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Muscling In by Joncy
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Ever since I saw films like 'Gladiator' and 'Spartacus' my wet dreams have been permeated by horny thoughts of muscular guys pitting their strength in a sand pit or rolling around on the ground trying to top one another. Looking at those fabulously thick thighs in those Roman mini-skirts was a real turn on. It set me wondering what it must feel like immobilizing a very mobile guy. I mean how could you avoid colliding with his private parts and having a good nuzzle. You probably couldn't. And didn't. But unfortunately they don't show you that in movies. Not yet anyway.

Spurred on by the thought of spunk in my nostrils and being pinned to the mat by some gorgeous stud after a few horny games of 'weights and measures' I decided to enrol myself in a course of Freestyle wrestling at our local Health Club. I'm pretty strong and agile on the ropes and all that so I thought I might stand a chance as a contender. I must say I was a little disappointed by the sight of the other guys in the class. I mean a few of them just about passed muster but there was absolutely nobody I wanted to grapple with. I stuck it out for a few sessions and was just about to throw in the towel when Jake arrived. He'd actually come to assist our trainer but also took part in the classes. I was pretty sore in all the wrong places by the time he joined us. I'd had quite a few falls and my body wasn't yet flexible enough to recover quickly. It all looks so easy when you watch it but not when you come to grips with someone stronger and more experienced than you are.

Jake must have taken a shine to me because he advised me to suspend lessons for a while and invited me to join a Pilates class he was giving and suggested I did some swimming as well. He taught me two vital things. How to relax and how to be aware of postural and body movement. He explained to me that Pilates is a technique which builds up a kind of central power house in the abs, lower back, butt and hips, pointing out the importance of all this in catch-as-catch-can wrestling. He also encouraged me to concentrate on what he called the progressive resistance of my body. I sat in on a lot of his wrestling lessons to watch him in action. He wore white spandex during the training sessions which expanded in all the right places and once I saw that the material was waging a losing battle with the 'progressive resistance' of his dick. His boner stretched the thin skin-sticking cloth to the max leaving nothing to the imagination, his nine-incher just inches away from the other guy's flaring nostrils. I would have done anything to change places with him at that particular moment.

I used to look forward to my Pilates lessons because there were a lot of hands on training involved. He manipulated my legs into shapes they'd never before accomplished explaining their importance in Freestyle wrestling and how you were allowed to use your legs in both offence and defence. He told me this kind of combat was known as Grappling or Submission Wrestling and said maybe we could practise some of the techniques after class. Needless to say I was absolutely fascinated by all this especially the submissive part. Jake also taught me how to build up body rhythms naturally without thinking too hard. Only trouble was that, as soon as we got down to a bit of basic training together, he made another part of me hard instead.

The first horny instance of this was when he got me into what is known as a lock limb position. He had my arms so tied up behind my head that my nose was automatically rubbing against his crotch. He didn't relax his hold on me and somehow or other his dick found its way into my mouth. Here I must point out that fortunately he wasn't wearing Spandex at the time otherwise such a feat would have been impossible for both of us. As it was, I had a bit of struggle working his thong down with my teeth so I could get my tongue round his tong. I sucked on it, long and strong, until it wept into my mouth. He showed his appreciation by gyrating his hips and letting out soft moans as he slowly released me from my lock-limb position and pushed my head further down on him until he had me in what I can only call a lock-lip position. I'm afraid that you won't find anything about that in the Wrestler's Manual but there's nothing like making up the rules as you go along I always say!

Naturally I got carried away by the natural body rhythms he'd been talking to me about and, just like him, refused to release my vice-like hold on his dick until he'd come copiously in my mouth. So there was no second round for quite a while as I'd exhausted both of us. He didn't seem all that surprised by the excessive zeal I'd displayed during my first very Freestyle lesson with him but I was half afraid he was going to tell me it was 'just one of those things' that sometimes happened between guys and that we couldn't make a habit of it. But he didn't. He didn't say anything in fact which was scary in itself. He just went to the changing rooms and had a shower. I joined him after a few moments and modestly turned my back wondering whether I'd blown it by blowing him.

