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A Dream Come True by Will
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Daniel W. Wilcox

Yup, by the age of twelve, Dan Wilcox had pretty much figured it out that he had a homosexual bent, so to speak. This awareness had slowly surfaced during the time he began to understand masturbation; understand how certain pictures were able to further stimulate his almost constant erections. And while he trolled through the internet seeking out still and video images for his masturbation sessions, he soon realized that it wasn't only pictures of females that brought him to body-quaking orgasm. Yup, the sight of certain males also fired his lust to a balls-exploding climax, too.

However, he chose to keep that secret reality to himself until he reached fourteen years of age. At that time, for some reason he had begun to mentally undress certain males, and began to feel a hungering for the actual act itself, instead of just masturbatory images. There was no longer just that secret lust in his bedroom. Now the images of naked boys and men often popped into his mind during the course of the day at school. More than once he had thought of doing something with one of his buddies that he trusted. Still, he had never felt any overwhelming need, nor had he ever mustered enough courage, or grown desperate enough, to initiate such an act. And, too, as time went on, he grew more and more frightened about letting his friends and family know about his "dark" secret; his socially unacceptable secret.

So as he traveled forward into adolescence, he soon found himself going steady, getting engaged at the senior prom, and then getting married during the second year of college. Yup, life had pretty much caught him up in all its heterosexual brainwashing, and before he knew it, he had become adequately content with living a lie. Well, that is until a friend he had known during his freshman and sophomore years in high school re-surfaced in his life.

Daniel Wilcox was now 24, and worked as a regional manager at a media store. He and his wife Sheila had moved to a quiet suburb of Fort Lee in New Jersey, and lived a dull, uneventful, very conventional/conservative life. Morreno Del Tiaga was the hot, charismatic Latino kid who, ten years ago, had attended Winslow High with Dan. And handsome, hot-blooded Morreno Del Tiaga had had a phenomenal impact on the young, sexually-repressed Anglo, Daniel Wilcox. During those high school days, time and time again, Danny Wilcox had feverishly thought about asking Morreno if they could fool around, sexually. His instincts always insisted that Morreno would have happily dived right in bed with him. But, for whatever reason, it just never happened. Yup, it just never happened. Then Morreno's parents divorced, his mother took him back to Ecuador, and that was that. However, unbeknownst to Dan, Morreno Del Tiaga had returned to the states when he was 21-years-old, and had been living in San Diego.

Dan awoke at 7:15am to the sound of his wife noisily preparing for work. Getting out of bed, he sleepily strayed across the floor to the bathroom door and peeked in. "Good morning, honey", chimed the pretty brunette, fixing her hair. "Ready for a big day with your old high school bud?! You two guys were really heartless back-in-the day with all those stupid, childish pranks of yours!"

Dan drowsily regarded his effervescent wife as she dabbed on her mascara, "Yeah, I guess we were kinda out of hand sometimes!", he grumbled as he stretched and began to scratch on his taut, six-pack of a stomach. He was an attractive, fair-haired, Anglo male. He possessed a quietly-sensual boyish persona, which could be quite disarming to many. His skin freckled in the sun, and his face and physical stature was that of Richie Cunningham of Happy Days. Every woman he met wanted to mother him, and so did a certain type of man.

"...Sometimes ...?!" chortled Sheila, her pretty face turning in his direction. "You brutes took every opportunity you could to ridicule every poor sucker of a student possible! And what you two did to poor Beth Ann Warren's bicycle should have gotten you guys a couple of years in the Federal pen!"

"Hmmm ...I guess," replied Dan nonchalantly as he drowsily moved toward his wife. Pecking her on the cheek with a half-hearted kiss, said, "Have a good day, honey; see ya when you get home. I'm gonna catch another hour before Morreno gets here!" Turning around, he shuffled back across the bedroom floor and jumped into bed. He heard his wife muttering something about not burning down the house before she got home, but he simply nodded off.

The loud blasting of the alarm clock summoned Dan to wakefulness at nine o'clock. It cruelly ripped him from a steamy dream that had him soaked in sweat, and had inspired him with a steel-like erection that was leaking pre-come. He was, oddly enough, ecstatic with primordial lust. That rarely happened in his dull, conservative life. Swiftly he tugged off his pajama top, pulled off his pajama bottoms, and began to writhe and squirm his pink, sweat-soaked body against the firm mattress on the bed. Like a wild man, he pressed, rubbed and slammed his stiff, agitated penis amid the damp, crumpled sheets. The innocent pillows were victims of his savage passion as he crushed them brutally in his big fists, while simultaneously biting hungrily at the fabric that covered them. The guttural groans and moans grew louder as his needy body twisted and contorted amid the damp, tousled bedclothes. Slowly, ever so slowly, his lust was encouraged by a burning, burgeoning explosion that gathered mercilessly in his tense and tightening nuts. As he commenced to breathe in deep intakes of air, in anticipation of the big blast-off, ...the phone rang. It seemed to ring with such urgency that Dan's erotic activities came to a quick halt. "FUCK!!" he bellowed, reaching for the phone. It was the store where he worked. Apparently Sheila had forgotten to phone in to tell them he was taking the day off. Shit! After stammering through some lie, Dan finally convinced the owner that he was sick and would be out until Monday morning.

