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Like Father, Like Son Baringer by Hrtofgld
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I'm just back from the hottest summer in all my twenty-six years. And I'm not talking just about the weather! Although that was pretty torrid too. I'd been studying hard for my international law degree in Italy and was all tetched out. I wanted somewhere quiet where I could put the final touches to my thesis, get some sun and hopefully do a bit of surfing.

I looked on the net for last minute bargains and found an inexpensive beach house in a remote part of Sardinia. I contacted the owner and he said he'd meet me at the airport. Sure enough a good looking guy in his early forties was waiting for me. As we drove the ninety miles or so he told me that he'd built the place as a holiday home for his family but he'd recently broken up with his wife. She'd left for the mainland with his two daughters. He and his son had stayed on to do some fishing. They usually slept on the boat so the house was virtually mine although officially I was only renting the ground floor. He said I was hardly likely to be disturbed unless they got a spate of bad weather. Sounded good.

It took nearly two hours to reach my new abode. The scenery was breathtaking but the rugged cliff roads hair-raising. I was happy he was driving and not me. I liked him a lot. He had a good strong face and the rest of him looked even stronger. He was your original outdoor man. He made me feel a wimp as I looked at his well toned body. His long legs were brown and muscular and bursting the seams of his shorts. Mine seemed white and insignificant in comparison. Not that I'm in bad shape myself. Especially when I've been swimming for a few weeks. I made up my mind to give my brain a rest and work on my body asap. I hadn't reckoned on having such a good looking host. I wondered how he managed sexually now that his wife was gone.

His shirt was open almost to his navel and, as he changed gear, his pecs tensed and the hairs on his chest bristled. I immediately wanted to see more of him. Also he had a habit of slipping one hand inside his shirt which made me horny as hell. I'd been in denial for quite some time myself. Maybe with a bit of subtle strategy I could get him to take me fishing with him and eventually tuck me up at night. I'd straightened out many straight guys in my time and was eager to explore his potential. I wondered how old his son was and hoped he wasn't some ball breaking teenager.

We stopped for a quick pizza since Piero told me there wasn't much in the way of food waiting for me. We would have to go out next day and stock up on provisions. He said he'd show me around until I got the hang of the place and that I could even borrow his car on occasions. He didn't often use it. There was also a bicycle. He was a real nice guy. The nearer we got to our destination the more I liked him. And desired him.

It was dark when we finally arrived and the house was like a big black shadow. There was no electricity so we had to make do with candles. Piero apologised and said he'd fix the generator in the morning. He showed me the bathroom but I didn't want to take a cold shower. I was tired and glad to sink into the very comfortable mattress and fall asleep. I'd drunk a lot of red wine with my pizza and felt rather the worse for wear.

He lingered a while at my door and I wondered for a brief moment whether I should invite him to climb into bed with me but by that time I couldn't even raise an eyelash let alone my dick. Next thing I knew it was morning. A beautiful sunny Sardinian morning. Piero must have fixed the generator as the shower water was warm. He had breakfast waiting for me and we ate in semi-silence. I felt an immediate bond with him. Obviously neither of us was at his best first thing in the morning. After breakfast we got into Piero's car and drove to the nearest convenience store.

I stocked up on all I needed and also bought some other things I didn't really need but couldn't resist. He told me not to buy fish as he and Danilo would supply me with that. In fact when we got back Danilo was waiting for us with the morning's catch. He was quite a catch too. Much older than I expected. Still a teenager, but only just. Later I learned he was nineteen going on twenty. My dick immediately stirred at the sight of him.

He was leaning over the kitchen table cleaning the fish so my eyes settled first on his awesome ass. His tight pants were clinging to it like shrink-wrap. As he turned round to greet me I noticed the tantalising outline of his dick. On top of this, a pair of erect nipples pressed eagerly against the front of his wet tee shirt. All three parts of his anatomy seemed to be vying for my attention. In fact I was so engrossed in the grossness of my thoughts that I almost forgot to look at his face. That was great too. What wasn't so great was the smug expression on it. He knew he had what others wanted to take and I knew instinctively that this was no ball breaking teenager. This dude was a cast-iron cock teaser.

