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Little Frankies Southern Stud by Frankie
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High School graduation was over for Frankie Walsh, and college still seemed a giant leap in the future, so he took a job at a drugstore in his moderate Midwestern town to help pay for some of his future college expenses. Directly across the street from the drugstore a church was being restored and whenever possible the reserved teenager would spend his time staring out the storefront window over at that spicy variety of construction workers.

Francis Edmond "Frankie" Walsh was pretty much the epitome of all closeted Midwestern boys who quietly sense that they're gay and then spend every waking effort trying to conceal that fact. Still, the short, trim, attractive, boyishly-masculine young man wanted a male lover so badly. Many of the girls in town thought the petite, charismatic Frankie was a real catch. And he did date a few pf them on rare occasions, such as church socials, church picnics, and to a movie with other couples. But that was it. He made it clear that the rest of his time was spent at his computer, or 'hitting the books' for college. And since he had established his identity in town by constantly announcing that he was staying celibate until he married, most of the girls slowed their pursuit of him.

So, when business was slow there at the drugstore, the high school grad sat there ogling out the window across the street at that delicious smorgasbord of lusty, rugged males. His mind would float off into wild fantasies of those robust masculine workers; imagining them naked and sweaty with him; whispering obscene things to him. This went on, day after day, until the thought of making out with a sex-crazed he-man soon controlled most of his waking thoughts. It was becoming an obsession.

All the construction workers came across the street into the store on a daily basis to get bottles of soft drinks, snacks, and other supplies. And there was one man in the group who really stirred Frankie up to no end. The guy was probably 40-something, with a body that was hot, hot, hot in the truest sense of the word. He was tall, broad-shouldered and heavily muscled. From beneath his crown of lengthy, sun-beached hair, his sultry, sparkling- blue eyes and flashing white smile would brightly shine. And then there was the powerful, fur-covered chest and arms; and on down to those shapely, powerful legs. To Frankie, this guy was a real breathtaking, heart-thumping, heart-breaking sight to behold.

It was July and the guy wore only construction boots and a pair of faded, frayed dungarees that seemed to attach to his body like a second skin. They weren't skin tight by any means, but were loose, form-fitting jeans that often inched down low enough to reveal the top of his pubic-bush, and from behind, there's be a slight glimpse of the crack of that awesome butt, just before he'd pull them back up into place. It was definitely a show worth watching. And on occasions Frankie would overhear several very interested girls betting each other that the odds we good this time - cause they were sure those dungarees were going drop to his knees and give them a hot look at his hot everything.

This blonde Greek god that stole Frankie's, and every female's, attention was a stone mason working on the granite facade of the church.

Every day at noon he came into the store and bought a Pepsi and a cigar from Frankie. He always stayed long enough to make cheerful, simple- minded conversation and give the high school grad a chance to admire his flawless beauty up close. When he stood at Frankie's counter, the teenager would tremble and often became speechless, or say stupid things in spite of the fact that he had the highest IQ in his graduating class. When he would bend down to search in the showcase for a cigar the guy had requested, he would take as long as he could down there on his knees so that he could peer out through the glass case at the muscular knees peeking through the torn jeans; and trying to get a damn good look at his sweaty basket.

One day, as he knelt there, getting a cigar, Frankie saw that several of the fly-buttons on the dungarees were unfastened, and he could see part of the guy's cock and his balls. He almost passed out. He got weak in the knees and his head began to swim.

When he finally managed to get to his feet and hand the worker the cigar, the worker leaned in towards Frankie and asked, "How old are you, kid?"

Frankie had always looked young for his age, sort of like a very handsome Frankie Munoz or Bud Bundy, which he always thought to be a curse.

"Eighteen," he blurted out, "Just graduated from high school."

"Yeah?" growled the stone mason, "You look more like fourteen." He stood there slowly eying Frankie up and down and continued, "What time you get off around here?"

Simmering in a stew of all sorts so excited emotions, Frankie was finally gained presence of mind to blurt out, "3:30 this afternoon."