'Well, like, that wasn't embarrassing or anything', muttered Dan, "Thanks a lot, Sheila!" growled the irritated man aloud as he got up from the bed. He strode the distance to the bathroom. Opening the door, he turned and looked at his image in the full length mirror on the door. Yup, he liked his body. No, he loved his body. He loved to look at his body when Sheila wasn't around. Loved to touch himself, caress himself, pinch his nipples, massage his cock and nuts, sniff his sweaty arm pits, insert his finger partly into his butt hole, pull it out and sniff it, then suck on it. Yuppers, he loved doing lots of these loving things to his body, when Sheila wasn't around.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The water shot out like a gushing fire hydrant and completely embraced his beautiful, hard, young body like a love-starved lover. Its warm, seductive currents rained, splattered, and washed all over his welcoming physique. Dan slowly closed his eyes and blissfully allowed the water to have its wanton way with him. His cock was still rigid and raged delightfully amid the playfully attentive waterfall. At the moment, his entire body felt more alive than it had been since adolescence. In fact, Daniel "Danny" Wilcox felt as though ten years had been erased and he was 14 again and he and Morreno Del Tiaga, once again, ruled all the corridors and hallways of Winslow High School. His heart began to race quicker. All of a sudden, he put a face on this new, out-of-the-ordinary, sexual overmastering that blissfully gripped him. Morreno! It was Morreno! There he was, in his head! He saw that handsome face, those radiant, chocolate-brown eyes, those full, lustful lips, those perfect, glistening teeth, that unbelievably beautiful golden skin. Instantly, he shuddered and trembled as his throat released an audible cry of almost painful exhilaration.

Dan Wilcox began to whimper and groan. He rose up on his toes as if he were reaching for something; the sexual exhilaration was that intense. Before realizing it, both his hands had fiercely gripped his cock and wildly pumped up and down on it. The water forcefully smashed him, pummeled him, embraced him. It swirled and tangled in his silken, reddish blonde hair. It splattered and trickled down to tease and tantalize his erect pink nipples. Faster he beat his cock, yet at the same time tried to forestall orgasm because he didn't want it all to end too soon. Faster, please faster, Morreno. Dan now realized that it was Morreno who was now making love to him, ...or so he imagined. The thought was insane, preposterous, but unbelievably hot! "Cum all over my face, Morreno! Please! I want your cum to run down my grateful throat"

With that invocation, Dan released a thick jet of spooge against the wall of the shower. The impact of his orgasm slammed him back against the other wall. He stood there simpering, sobbing and screaming as he shot stream after stream of jism through the flooding waterfall. His eyes were loosely closed as his head tilted upwards in pleasure. Cum continued to flow onto the wall and began to slide down. More and more joined it.

After an eon of spending his seed, Daniel Wilcox just stood there while the water continued to bathe him in some sort of jubilant celebration of transfiguration. He could no longer deny it. Yup, he was in love with Morreno; had always been in love Morreno. But now that he had confessed it to himself, what did it mean? Would it change anything? Or would he just continue to live out a quiet life of uneventful normality? Slowly, gathering his wits, Daniel Wilcox began to lather up and actually take a shower.

Morreno Del Tiaga

Dan sat at his computer in the studio of the house, fiddling on the internet and thinking about Morreno. He was just a bit anxious. He hadn't seen the charismatic Latino since they were both 14 years old. They had exchanged a few letters for a couple years. And then, nothing. And now out of the clear blue sky, Morreno had tracked him down and wanted to spend a weekend, reminiscing.

As Dan continued to read his email, and try to imagine exactly how Morreno would look, how he would act, what he would wear, the doorbell rang. He felt the sudden thunder of his heart as he accepted the reality of the moment. Stoically, he strode toward the door. Daniel Wendell Wilcox was literally spellbound when he saw the radiant apparition that stood on the other side of the door. A teenage Morreno Del Taiga was handsome; the adult Morreno Del Tiaga was pretty damn close to being a bronze god. His inner and exterior beauty was such that the young Latino male actually glowed. Dan's nervousness, almost visibly, seemed to escalate.

Quickly wiping his sweaty right hand on the fabric of his faded jeans, Dan extended it to Morreno.

"Hey, buddy, how ya been", quickly greeted Morreno, taking the extended hand.