Still he was nice with it and made me feel right at home. He even promised to take me dancing one night and fix me up with one of his girl friends. All the same I couldn't help feeling that he knew where I was at and wondered how long it was going to be before I called his bluff and had my way with him. We had a great fish lunch and once again I drank too much wine and fell asleep in a sheltered cove on the beach, the water lapping pleasantly at my feet. I awoke around five to find him standing over me. At least I supposed it was Danilo as the sun was shining in my eyes and at first I thought I was dreaming. It was a pretty wet dream too as he'd been for a swim and was dripping cool, refreshing seawater over me.

It felt so good and I stretched my legs out languidly. He moved in closer. The sun sparkled in the wet drops and I was reminded of the first time I had gone to the seaside as a child and used to call them sun drops. My mother said that as far as she knew there were only rain drops, and maybe snowdrops, but there was no such thing as sun drops. Now this luscious Italian stud was proving her wrong as he sent them cascading all over me. I raised myself with my elbows so I could get a better look at him. He was almost wearing a low slung swimsuit which from my limited viewpoint consisted of two or three black and yellow horizontal stripes. These gave me vertical thoughts as they narrowly covered a very wide dick which seemed to be smiling at me through the flimsy material. Especially as the weight of it had exposed his heavenly hip bones. The overall effect was of a horny honey-bee smirking at me with two dreamy dimples punctuating the grin.

In spite of myself I opened my thirsty mouth and gulped down some of those sensational sun drops. He responded by rolling down his swimsuit and releasing his dancing dick, bending his knees slightly so it could meet my uplifted face. Actually that's a bit of a 'miss-statement' as his erection was pointing so far towards the sky that at first I could only lick the water from his dripping balls. Then, with a little help from my new friend, I managed to get my lips around his proud protuberance. The tangy taste of this unexpected tidbit sent my senses reeling.

There was nobody else around and I guessed his father must be off some place otherwise Danilo wouldn't be offering himself to me so freely. I could hardly believe this was only my first afternoon in Sardinia and already I was getting my overfill of fresh fish. In fact sardines were beginning to take on a whole new connotation for me. And this sardine was not the pathetic kind you usually find in sardine cans. It was halfway to being a trout. It squirmed and wormed its way into my mouth until it was tickling my tonsils and tingling my toes. He made all the appropriate moaning sounds and told me that the inside of my mouth was soft as a bitch's cunt. At that he began to fuck my mouth, building up speed until his balls slapped my chin.

It must have been one of the headiest highs I've ever had. So maybe he was cuming on mentally by thinking of some female as he fucked my pussy mouth. So what. I was being given a golden opportunity to suck prime teenage dick and I sure as hell wasn't going to blow it. I made my presence felt by grabbing his awesome buns and pulling him closer to me so I could work my fingers into his tight little asshole.

He was too far gone by then to put up any resistance. And the further I pushed my fingers up his ass the further he shoved his dick down my throat until he came in vast shots of cum which spewed out the sides of my mouth. Simultaneously, I shot my load all over him in a kind of spontaneous cum-bustion. Neither of us said anything but knew we had cum as one and achieved the almost impossible. Sexual unity in our first encounter.

Of course he spoilt it all by saying that he'd been hot and horny and unable to resist me and that normally he only went with women. But I knew I'd given him a blow job to beat all blow jobs and that it wouldn't be long before he was back for more. However, I hadn't bargained with the fact that he was nineteen and a Catholic and therefore still full of sexual hang-ups and guilt.

The three of us went out fishing next morning. It seems the best time to catch fish is very early in the morning or at night. It was a completely new experience for me. I liked this combination of fish and flesh. Both father and son had great bodies and I got generous eyefuls of them. They were the kind of guys who should never wear clothes. I asked myself what other new experiences I was going to have before the month was over. I didn't have long to wait.

