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Masturbatorium by Hrtofgld
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I was out having my morning constitutional, enjoying the sunlight (artificially produced) and clean air (filtered and processed) when I saw two young men, probably about 19 or 20 years of age, ahead of me. I was musing about how much society and even the world had changed when suddenly one young man fell to the ground, clutching his crotch and moaning while the other one fell to his knees and tried to assist his friend. I rushed over to where the two men were and quickly ascertained that the man on the ground was in stage three and needed emergency extraction. I began preparations right away and, as I snapped on the gloves and prepared my instruments, I thought about how nice it must have been before the war, even in the homophobic era...

...the year was 2320 and the relations between the religions were reaching the boiling point. The governments were legally helpless in the bickering and posturing of the old religions because of constitutional rights that protected these organizations from judicial law. One such organization, the Catholic Church, had in the last fifty years grown to where it had finally taken over the majority lead in religious organizations and, with this clout and a progressive as well as militant Pope, started subjugating other religions under its yoke. Other sects and orders were slowly sucked into the massive, almost bloated Catholic religion and finally there were only two left opposing Catholicism. One, the Amalgamated Indo-China Faith (now comprised of all the faiths of India, Japan and China) and the Atheists' Union (a minority group that literally believed in no supreme being at all) were the last two religious bodies and in total made up of 45% of the world's population. The Catholics had the rest.

Even this would have been survivable except that Pope Beneficent XX wanted the entire pie and began a crusade, almost a holy war against 'non-believers.' Non-violent, economic and social pressures were put upon the 'others' that existed to convert to Catholicism and to those folks who had a different belief, it was almost akin to torture. When the last peace talks ended abruptly with Beneficent storming out of the conference and leaving the words, 'we shall prevail over you heretics,' the AICF and AU decided that enough was enough. Chinese scientists had for years been working on anti-personnel chemical warfare materials and had come up with what they thought was the perfect solution.

It seemed that the one thing most strongly hated by the Catholics was any form of homosexuality. Two men or two women having sexual relations together were considered anathema by the church and, even though the upper echelons of the Church was filled with pedophiles, two adult men having sex was enough to cause firing squads to be called. The Chinese had thought long and hard about this and come up with 'Euphorae.'

In theory, Euphorae gas would cause a state of intense rapture and sexual desire that would cause anybody who inhaled the gas to immediately want to fuck something or be fucked themselves. Strangely, the Chinese hadn't thought about the major drawback with using Euphorae, in that it was somehow gender linked and only men would be affected, but part was better than none and the Euphorae was released ten days the Pope had left the negotiations. What the Chinese hadn't counted on were prevalent wind conditions of the time and instead of being confined to the area that had been established as the prime Catholic concentration site, the gas meandered around at full strength until it had managed to affect every male on the planet.

In less than one year the entire male population of the planet was so horny they couldn't function anymore and the last few males in positions of power determined that they better transfer that power to the females of the planet right away. Coincidentally, the females had already decided (after fending off countless men) that it would probably be better if women ran the world anyway and that the horny males were set apart from female society. It was also interesting to note that they had also begun a reorganization of all religious beliefs themselves, creating a multi-faceted one that really allowed almost anybody to worship however they wanted, even including Atheists in some way. Three years later, the previous continents of North and South America were now male territory and the old European Union was set aside for the females. Fertilization was handled easily by visits to the 'co-ed' islands of Hawaii and the Caribbean, with the women selecting the men that would be allowed to have sex with them until they conceived. Boys that came from these unions were sent back to the Americas to be taken care of the growing homosexual population there that had coupled up and desired children.

Female scientists had been able to come up with a partial antidote, at least one that seemed to take the horny frenzy out of Euphorae, but unfortunately a serious undiscovered side effect developed. Men were indeed back in control of their sexual desire, however they had to ejaculate at least twice a day or else their testicles would swell to actually burst out of the scrotum. Only three men succumbed to this horrible fate before the preventive action was discovered. The men realized that they would have to perform this ejaculation often enough to give relief and be able to do it in such a manner that would allow ejaculation somewhat privately in the artificial society they were attempting to maintain. Considering that the homosexual population had flourished to the point that heterosexual males were slowly becoming the minority, it was interesting to note that these 'masturbatoriums' that began dotting the major roads and byways of every city and town were planned and developed mainly by homosexuals.