"Oh, yeah," said the worker, peeling the cellophane from around his cigar, "Me, too. You wanna come with me and grab a beer or something, somewhere?"

Frankie Walsh have never drank nor smoked in his life, but he would have gone to the moon with this guy if he had asked. So he quickly agreed to meet the guy over at his pickup truck in the construction site at 3:30.

Frankie watched the man exit across the floor toward the door. At the door the guy coolly turned back around and said, "Hey, remember kid, I always like a nice cigar."

When Frankie's relief salesclerk came in at 3:28pm, he almost flew out the door without a word to anyone, on a run towards the construction worker's truck; carrying in his hand one of the most expensive cigars in the store as a gift. Neither of them said a word as Frankie crawled up into the truck. They drove immediately to a rather ramshackle motel that was adjacent to one the town's better restaurants.

"Do you live here?" asked Frankie when the truck came to a stop and the guy removed the key from the ignition.

"I don't live anywhere. I follow the work," said the construction worker. Noticing that Frankie appeared to be a bit perplexed by the statement, he flashed one of the great smiles and said, "Call me Stoney, kid. Everybody calls me Stoney. What do they call you?"

"Most kids call me "Nerd-Head', said Frankie, "'cause I was always helping somebody out with their homework."

"Well, ain't you the nice little pansy, now" said Stoney regarding his teenage date with a playful glance, "sure could have used you when I was in school. Don't go in for that book stuff much myself."

They entered the nondescript motel room and Stoney immediately pulled off his books and socks... then dropped those famous faded dungarees to the floor. Frankie Walsh stood there staring in wide-eyed wonder at that sweaty, tanned, magnificent body. He was in a state of utter disbelief; it all seemed to unreal. He had never seen anything as perfect in the flesh before. For a brief second, all those Greek statues he'd once seen at a museum in New York City filled his racing brain. He himself had gotten naked once or twice on a drunken dare with a few of his high school buddies on a couple of occasions. But he had never really been sexually attracted to any of them; even when they'd all play sloppy games of grab-ass and they'd all end up in untidy naked pile, jerking each other off. Francis Edmond "Frankie" Walsh, as far back as he can remember, had always been sexually attracted to older males with huge muscular bodies and deep voices. From the age of ten he had begun to have fantasies of orally servicing truck drivers, or policemen or soldiers in the most dangerous places possible. But the opportunity hadn't presented itself.

But, now, the teenager stood there watching this human Greek statue in the prime of its life, lustfully running his large laborers hands all over his hairy chest and abdomen. As he watched, there seemed to be some new enriching fulfillment entering the lonely teenager's empty life.

Looking as if the statue of Adonis had come to life, Stoney radiated there in the middle of room. He began lewdly flipping his cock and sensuously massaging his balls, and then without a word, spun around and walked into the bathroom.

Frankie still stood there at the door dumbfounded at the sight that had just been presented to him. From where he stood, he was able to watch as Stoney pissed into the toilet. It sound of the forceful flow of the urine hitting the water in the bowl seemed simulate the power of that of Niagara Falls. Wow. The young man found himself surprised to realize that he was wishing that his naked body was that which was being splattered by that golden waterfall. When Stoney stopped pissing, he scratched his stomach briefly, then looked out in Frankie's direction, and stepped into the shower.

"What the fuck you waiting for, kid?", he yelled, "Get your fucking clothes off and get your hot little ass in here! You don't expect me to scrub my own back, do ya?"

Frankie felt himself getting undressed quicker than he'd ever done before in his life. And like speed racer he sped his naked little butt into that bathroom.

"Cheez, you really are a puny little thing, ain't ya?" said Stoney, his eyes blazing bright at the naked sight of Frankie Walsh's peaches-n-cream body. "Damn, boy, I can easily see you as a girl. Come on, do my back first!"