The weather suddenly changed. Piero told me they have terrible winds in Sardinia which can last for several days. This particular wind blew half the roof off the beach house and also threatened to tear Piero's boat from its moorings. As soon as it died down we spent the next few days fixing the roof. Then, when we'd finished that, I helped Piero and Danilo build a new boathouse.

It got to be extremely hot as soon as the wind fell and the three of us worked almost naked and were forever taking showers or hosing each other down. Every time I saw Danilo's bare ass I couldn't wait to get my fingers up there again and prepare him for something longer and harder. I knew he'd never been fucked. He might have fucked a few boys in his time and more than a few girls but I knew from the tightness of his ass hole that he he'd never actually been fucked himself. I was more than willing to initiate him but he seemed intent on avoiding me and chattered on about some new girl friend as if nothing whatsoever had happened between us.

One day he drove off to town to get more cement. He told his father he was going dancing afterwards and not to wait up. I knew what that meant. Piero and I continued building the boathouse. It was heavy work. I wasn't used to manual labour and found it difficult to lift some of those bricks. Piero on the other hand seemed to have no trouble at all and his biceps bulged as he heaved them into place. I was still on the rebound from Danilo so it took me a little while to shift my sexual attention back to Piero and appreciate his well proportioned body. My mind and my mouth were still full of Danilo's dick.

That is till we had a shower together. Actually he was taking the shower in the bathtub and I walked in at an unfortunate moment. He was bending down in the tub and seemed to be hosing out his ass. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was very embarrassed but explained that he'd had some intestinal trouble some years back and also some light surgery. He'd been advised to use an enema to relieve the problem. Until recently his wife had done it for him but he couldn't bring himself to ask his son so it was rather awkward without help. Naturally I told him not to worry and that I would help him in any way I could.

Once again he was embarrassed and said that often the process gave him a hard-on as his rectum had become very sensitive. Out of curiosity he had used a dildo and found he enjoyed the sensation. I was beginning to enjoy the sensation myself. As I watched the water gush out of his gorgeous muscular ass I felt myself getting a real boner.

"I don't have a dildo handy," I said "but I can give you something you might enjoy better."

I could see he was growing hard at the thought of what I was saying.

"I'm not gay," he said. I climbed in the tub behind him and gave him a foretaste of what he was missing. He didn't say anymore but nestled his ass against my dick. I hadn't thought of bringing lubricant. After all I had hardly expected I would be fucking my landlord that particular afternoon. But I wasn't completely unprepared and anointed my dick with bath oil. Unlike his son he was very loose in the nether regions after all those months of hosing. I told him to lean back and relax and got him super horny by stimulating his nipples. Got myself super horny too. Finally had my hands round those pecs. I worked my fingers slowly down to his dick and stimulated that too. He sighed.

The sound of that sigh, together with the running water and the steam we were producing between us made penetration natural and easy. His ass muscles chopped away at my dick and made me harder and hornier than ever until we were both standing up and I had him pinned against the bathroom tiles moaning and groaning in ecstasy. I had started off gently, afraid to hurt him, but soon I was pounding the living shit out of him, giving him an enema he would never forget. I thought if Danilo could see me now with my cock up his father's ass he would really freak out.

Actually it was the pair of us who finally freaked out as Piero came to a terrific orgasm and carried me along on the turbulent wave. Naturally he told me he had never had it so good and thanked me for initiating him in the 'joys of male sex.' We had a whole night ahead of us and didn't waste it either. Piero was strangely formal in his speech however and said weird things like 'would I permit him to redeem his manhood by letting him fuck me.' I said no redemption was necessary. Just enjoy. So we spent the night 'enjoying.'

I took him places he'd never been before and his cock reached places other cocks had never reached. In fact he hit all the right spots and had me floating on a sexual high for half the night. Trouble is, came the dawn, we realized we had the hots for each other.

I didn't know how to disguise the fact in front of Danilo. Of course when he finally found out he was furious. "Furious and disgusted," he said. But I knew he was also jealous and wondered how he was going to wreak his revenge. A lot of sulking and not talking went on but, before too long, his body language became as blatant as ever.