I needn't have worried as he moved up behind me and started lathering me down and jerking me off. Later he said that he'd been debating with himself as to whether he should take that hairy step into what he called the dark side of his nature and continue to let me bring out the beast in him. It seems he'd been lurking in the closet for quite some time and that both he and his girl friend had been suffering as a result. He admitted to me that the boner he'd had while grappling with the other guy was due to the fact he was thinking of me at the time and knew I was looking at him. I nearly said "I bet you say that to all the guys" but fortunately didn't. I had a deep down feeling that he was deadly serious. He was. Once he'd decided that he wanted me as his full-time 24/7 wrestling partner he left his girl friend and moved in with me.

Soon I was receiving free Freestyle training sessions night and day especially as it turned him on to wrestle with me and took his mind off having guilty feelings about leaving his girl friend. We often wrestled naked which was quite a turn on for me too because his half erect dick slapped me several times in the face as we turned sexual somersaults fighting for dominance and as he got harder the struggle between us became more intense. He slapped my butt hard too and tried to prise open my ass cheeks. I decided two could play at that game and managed to literally give him the finger as we rolled over and over. First I was grasping his athlete's butt for support and then I was slyly working my index finger into his love hole. I don't think anybody including his girl friend had ever done this to him before and he clamped down on my finger and wouldn't let me in.

I heard myself giving him lessons out of his own book, telling him to relax and listen to his natural body rhythms without thinking so much. I also told him not to give too much progressive resistance to the soft tip of my finger and to let it touch his love button and allow him to feel sensations he'd never felt before. I realized instinctively that, like a lot of macho men, he was too used to taking his partner by storm and establishing his dominance. Despite all the techniques he'd built up in Pilates, he knew precious little about the natural rhythms entailed in building up an orgasm. I'm happy to say I taught him that and had his ass eating out of my hand. His sphincter muscle opened and closed on my finger like an anemone swallowing a shrimp. He writhed and he shuddered, he moaned and he groaned and began to welcome my foraging finger like a dog welcomes its master. Or a bone!

It gave me quite an adrenalin rush to think I had the power to turn someone on sexually who had till now always beaten me physically. The first time Jake allowed me to fuck him we both learned that sexual possession wasn't so much a case of submission but giving in to erotic pleasure and making it mutual. Discovering what pleased your partner and allowing him to find out what pleased you. In short opening yourself not only bodily but emotionally and mentally too. Not so easy until you try putting it into practice and benefiting from the results.

Jake literally let me pin him face down to the mat and enter him doggy fashion. This is not always my favourite position, as I usually like to see the expression on my partner's face, watch his eyes roll back into his head and his tongue loll out the side of his mouth as he loses focus and takes off for paradise. Then I use his legs as levers and pull him closer and closer to my dick while I expand his horizons. It goes without saying that I like somebody to do that to me too.

However, on reflection, I realize that face-to-face sexual combat would have put him too much in the passive position and he wasn't quite ready for his sexual tables to be so completely overturned.

I got to do that later after he'd proved he could give as good as he could get. Rome and a guy's ass are not always built - or demolished - in a single day!

Straightening out a straight guy can be a lot of fun. Especially when he's so grateful to you for bringing him out of the closet. Of course, Jake slipped back in there from time to time and asserted his masculinity by fucking a girl or two but he soon came running back to me and let me develop the feminine side of his nature. The first time I fucked him face to face I had his legs so high in the air I could almost have done a handstand on the soles of his feet. That's when I really appreciated the importance of building up muscles in the arms and legs. It was also great to be able to kiss him while I fucked him and to plug him from both ends so to speak. His kissing came as something of a surprise. Almost as big a surprise as getting inside his ass. Until I'd sampled some of Jake's kisses I would never have imagined that spit could be so sexy. And the two combined was awesome. It was the birth of a new intimacy between us. A horny interior world of moist flesh on flesh and slippery muscle on slippery muscle and produced a feeling that seemed to pierce our whole bodies and open them up to a new freedom.