With trembling hands, and his heart thundering in his young ears, he soaped the massive back of this masculine god. His young body tingled and thrilled at every touch of the satiny skin as he generously soaped the gorgeous expanse of those manly broad shoulders. Hypnotically he eagerly ran his hands all over those powerful shoulders and back, dreaming all the fantastic dreams that only 18-year-old boys can have.

"Come on. Kid, stop teasing me," chortled Stoney, "don't forget my ass. Get down in there and clean out that crack and hole nice and clean, okay."

Frankie felt tears of joys fill his eyes when he heard that deep baritone voice demanding him to have his ways with that bodacious ass that was there before him. Oh, yeah, Oh, yeah! he thought as his trembling young hands made their way down that awesome treasure from heaven. He'd rather throw away the soap and water and travel only his tongue down there and wash all that mighty manliness clean with only licking and sucking.

Still, he did as he was told as he let one hand slide along inside that hot hairy crack, while the other hand fondled the most beautiful buns he had ever encountered. Embarrassment soon gripped the teenager when he became aware of his own stiff boner that was slamming and jerking like a mofo against his taut flat tummy. So, as he massaged those gorgeous manly cheeks he tried leaning away so that his stiff boner wouldn't be detected. But seconds later Stoney slowly turned around and Frankie saw that the rugged stone mason also had a roaring hard-on. Through the spraying water the 42-year-old stone mason sheepishly looked down at his cute, little horndog of a teenager and winked. This emboldened Frankie to swiftly begin running his soapy hands through the thick, sun-bleached hair of that covered that massive chest and then on down to those rock-hard abs. He lingered there as long as he could, then he dropped to his knees to wash both of those perfect, powerful legs with loving care.

But he could only try to ignore that formidable cock for only so long. As he worshiped those powerful legs, he gradually dared his inquisitive eyes to consciously inspect the raging phallic beauty that beckoned before his very hungry eyes. That sight was the answer to a thousand dreams he'd had for oh so long. And, now, there before him, was the most perfect cock attached to most perfect body that any 18-year-old boy would ever want in front of him. His eyes greedily drank in the mouth-watering sight of those massive balls and huge lusty cock. But for whatever reason he found himself hesitating to make any kind of move. Like a rabbit mesmerized by a cobra, he just kneeled there spellbound as the magnificent phallic snake stretched, jerked and twitched before his pleasured eyes. Suddenly he heard that rich baritone voice sensuously cutting through to him. "You might want to use your mouth on that."

With no further encouragement, Frankie swiftly leaned forward and eagerly kissed the fat slick head, gently licking at the piss slit. His hands went up to position themselves on both sides of the cock, while he contentedly nuzzled, smooched, licked and sucked up and down the length of the love stick, on both sides. Breathlessly, his licking, watery tongue vigorously traveled up and down the underside of the throbbing meat with feverish delight. Then one at a time he began to inspect, fondle and suck those massive hairy nuts. His hungry lips wandered from one ball to the other, and then back again. He moaned with an almost musical rhythm while he luxuriated in celebrating the awesome existence of Stoney's tasty scrotum. He was dizzy with spiritual fulfillment and seemed to fill that steamy shower stall with all his copious youthful bliss.

Slowly his wet, happy tongue found itself traveling to that glorious spot between the balls and the anus. His nostrils were rapturously drawn to the enticing aroma of soap, sweat and the powerfully intoxicating ass aroma. He wanted to see that asshole. He wanted to smell that asshole. He wanted to kiss that asshole. He wanted to deep-tongue that asshole.

Suddenly Stoney lifted his young head from under there, and placed his young lips face-to-face with that huge needy erection. The sight of that full raging hard-on was totally overwhelming. He wasn't sure he could handle it. But then he too thought that he might never get this opportunity again. So with fierce determination, he leaned forward and slowly inched the huge scrumptious piece of meat into his mouth and throat. He could feel Stoney's hands firmly placed on the back of his head and he got himself ready for a real hot and heavy face-fuck of a lifetime.