The masturbatoriums were small huts that contained pornographic material of both orientations, lubricant and low backless couches that one (or more) men could recline upon to jack off. A handy supply of recyclable tissues were beside each couch so that after ejaculation the spew could be cleaned up nicely and deposited into the recycle bin. Each masturbatorium could handle five or six men at one time and each couch area had a curtain that could be drawn for privacy, although quite a few men left the curtains open so that others could watch and sometimes even participate in their ejaculation. A simple code was established so that straight men that allowed gay men to assist in their ejaculation would lie upon the couch at a particular end, that being the left end of the couch. A man lying on the right end of the couch was allowing voyeurism only and didn't want to be touched by anybody else. It was rare that men would pull the privacy curtain and quite a few gay couples were born in the masturbatoriums.

Unfortunately, some of the men in the Americas were still staunch Catholics and had established a neo-Catholic faith that prohibited sexual activity all together, ignoring the fact that without it they could easily become eunuchs if they survived the explosion of their testicles. The more sane men of the community realized that this had to be addressed and thus the Emergency Extraction Act of 2325 was pushed through the Men's Congress and approved by the Women's World Council. This created a body of physicians that carefully studied the male population and specifically their testicles and determined that there were five stages of the phenomenon's development. Stage one was the normal function of the testicles and stage two was a slight engorgement of one or both testicles from non-ejaculated sperm. Stage three was more severe, when actual pain developed in one or both testicles and the testicles had swollen up to twice their normal size. Stage four was when both testicles had advanced past stage three and were now beginning to die from internal pressures and stage five, unfortunately, was the point of no return where the testicles had died and now the only option was to remove them before they exploded. The act also established the cadre of men that were licensed extractors, meaning that they were trained in the science of the male anatomy and in the art of semen extraction, and would perform this service to any male that required it, either by choice or not...

...thus I was pulling off the pants and undergarments of the young man that was writhing on the ground below me and, seeing that his left testicle was indeed at stage three and his right one was still within stage two, barked at his friend to hold him still while I began extraction. The helpless young man suddenly flinched as my gloved, lubricated finger slipped inside him for prostate stimulation while my other gloved and lubricated hand slowly began jacking him off. The bright pink gloves were really the indicator to pedestrians that passed by that I was a licensed extractor as they were only available to our group. A police officer walked by, noticed and came over to ask if he could assist. I smiled, concentrating on the young man's cock and thanked him for his offer, but I had things well in hand. He laughed at that old joke and went on his way and I continued prodding the young man's prostate and innervating the poor man's cock head until I was rewarded by the first spurt of life saving semen. He moaned and crooned as the remnants of Euphorae inhalation activated with his orgasm, the over stimulated pleasure centers of his brain remembering the 'good old days' of Euphorae and reacting much like the previous time. I could feel his cock grow harder with each stroke, a good sign that he'd be able to ejaculate sufficient quantities during this emergency extraction that would lower his stage from three to a low two. I must have extracted a good two or three cups of cum from him before he was shooting blanks, and moaning more about how sore he was getting versus the pleasure of orgasm. I withdrew my finger from his ass and my hand from his dick and peeled off my gloves, putting them into the biohazard bags we carried for that purpose. I relubricated my hands and then gave him a throughout testicular exam, making sure that the pressure had indeed been relieved and that his testicles, for right now, had returned to a normal size and would function properly. I cleaned my hands with the wipes we carried and used another wipe to clean off the young man's body where his spew landed between his neck and lower thighs, smiling to myself as I raised his legs to clean his asshole that after emergency extraction most males reverted to when they were babies. I finished cleaning and, standing up, removed a pamphlet that I gave to the other young man.

"Make sure he reads this," I said as I straightened my own clothing, "and you can dress him now. He's a bit over exposed right now and would probably like to be dressed, but is too weak to do it himself." I thought a bit and said, "Have you ejaculated at least once today?"

The man nodded, blushing a bit, and replied, "Yeah, I still think I have to do it, but I do myself privately." I nodded and returned to my constitutional, thinking that it was good that along the way was my favorite masturbatorium and just about now Frank would be there ready to help me do my own extraction...

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