"Not too bad. Not too bad, come on in, man," responded Dan, hesitantly.

"Where can I dump my stuff?"

Looking past his visitor, out onto the porch, Dan saw a huge duffle bag and an overnight case. "Oh, I've got it. You come on in. I'll take care of it"

As they both moved toward the guest room of the ranch style house, Morreno monopolized the conversation with talk about his job, his girlfriends, his travels and his favorite baseball and football teams. As Dan listened, his hopes of a possible tryst were all but dashed to bits, because there was no way that Morreno was in the smallest degree gay. Dan awkwardly began to point out certain aspects of interest of the room to Morreno, the dressers, the closet space, and the bathroom that he would share with him and Sheila.

For some reason Dan found himself avoiding eye contact with his old high school bud. He was just so handsome that every time he looked into those smoldering Latino eyes, he felt his dick thickening, and his ass-cheeks beginning to burn.

"This is a great room", said Morreno, removing his coat, "Yeah...I can be comfortable here!" continued the Latino god, letting out a mischievous laugh. The sound of that deep, sensual laughter had Dan's sphincter beginning to itch and burn, and his cock lengthening and twitching in his faded jeans.

"Hey, do you mind if I change?" asked Morreno.

"Ah,, ...sure, ...fine!" babbled Dan, as he went to the dresser and began to remove some of his sweat shirts from one of the drawers to make room for Morreno's stuff. Behind his back he could hear Morreno taking stuff out of his bag. He assumed his houseguest would wander to the bathroom to make his change.

As Dan turned around with an armful of grey sweatshirts, he saw Morreno with his pants off and his hands about to divest his perfect body of its white briefs. Swiftly he turned away and pretended not to notice Morreno, struggling to feign interest in something on top of the dresser. Languidly Morreno eased his briefs down over his long, golden muscular legs and dropped them to the floor. Dan instantly inhaled that old familiar musky scent of his friend from those many long, long-ago hours they spent together in his room playing dungeons and dragons. He wanted to turn back around, look at his old friend, and absorb every glorious inch of that magnificent golden maleness. But with his back turned, Dan remained frozen in his covert stance of denial, not wanting to give away the paralyzing fact that he really was a great big fruit at heart.

Soon, he heard Morreno tugging off his shirt, leaving himself completely naked. The room became so silent that Dan Wilcox actually heard the loud thundering of his own heart. He was getting lightheaded and giddy from the hypnotic musky scent of his friend, and the overwhelming fiery tension of the moment. What's going on? Why would he take off all his clothes? Why isn't he putting his pants on? I don't hear anything!

The electricity in the room was palpable. You could hear the sweet, silent sizzle of inordinate sexual tension ricocheting off all magnetic objects.

"Its okay, Danny boy. I know you're looking!"

"What are you talking about? Why would I look?" rapidly blurted out Dan, completely consumed with shame.

"Well, by the tent in your jeans, I can tell you must like something in this room. Hey, I know I have a particularly large cock. I mean, I have straight guys staring at it when I get changed at the sports clubs. And both chicks and guys are lining up to suck it. But there's always been just one guy I want to share this big, bad monster with."

Dan still remained silent, his back turned.

"You don't have to hide yourself from me, Dan. Come on, just turn around" commanded Morreno.

Hesitantly, Dan turned around. He tried looking into Morreno's eyes, but his vision was instantly drawn down to the Latino guy's humongous truncheon.

Dan was awestruck. The light brown slab of flesh looked to be ten inches and it was still soft.

"Look, Dan...come on, look at it. Look at it!" Dan Wilcox did as he was told.

"See that?!" exclaimed Morreno, "Now, just close your eyes."

As though hypnotized, Dan aptly did as he was told, because he still wanted to pretend that he wasn't looking; to pretend that he wasn't enjoying what he, for so very long, had wanted so badly to enjoy. Simultaneously, he wondered why Morreno wanted him to close his eyes; what was he going to do?

Suddenly he felt what he assumed to be Morreno's hands slide up under his tee shirt and begin to massage his chest, and tweak his nipples. Unconsciously, Dan blurted out a loud "Whaaa....Oooooohhhh!"

"Shhhhhhhhh, baby, ssshhhhhhh! Just relax and keep your eyes closed!" cooed Morreno's rich, masculine voice.

The blissful aroma of Morreno's body swirled all about his brain, as the baby-fresh scent of the Latino guy's breath curled up his nose. He suddenly shuddered from head to toe when Morreno's sweet tongue snaked into his mouth. Again, Dan immediately tried to resist that which he so badly wanted. He struggled hard to push aside the very thing he had craved for the past decade. But Morreno's skillful, overmastering sexuality seduced the frightened conservative into accepting his reality. Step by step Dan allowed Morreno to bring him around to the bed in complete and pleasurable surrender.