He also turned out to be a great drooler. He drooled all over my cock and wet me off to perfection. I think I've created a new verb here: to wet off. I've been jerked off and had my bone blown dry but until Jake I'd never been 'wet off' before. The combination of spittle and a slithery, slathery tongue has to be felt to be believed. And when he tried the same technique on my ass I wondered why I'd suddenly left earth and entered heaven almost in one lick. In fact, he was the perfect student sharing and re-channelling with his teacher all he'd been taught about prostates and sphincters.

After a few fabulous fucks I developed an insatiable taste for both his cum and his drool and would lie with my mouth or ass wide open as he drooled down on me from his dominant position above or turn my tongue into an upside down umbrella to drink the cum that flowed from his dick during our sexual adventures. And I just loved the way he lubricated my nips and my pits driving me wild in the saturating process. I also loved his dick after sex when it was at rest like a bird in its nest and little globlets of cum were clinging to his pubes. In fact, I grew to love everything about him. And I pulsated like a human vibrator the moment he touched me.

There's something almost indescribable about body contact. You know, that chemical reaction that goes on between two people when they set each other off like a taper sets off a time bomb. I don't know about you but I sometimes get the strangest sexual images when I'm being fucked and new sensations begin to radiate from the central sun of my being. Weird things like Cinderella's shoe slipping effortlessly into the glass slipper after legions of aspiring pretendants have tried it on but with no success.

The first time Jake fucked me it was as if his cock had been custom made for my ass. He lowered himself into me until our balls touched and I could feel his chest fitting against my shoulder blades like a perfect piece of a magic jigsaw puzzle.

"I've never done this with another man," he said. "I'll probably go to hell for it."

"Take me with you when you go," I cried, "It's absolute heaven."

Just like the Chinese puzzle, our hips and thighs interlocked and all the contact points between our bodies crackled with sensation as he fucked me with firm full electrifying strokes. He made a doggy bag of my ass and sent me barking up the right tree. I felt like I'd literally been struck by lightning! I had always been anally inclined but Jake turned me into a raving rabid butt slut. I just couldn't get enough of that magnificent muscle of his inside me and every thrust of his thick strong cock had me hollering for more. By now, all thoughts of male dominance and sexual supremacy had gone out the window as we concentrated our combined forces on satisfying each other.

He gave out a few complimentary groans and moans and whispered, "I never thought sex with another man could feel like this" and my body and asshole fully agreed with him. No man had ever made me feel 'like this' either. I was on a tsunami wave of absolute pleasure. Then the wave action engulfed us both as he scuttled my asshole against his hard rocks and made a bobbing shipwreck out of my body. The thrilling throb of him as he crashed and splashed against my love nuts sprayed me to shore. My brain seemed to explode into a thousand shimmering wavelets. I passed to another dimension.

"Wow that was fucking great!" he said.

"You can say that again!" I replied.

We fell into an exhausted satisfied sleep and of course woke up stuck to each other. There's nothing more adhesive than dried cum! Although I suppose you've found that out for yourself. I also hope you've experienced what eventually happened to us. That unbeatable moment when your partner's cock grows inside you and something larger than lust grows between you.

Yesterday we were watching a documentary on the Discovery channel. Two stags were fighting to the death. Probably over some female. At one point their huge antlers got entangled rendering them temporarily impotent. It reminded us of the night when, in our macho struggle to be 'on top', our stone hard boners had seemed in danger of the same fate. This was in the early days when Jake was still asserting his masculinity and was a bit uncertain about leaving his girl friend. Now it took just one look for us both to realize there was no chance of any girl - or guy for that matter - muscling in on what we had together. We were two Freestyle wrestlers who had met their match!

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