner, giving both of us just enough buzz to be more comfortable with each other. I'd never been body shy since I'd worked mine to almost the same muscularity as John's, but this was, like I said, almost a date. We finished dinner and headed to a few clubs, one straight one that we left after we discovered that they couldn't dance worth a shit and then to a gay one where we were hard pressed to keep up with the crowd. Of course we each had another drink or two, so by the time John got me home we were somewhat buzzed and ready to relax.

"Take off your shoes and relax, man," I said as I got us yet another, albeit weaker, set of drinks. We drank and talked comfortably while my CD player in the background softly through two decades of music to gay ears. Our drinks long finished we still sat up talking and so, when I returned from a bathroom break and found John nearly asleep on the couch I gently suggested that since he was not able to drive, would he like to stay the night with me?

Sleepily, he nodded, but turned to me and looked right into my eyes. "I get to sleep with you right? I don't want to sleep by myself as I do that too much already!"

I smiled and helped him stagger first to the bathroom to do his 'thing,' then after he staggered out we went to my bedroom, pulled down the bedding and then stood looking at each other for a few minutes, the moment of truth before us.

He grinned at me and then, lurching forward and steadying himself by holding onto my shoulders simply bent forward and kissed me, long and almost lovingly as he waited a bit to get his equilibrium. I didn't mind one bit for he was a hell of a kisser and naturally those lips needed attention. I was even more impressed when I found that his hands, which had been on my shoulders somehow moved down between us and were carefully removing my jeans, slowly unbuttoning them one button at a time. It was with some shock that I realized my own hands had been doing the same to him, for now his jeans slid with a bit of help from my hands down to his ankles, my own jeans sliding down a minute or so later. Before long our clothing lay in a heap at the foot of the bed and we were on the bed, hands trying to cover every square inch of the other's body, except the lips of course which somehow had fused together and were not letting go for an instant.

The night continued and we explored with lips and tongues all the areas of each other's body, finding the less obvious sensitive areas (John's seemed to be at his solar plexus) and teasing that place until the other gasped and begged to move on. When mouths closed over rigid and seriously leaking cocks, the sighs of pure pleasure must have been able to be heard from miles away. Both of us, however, wanted the ultimate prize and John was the first to gently move my suctioning mouth from his ready to fire cock down to prepare his asshole for entry.

"Mike, make me wet down there," he purred as my lips connected to his "nether' ones, 'make me as damp as a girl down there and take me!" I growled against the sensitive and slightly swollen muscle ring, roughly puling his thick bubbled butt cheeks aside for better access to his quivering entry. This activity seemed to go on 'forever' and I heard him hiss somewhat reluctantly, "I need your cock in me man, I gotta feel you inside me!" That was my cue and I pulled away to sit up and let my cock rear up proudly to accept a hurriedly applied rubber. While almost frantic hands 'wrapped my rascal,' I was applying gobs of rubber friendly lube to John's pucker hole, it opening like a rose in invitation to my fingers of lube. I deemed the area ready for entry and without much ado, put the head of my rubberized cock against that rosebud and dropped into heaven.

I must say John was prepared well, for nearly all the men I'd done this maneuver to in the past would have yelled in surprise and pain, then subsided to the purring and groaning of a good fuck. John instead grabbed my waist and tried to stuff my entire body into his anal cavity as he wanted it so, so bad! "Easy, love, let me drive," I whispered into his ear as we lay joined together in the most intimate embrace known to two men, "I'll make sure you'll get all your bells rung tonight!"

He giggled a bit at that and released my waist, allowing his hands to fall to his sides and, finding my calves and thighs handy, began to erotically stroke them as I started my slow and deep fucking of his body. As my cock slipped in and out of his perfectly tight hole, I was further amazed at how well we fit together. As a man of, well, nearly 30 years of sexual experience, I'd had enough asses to know fit and not fit. John's body fit like a glove, not only at his ass but all over, his height and weight perfectly fitting my own and making the playing field completely equal. John later told me that in his 15 or so sexually active years he'd never found another man that had fit him so perfectly either. The sheer bliss on his face was mirrored I'm sure in my own and I sped up the fuck so that I would, indeed, ring all of his bells as I'd promised.