Pulling Dan's tee shirt up over his head, Morreno began licking and smooching and nibbling at his Anglo friend's lush, pink nipples. An impish smile spread glowingly across the radiant, all-American face of Daniel Wendell Wilcox as his head tilted back in resignation. Aggressively grabbing his pink-skinned, high school chum, Morreno lay him down on the bed. His hot Latino tongue hungrily followed down that peaches and cream body. Reaching the top of the faded jeans, Morreno unsnapped the button and tugged down the pants, pulling off the pale blue boxers with them.

Like a small bolt of lightening, Dan's six-inch cock sprang up into Morreno's face; the sweaty pink balls were low and heavy. Deftly, Morreno traveled his handsome head between Dan's legs once the jeans had been removed. Greedily, Morreno began to kiss and lick and lash his tongue at his Anglo friend's lush, lightly-haired thighs. Instantly, Dan released a loud, excited yelp of unimaginable pleasure. Subtly, and insistently, he began to wantonly press his hairy crotch up into Morreno's handsome face.

Opening his full, moist lips wide, Morreno greedily shoved both of Dan's nuts into his warm, wet, devouring mouth. "Oh my god!", sobbed Dan as multiples of never-before-experienced feelings all savagely clutched and gripped at his sensitive body simultaneously, and he could no longer contain nor control himself. He began to reach and grab at the bedspread and pillows of the bed, while wildly raising his body from the bed up into his dream lover's mouth. As Dan slammed up, Morreno greedily sampled and tasted the two sweaty balls in his mouth with crazed exhilaration. His exploring tongue felt them both, as well as the crinkly skin and silky sprigs of hairs that encased them. Slowly and gently at first, Morreno regarded his meaty treasure with heated patience. Then the pressure of his sucking increased. Soon the skin that encased the nuts had tightened snugly around them making it possible for Morreno to take them from his mouth and to nibble at their taut presence with an almost religious dedication.

Dan slowly spread his legs wide to allow Morreno access to his virgin hole. Danny boy was getting hotter and bolder by the minute. For the first time in his life, he was truly enjoying sex. His euphoria had reached such a zenith that he dared to bring his searching hands down to the Latino guy's head, then to slowly slide then down to his golden, muscled shoulders.

Morreno's mouth traveled up from the balls onto the twitching shaft of Dan's cock. Licking, licking, licking, upward, upward, and upward on the trembling shaft, 'til he reached the fleshy head. His jubilant tongue was met with a copious oozing of pre-come. Stabbing at the tasty ambrosia with his wet licker, he instantly sank his mouth down, swallowing the six inch pecker up to the furry bush. Again, Dan released a loud, agonized cry of celebratory lust. His crotch came up to greet its captor's caresses, as Morreno's huge hands came under Dan's burning ass cheeks and gripped them furiously. Dan squirmed and writhed in Morreno's hot hands while his agitated cock was sucked, consumed, and devoured as never before. And Morreno's mouth too got louder. The pressure of his sucking mouth began to create sounds that soon echoed voluminously throughout the room. Lovingly, he held his redheaded high school bud tightly in his large hands while he suckled and drank from his manly fountain.

Dan could endure the savage invigorating passion no longer. He had to surrender. He had to release. He had to cum. Yet, again, he didn't want it all to be over...not yet! But one unforeseen second had Morreno reaching up to gently twist Dan's left nipple and little Danny was done. He arched his back and threw his head back, then savagely threw his pelvis wildly into Morreno's face.

"Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh...nooooo...noooooooooooo! Oh, Morreno,, ...I'm gonna cum in your mouth!" screamed Dan, as he struggled to get his cock out of Morreno's mouth.

But Morreno hungrily held him tightly in that position and gratefully drank and drank and swallowed and swallowed his beautiful friend's spunk.

It seemed Dan Wilcox would never stop spending as he writhed and screamed in celebration of his copious spurts. But eventually they leveled off. He lay there panting, trying to catch his breath, as Morreno slowly allowed the red, semi erect phallus to slip from his moist Latino lips. After surrounding his friend's cock with a bouquet of hot, Latin kisses, Morreno crawled up and lay beside Dan. He eased over and kissed the redhead, whispering to his exhausted, well-spent host, "I'm going to take a shower. You were really great."

Getting up, Morreno looked back down at his well-sated sex-partner. "..and while I'm gone, Dan, you can decide whether this was the beginning of something....or just a 'sometime thing'. OK? The decision's yours"

Winking at the cute, wide-eyed young man on the bed, Morreno Del Tiaga turned and walked toward the bathroom. In Daniel Wilcox's post ejaculatory haze, his drowsy eyes fixed on the small, muscular, undulating buns of his Latino friend as they moved away, and, instantly, his six-inch pecker filled to its full, rigid prowess, once again. Yup....

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