Stoney began to wildly gyrate from his pelvis and loudly moan and groan as his gorgeous manly pecker lewdly made its way in and out of Frankie's mouth and throat. Simultaneously the teenager's hands roamed hungrily and passionately all over that powerful manly body that he was so competently in control of, sexually, at the moment. The teenager literally rejoiced at the thought that he was masterfully giving this magnificent specimen of manhood a really great sexual experience.

Long before Stoney climaxed, Frankie felt himself involuntarily splattering his load all over the shower wall and floor. And as he sprayed his seed, he felt the huge cock slamming in and out of his mouth get even larger and begin shoot, squirt and blast an avalanche of testosterone-rich semen into his mouth and throat. For a brief second he felt his gag reflex subtly trigger, but he swiftly relaxed and fought it down, and gleefully allowed the onslaught of spooge fill his joyous body. He felt quite content to allow himself to drown in the eruption after eruption of Stoney's manhood being gushed and poured into his throat. His semen-full mouth soon began to spill out at the corners of his lips and down onto his chest. Rapidly, his teenage hands reached up and frantically grabbed those two round rock-hard mounds and wantonly crushed the erupting stone mason's cock deeper into him.

His young mind not used to such sheer, raw, exhilarating excitement, he fainted dead away. When he awoke, he was lying on the double bed beside the Stoney.

"You've got the build up your strength, little fella," said Stoney, smiling down at his exhausted little love-boy. "We still got a lot to do before the summer's over."

Kissing Frankie on the forehead, Stoney said he was tired and rolled over on his stomach. He told the kid to get the oil from the bedside stand, and to massage his slightly sunburned back. Frankie felt a quick stirring in his cock and when he turned back with the bottle of oil, Stoney lay there on the bed, spread- eagle. His young heart visibly thrilled at the awesome beauty of such a sight. Gently, though thoroughly, he began to massage the oil into the musculature of the shoulders and back of that superior masculine manscape. Slowly, his hands commenced the journey down to the buttocks, thighs and calves. Each muscle was a new, complete work of art. Frankie's mind raptured at the sight and touch of this masterpiece of nature; and in a few minutes, was shocked to realize that his lover man had fallen asleep.

For more than an hour he slept the sleep of only a manual laborer could know as Frankie's massage soon turned to gentle caresses and fondling. When Stoney finally awoke, he rolled over on his back, his huge penis fully erect again and heatedly slamming against that nest of hair around his belly button. His huge left hand came up to ruffle Frankie's, as he said, "Time to do the other side now, little man."

After he had arched his body high in the air in the most tantalizing stretch the teenager had seen, he pulled the boy toward him, making him straddle his stomach to massage his shoulders and chest. His young, taut teenager's body was trembling considerably from the all the heart-stirring excitement. He was totally self-conscious, while under the sex-drenched, blue-eyed gaze of this phenomenal creature his massage that godlike body.

Finally to reach the cock and the balls, Frankie had to slide down on the bed between those powerful legs. The sight and scent of all that musky meat instantly hypnotized the kid into wanting to taste, lick, kiss and then suck it again. Instantly, taking it into his hands, he pressed the stiff hot slab of prime meat to his lips, as a quiet sensual purring moan began flowing from somewhere deep within him..

With a slight chuckle, Stoney said, "Does my putty cat want some more cream?" He then slowly lifted his thick muscular legs to his chest and presented the kid with his eager, hairy asshole.

"Put it in there, lover boy." he growled. "I don't do any of that faggoty cocksucking stuff; even though I dig getting mine sucked. But real men like a good fuck every now and then. And I'm a real man, kid! So, come on........ FUCK ME!!"

Frankie Walsh was dumbfounded. He had never fucked anyone or anything before in his life. He had always dreamed of someday finding a partner for life, whom he would allow to fuck him wherever they wanted. But this was too sudden; completely out of the blue; completely not expected. His mind swirled with confusion.

"Ah..ah...ah..I..I wouldn't want to hurt, sir..", stammered Frankie, "and I..I..I never did this before"

"Shit, babe, you ain't got enough there to hurt anybody. Come on, man....shove it in there. I can't hold my legs up here like this forever!"