I knew that short, fast thrusts would titivate his prostate wonderfully, so that's the speed I reached and his almost hiccups of pleasure told me I'd hit the mark perfectly, even if his drooling cock wasn't enough of a signal. John's nipples were the type that expanded and hardened when he was excited (as evidenced by fabric during exercise rubbing against them) and now they stood up from his full pecs like little barometers of ecstasy. I grinned and shoved into him, pausing a bit inside him and bending forward to gnaw lightly on those reddish nubs and making his cock belch another gob of precum goo onto his perfectly ridged abs. We were both highly limber and I pulled him up onto my thighs and bent still forward to lick the accumulated precum from his belly button. Rewarded with still more from the good sized cock that pointed directly at his belly button, I gave him a few more licks and then lowered him back onto the bed and adjusted myself for the last leg (or cock) of the fucking session.

I felt his orgasm long before his first actual shot, his insides suddenly vibrating like a harp string and the tightness of his asshole tightening almost three fold around the shaft of my dick. Outwardly, his muscles were all standing out on his body as if preparing for an anatomy lesson of the perfect male body and his nipples, if possible swelled even bigger and would have shot their own juice I think if I took that moment to heavily massage the heaving pecs underneath them. Naturally this brought me to the edge and, as John later said it felt like a pile driver against his prostate as I filled the little reservoir of the rubber with hard, sudden spurts. John's body became even pearlier as sheets not ropes of cum sprayed from his cock to coat his belly, chest and upper arms, some even landing on his cheek and lips as he howled from the pleasure/pain of the orgasm. We both shuddered through one of the longest orgasms I think either of us had, one keeping the other going as our cocks kept spewing and sensitive areas kept triggering more. Finally, after a huge blast from John's cock that was echoed into the rubber around my cock, his body seemed to collapse against the bed and mine soon followed atop his cum coated one. We were totally spent, too much to even care about the ooze that stuck our bodies together and even less inclined to do anything about it. His even breathing, in spite of the extra weight upon him, told me he'd fallen asleep and as I felt my cock slowly slip from inside his asshole, I too drifted off, enjoying the feel of this warm, sexy man below me...

...Needless to say, we did awaken a bit later on and cleaned up sufficiently to have another round of wild monkey sex, this time John riding my cock and spewing his load across my chest and being the one that collapsed on top of me. We drifted off again in each other's arms, our bodies still perfectly fitting and perfectly timed breathing moving us towards sleep...

...Yes, a third time we had sex, although this time he mounted me and it was my howling that shook the rafters and announced to the world I'd found my perfect lover. His answering howl as he filled his cock's rubber was identical to my own and we collapsed again together, this time playing with each other's chest and abs, licking the cum loaded fingers that scooped it from our bodies and fed it to each other.

When morning came we had to get up, shower and decide for ourselves what this all meant. I was concerned that, as lead, I was somewhat on ethically weak ground by sleeping, hell, fucking a subordinate employee, but John let me know right away that all he cared about in bed was that I kept doing it. "I'll play it cool at work like I know you will," he said as he twirled a finger around my left nipple as we lay in bed to discuss our future. "I don't want to lose you because I acted like a love-struck girl."

"That's my feeling as well, John. I love you very much and want to keep this relationship, but we will indeed need to play it cool at work."

We had a nice meal at my place and then ran John's clothing through the washer and dryer so that he'd look presentable to be able to leave the house. He grinned as he walked around the place naked and said he'd not mind this state at all but that the neighbors might. I retorted that they'd just be jealous of me and envious of him, and he laughed, hugged and kissed me, then pulled on his clothing as they came out of the dryer.

Our relationship flourished with him coming over most evenings and staying over most weekends. There were occasional work crap things we did separately and together, but we kept our work as work and kept the fun in private where it belonged. A few months later John announced that his lease was going to be up at the end of the month and should he renew it? I suggested instead he move in with me (having a second bedroom might keep the vultures away) and that's what he did, even asking other guys at work to help him get his stuff into the second bedroom. When the last guy and gal from work (satisfied at least on the surface no monkey business was going on) had driven off, we closed the second bedroom door and headed to my own, settling John's more personal effects in there as well as cementing this new level of our relationship by a nice, long afternoon fuck. As he lay sleeping beside me, a little grin on his face and looking like the cat that got the cream, I curled up beside him and thanked my lucky stars that the new technician was not only a good worker but also my new mate and lover.

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