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Metrosexual by Callan Smith
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What's in a name, they say! Quite a lot in my opinion. To me names tend to shape your character, so I was pretty annoyed when Meredith and her English husband called my nephew Samson. Of course, everyone refers to him as Sam but it's the principle of the thing I object to. You see, the poor little schmuck has to put up with a lot of abuse from other kids with a name like that. He's only six but it's already beginning to bug him. He turned up crying on my doorstep last week after running away from a friend's birthday party just around the corner. I tried to contact my sister but she'd switched her mobile off, something everybody seems to do nowadays when it's a matter of life or death for you to find them.

Still, I managed to contact Blaise at his office and he said he'd drop by after work to pick Sam up. He was supposed to pick him up from the party anyway. Blaise, by the way, is Sam's father. Now there's another dumb name for you! Whoever heard of anyone called Blaise! To make matters worse, he's so piss elegantly British it's all I can do sometimes not to kick him in the ass, except that he's so drop dead gorgeous that what I really want is for him to fuck mine! In fact, between you and me, I secretly worship him -- until he opens his mouth that is, and tries to lord it over me, and makes me feel like his valet or something.

So it's been a kinda love-hate relationship right from the start. It was at my big sister's wedding when I first set eyes on him, and my eyes liked what they saw. You see he's your original metrosexual. So clean cut and well groomed with emerald green eyes. What's more his hair is an ocean of undulating waves that my fingers fairly itch to go surfing through. He makes me feel lustful and poetic at the same time. I saw his dream of a dick once at a family picnic by the lake. I was fifteen. He and I had to change behind a tree. His body was just like a tall tree trunk itself and, as I was admiring it, I caught a glimpse of his "golden bough" as he slipped out of his wet trunks. The sight of it made my head swim, and my dick swell. I didn't have a lot of experience in the dick department in those days and so, in that brief but glorious moment, couldn't tell if he was more than usually well-endowed or whether the sight of my tight young ass had aroused his interest.

I saw quite a bit of him over the next six years during which my suspicions were often confirmed as I caught him observing me several times. Once he didn't even avert his gaze, but looked me straight in the eye and parted his lips slightly. I felt my teenage dick grow hard and send tingles right down to my toes and I blushed and flushed like a silly schoolgirl. I felt transparent and hated him for it. It was as if he knew in that instant he had complete control over me. I was hot for him, and yet I feared him and stupidly avoided him as much as possible. But I knew I was only postponing the inevitable. I was already ablaze for Blaise.

And then, as I said, my nephew turned up unexpectedly at my doorstep and my life took an unexpected turn. I gave him some milk and cookies and let him watch the Disney channel but he fell asleep so I carried him to my bedroom and tucked him up in my bed. I changed into my pajamas and left the light on and the door ajar. I fixed two drinks and waited for Blaise. I didn't have to wait long. He looked great in his Armani suit and soft silk shirt. He thanked me for the drink and for looking after Sam. He called Meredith but her phone was still switched off.

I put some logs on the fire as it was a cold night. I live in an old fashioned colonial house full of my grandparents' furniture. After a while, he took off his shoes, jacket and tie and stretched out in front of the fire, spreading his long legs and giving me a tantalising view of his well filled crotch. He didn't say a word, but sipped his drink and looked at me in the same old sensual way and with the same old tingling result. I felt my dick go hard beneath my thin pajamas and decided it was time for me to go to the bathroom and put on a bathrobe. He followed and said he was going to see how Sam was getting along. The upstairs landing was very narrow, lined as it was by mahogany wall cupboards bearing down on each other, so close they seemed to be double parked. Blaise tried to walk past me to reach Sam and somehow there was a kind of human traffic jam and we got wedged between the cupboards. He looked at me with that open lipped smile of his and said, "What do we do now?" I knew the ball was in my court and he was just waiting for me to call the shots. After all he was a confirmed metrosexual and couldn't very well seduce his dear wife's baby brother.

I hesitated for just a moment. The tension was both terrific and terrifying. I ran my hand over his shirt front, slipping my fingers into the little slits between the buttons which seemed to open of their own accord as my cold hands made hot contact with his hard chest. He didn't say a word, but pushed his groin against mine. I tore off his shirt and noisily nuzzled his nipples. Our hearts pounded like outboard motors and our coupling cocks engaged gear. Soon our bodies were in full throttle and I opened my mouth to let out a pent up sigh that had been lingering inside me for over six years. He thrust his tongue between my lips. I felt him exploring parts of my mouth where my toothbrush had never ventured and his hand slip down the back of my pajamas and grasp my buttocks. He massaged me into a frenzy and I panted like a bitch in heat. Then he spun me round and I felt my pajamas fall to the floor and my ass billow open like a sail as his magnificent mast entered me with full force. I was hard pressed against the front of the mahogany cupboards but strangely enough felt myself dissolving. The heat generated between us was amazing. I was a sheet of fire ignited by his blow torch. I gasped in wonder. I was twenty-two. It was the first time I'd been fucked and I was so glad it was him.