The smoldering encouragement from the stone mason gave Frankie a new perspective on his gayness. He felt his boner reaching and stretching as never before. And hell, since he'd enjoy eating that ass, why shouldn't he enjoy fucking it. So, quick as jumping jack flash, his face was smashed tight down there between those two beefy cheeks as he drove Stoney crazy with his hot, wet, tantalizing tongue. After the stone mason has squirmed and thrashed there on the bed for several minutes, the now Mister Studly Frankie was deeply invading that fiery manly hole with his stiff rearing and ready boner. He looked down at the beautiful face of the handsome specimen of a man who was rapturously enthralled by the swift, hard and hot intrusions that he was brutally making into that beatific manly butt-hole. His young mind had never before felt this kind of masterly control over any human situation. He was usually a watcher or an incidental in any human scenario. But now all of a sudden he was the ruler of the scene. It was he who was master of this particular realm. Cool.

Alas, his ecstasy was short-lived. Due to the newness of the situation, the intense sexuality of it, and the overpowering sounds and scents of the lovemaking that he solely dominated, haf him all too soon screaming out in primal excitement that he was CUUUUMMMMMMMMING!

Instantly following his emptying his love-tool deep inside that awesome ass, Frankie rapidly withdrew his cock, and immediately jumped down on Stoney's jerking and twitching cock and celebratory balls. Ravenously he slurped and smooched and licked and sucked those priceless hairy jewels. He orally worshiped every nook and crevice of those glorious genitals as never before. All soon his waiting young mouth and throat were rewarded with a generous helping of construction worker spooge.

Frankie lay there collapsed atop Stoney's crotch, his arms tightly around the man's middle, when he felt the stone mason reach for the phone. Frankie hadn't even heard it ring, and didn't understand a word that Stoney had said.

Before long there was a knock at the door, and the manager from the restaurant entered with a tray of food in his hand. Frankie jumped from his relaxed position on Stoney's middle, completely started. He had never been "caught" before and began to slightly panic. Stoney's baritone laughter echoed throughout the room, as he told the teenager to relax. He instructed the man to put the tray anywhere, and to put the food on his bill. He then explained to Frankie that Ramon had worked on a construction job with him several years back, before he got the position here as a manager. And that Ramon from time to time brought over his meals when all the waiters were busy.

"Thanks, a lot, Ramon. Have a great night!" grinned Stoney, sort of waving Ramon away. But, Ramon's eyes were unblinkingly fixed on the young, lithe, naked body of Frankie. His dark sensuous eyes lasciviously flashed up and down the lean, succulent limbs of the teenage nerd. The tall muscular Latino was completely oblivious to Stoney's words. His eyes were devouring a succulent piece of young meat that he wanted badly.

"Yo! Ramon! DUDE! I said I'll see ya. Thanks a lot, but I'm fucking busy here, ok! Vamoose, amigo!" shouted Stoney, partly in jest, and partly in earnest.

Coming to his sense, the randy, 29-year-old Latino with the sexy mustache and piercing hazel eyes acknowledged the stone mason directive and moved toward the door. Reaching the door, he looked back and said to Frankie, "Hey, chico, when you want a good time, come by my office. My door is always open!"

"Get the hell outta here", shouted Stoney, laughing, throwing a pillow at him. Ramon ducked out of the door flashing a toothy grin at Frankie.

"Don't be afraid of him; he's more bark than bite." Said Stoney, pulling Frankie off the bed and over to the small table in an alcove. The two ate their meal. And then Frankie ate the construction worker again. They repeated the whole process again and soon both were exhausted. As Frankie dressed, Stoney phoned a cab for him. When it arrived, Stoney said, "We'll do this again, kid!...and remember to bring the man a cigar!". As the very sexually satisfied teenager stepped out the door, he looked back to see his lover sensuously sprawled naked across the crumpled bed

During the following days, the church facade was almost completed. Some days Frankie worked days and sometime nights. Some days he left early some days he left late. But eventually the timing worked out for Frankie when Stoney came in and asked the teenage to bring him a cigar at quitting time. Not expecting it, Frankie quickly phoned his mother to tell her he wouldn't be home for supper, and then hurried out to his beat up old Ford.

When he got there, once again they showered, sucked and massaged. Then just as Stoney raised his beautiful puckered anus into the air and Frankie was happily aiming his rigid six-inch boner toward it, the door opened, and in walked Ramon, grinning his perfectly-toothed lopsided grin from ear to ear. There was a part of Frankie that rejoicing to high heaven. Over the past week he had been constantly dreaming of Ramon. And in those dreams Ramon had made love to him in every possible manner imaginable.

"Oh, come on, Ramon, bad timing, man!" shouted Stoney.

"Naw, man, you owe me. And I'm here to collect my debt!" bellowed Ramon back at the stone mason; while his gaze was heatedly fixed on Frankie.

"Yeah...well that's gotta be my little buddy's here decision. And I don't think he's in the mood for a greaser, are ya baby." said Stoney, messing the kid's hair.

"I..I don't care!" replied Frankie.

"Why, you little slut!" laughed Stoney, pulling the kid tightly to him. "Well, it looks like two against one! Okay, Ramon, lock that damn door and drop your damn drawers. and get your Spic ass over here."

In no time flat, the handsome Latino had locked the door and ripped off his clothes and was jumping on the double bed beside them. Frankie quickly noticed the vast difference between the bodies of the two older men. Ramon was as smooth as Stoney was hairy; and his cock wasn't as big around as the Stoney's, but his was a helluva lot longer. And it was mighty damn erect.

"Hop on with your mouth." said Stoney to Frankie as Ramon straddled the construction workers chest facing Frankie, "and you put your cock in my ass." continued Stoney, "You may as well learn how to suck and fuck at the same time."

As Frankie's cock thrust in and out of Stoney's tight hole, he simultaneously took Ramon's cock into his salivating mouth; and at the same time played with Stoney's body with his free hand. What an awesome sensation they were all experiencing. All three of them came about the same time. But the immense flow from Ramon cock was incredibly amazing.

They spent the entire evening enjoying each other's company in a similar over-sexed manner. Finally when Frankie decided it was time for to leave, he lay facing Stoney, and Ramon quickly eased down and began eating out his ass. It was a rapturous dream come true for the kid. In no time at all, they got into a very accommodating rhythm, as Ramon thrust in his tongue Frankie lustily slammed his little butt back to meet that titillating licker. He clung to Stoney's hot hairy body as the Latino orally raped his virginal sphincter. At the height of his rapture, Ramon eased up and slid the entire length of stiff brown cock inside the kid. Frankie screamed in agonizing pain and fainted away. He came to with Stoney smoothing his hair and hugging him close and running his fingers all over his young body while Ramon continued to fuck his tight young virginal hole. Encouraged by the stone mason's soothing words and Ramon's loud groans of utter sexual satisfaction, the kid got into the rhythm of the onslaught. Frankie felt his gorge rising and discovered he was pumping his entire body up against Stoney and then back against Ramon; he finally relaxed into Ramon's strong arms as he accomplished his ejaculation - while he and Stoney fiercely climaxed together, splattering their love juices all over each other.

Ramon fell over backward onto a pillow exhausted. He begged Frankie to stay for the night. But unfortunately he couldn't. His mom would kill him.

That weekend, Frankie's grandmother had a heart attack and his mother and father dragged him along with them up to Becksley, 100 miles away, for a week. When he returned to work, he sadly noticed that the restoration of the church had been completed and that Stoney and the other manual laborers had moved on to their next construction job.

For a couple of days, Frankie Walsh was pretty damn despondent. But then his spirits rose considerably when he remembered good ol' Ramon with his wide grin, long cock and 'open door' policy.

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