In the middle of it all I recalled the first time I saw his dick at the picnic and wondered how it compared with others. Now I knew that whoever was responsible for giving out dick had been more than generous with Blaise. I could have died for him, there and then, just to thank him for the way he was making me feel. I thought this red hot iron has been in my sister's cunt and felt an incestuous thrill as he penetrated me further. What made it even more exciting and perverse was that his son was just at the end of the corridor and we'd left the door open. As Blaise stoked the very furnace of my being and I slithered in sloppy content against the surface of the cold mirror we heard Sam stir and shout out in his sleep.

Reluctantly, my lord and master withdrew his glowing sword from my smouldering sheath and motioned me along the corridor towards the bathroom. He climbed out of his pants, which were half down his legs by now, and put on one of my bathrobes. Then to my surprise he kissed me hard, sank to his knees and gave me one hell of a blow job sucking the living daylights out of me so that my knees turned to jelly and my bones to marrow. Then he tweaked my nipples cheekily and said, "Back in a jiffy," as he went to check up on his son.

I looked at myself in the mirror and liked what I saw: sweet, besotted satisfaction. I started the shower and let the warm water wash over me pretending it was Blaise caressing my body. And very soon it was, because he came back into the bathroom locked the door and slipped out of the bathrobe. I'd only felt the strength of him behind me until that moment now I got to see the full beauty of his perfectly toned, tastefully tanned body. He stood there for a moment and let my eyes feast upon him. He obviously appreciated my interest as his dick stood up in pride and made my mouth water. I couldn't believe it. He was so beautiful and he was mine. He squeezed in behind me --- he seemed to like tight places -- and soaped me up. I did the same for him and finally got my hands on his soldering iron.

But he couldn't wait to get inside me again and batter my butt, and we picked up where we'd left off in the corridor, except the hardness of the mahogany furniture was now replaced by his solid, mahogany body. I was softened to putty by the thrust of his probing prong. We wriggled and slithered and writhed for a while, then he threw me rudely out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor and rammed me until I was half way up the wall with joy. I had to hang on to the towel rail and use the bath towel as a muffler so that Sam wouldn't hear my growls of satisfaction and my growing groans. Then as I felt him cum inside of me, Blaise grabbed my bursting dick and jerked me off in perfect synchrony. I came in a paroxysm of delight all over the mirror as he bit deep into the flesh between my shoulders. I watched my cum trickle down the mirror, then closed my eyes and relaxed against him as his cool tongue licked the blood voluptuously from my back.

Presently, it worked its serpentine way up my neck to enter my ear and make strange sloshing sounds as if in a vain attempt to extinguish the fires still burning inside me. Then he gave me a long watery kiss under the shower as we washed ourselves clean. I lent him a pair of my best pajamas and told him to climb into bed with Sam. I was sorely tempted to climb in there with them, but knew that really was being perverse. I was already cheating on my sister. I couldn't very well make love next to his sleeping son. Blaise finally reached Meredith and told her where he was and what had happened to Sam. Despite my sexual misgivings, I felt a sudden urge to slip my hand under the bed sheets and worked my way slowly and surely into the front of his pajamas. I held on to his dick enjoying a moment of malicious triumph as I felt it grow hard in my hand while he talked to my sister. All the while, knowing that I had him literally by the short and curlies, and that he couldn't do a single thing about it.

I heard him say that Sam was fast asleep, and he didn't want to wake him so was going to spend the night at my place. Meredith agreed it was a good idea and I politely left them saying their sweet nothings to each other as I went quietly off to the maid's room. My only consolation was that it had a four poster with a feathered bed. But it sure was cold in there without Blaise, so I went down to the kitchen to fix a hot water bottle. I went to sleep hugging it gratefully.

I woke up hours later with something else, equally hot, pressed up against my chest. It didn't take me very long to discover it was Blaise's dick in search of nourishment. He kissed me and once again my cold body was all ablaze and crickling and crackling for what only he could give me. I must say he was some hot kisser for a guy who had always claimed to be a metrosexual and therefore by definition only interested in women! Playfully, he said that I'd forgotten to give him a nightcap and soon we were locked together sucking each others cocks. My mouth grew out of all proportion as I greedily chomped away and devoured this huge juicy piece of meat which must have been stroganoff or something since it was full of thick clotted cream. I dutifully drew it all in and lapped it all up and licked my lips in sexual delight as he came to my overflowing fountain to drink his fill and then mingled his jizz with mine in a goodnight kiss.

I listened to him gargling in the bathroom, and found myself wondering what the morning had in store for us. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand it if he looked at me with that cold familiar stare again and said something the equivalent of "Boy were we drunk last night!" Instead he brought me coffee in bed and told me not to make any plans as he was going to take Sam home and then "get back to work" and I knew from the tone of his voice that he wasn't talking about going back to the office. I kissed Sam goodbye and thanked him for coming to visit. He'd really made my day!

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