The bathroom was just in front of my bedroom. As I lay in the dark, he would walk past my door and pee with his hands on his hips so I could get a good look at his dick. Then he would spend forever shaking off the last drops until it grew hard in his hand. Sometimes he'd even walk by butt naked and masturbate with his hot ass towards me so I could see the muscles contract as he came.

Of course these performances only took place when Piero was away for some reason and I never told him about them. Naturally they made me hotter than a waffle on a griddle and I wanted to succumb. But at such times I always felt disloyal to Piero and didn't want to hurt him. Still I wondered just how far Danilo would go. And of course my teenage cock-teaser knew full well I was a-wondering. One night I found him spread eagled on my bed, his ass winking at me wickedly in the moonlight. He shifted his position so that I could appreciate his hard-on. "Tell me which way you want me," he said. I didn't reply but sat down next to him. He rubbed his body against my arm.

"What's my father got that I haven't got?" he asked. I didn't answer.

"Who fucks who?" he insisted.

I told him his father was a man and a gentleman and as such both gave and received pleasure.

He didn't like the insinuation that he was neither a man nor a gentleman.

"I've got dudes and chicks eating from my hand," he bragged. "I can take my pick."

I looked him straight in the eye. "Then why did you pick me?"

He slithered closer. "Because you turn me on and I want to prove to you that anything my father can do I can do better."

I let my hand run slowly down his back to settle on his bubble butt.

"Making love is not a competition," I said, savouring the sexy silkiness of him.

"I don't want to make love with you just so you can get even with your father."

He opened his legs wide to enable me to touch the tight lips of his asshole. I lowered my head and pursed my lips at the sight of those tempting gates to paradise. They were firmly closed.

I eased and teased them open with the tip of my tongue. He arched his back and began to make noises like a cat in heat. I caressed his scrotum and smiled. Now it was his turn to be the pussy. I spread his raised ass cheeks and separated them so I could get my tongue further inside him and give him a taste of things to come. His body quivered. I could have fucked him there and then.

"You love my ass, don't you?" he said. "You'd give anything to fuck me, wouldn't you?"

I had to admit he was right but Piero was due back soon and I didn't want to push my luck. Also, I wasn't ready yet. I wanted to bide my time. Make Danilo grovel.

My dick was primed for action and raring to go but I wanted him to admit he wanted it in his ass just as much as I wanted to put it there. He was already showing signs that he was about to burst like an overripe plum and I intended to be first in line to suck up the juice.

Finally the big day came although things didn't unfold exactly as I'd planned. Piero had to go to Milan for a few days to discuss divorce proceedings. That meant he'd be away for at least two nights. He told Danilo to look after me. Take me fishing. But I chose to use the time working on my thesis. I'd been neglecting it a lot lately. No need to ask why.

Danilo stood behind me, rubbing his overfull crotch against my shoulders as I worked on the computer. I told him to fuck off fishing. Eventually he got the message and slouched out.

He was gone for hours. It grew dark and I began to get worried. I kicked myself for having taken things a little too far. I'd drunk a whole bottle of wine by the time he got back. I was both angry and relieved. In equal doses. I realized I'd missed him like hell. I also realized I didn't miss Piero in quite the same way. He brought out the puppy dog in me whereas Danilo aroused the tiger and I couldn't wait to get my claws into him.

He arrived in the middle of the night. His stalking time. He told me he'd fallen asleep at the bottom of the boat. He stank of fish. I enjoyed telling him so. He took a shower but it didn't seem to make much difference. He came back dripping wet. I sleep butt naked and once again had the pleasurable sensation of cool water on my hot body as he draped his big beautiful frame over me like a sheet and tried to cover me with 'moon drops'.

"You still smell," I said cruelly. He didn't say a word but got up and went to the kitchen. He returned with two beers and a couple of lemons on a plate.

I refused the beer and said, "What's with the lemons?"

He smiled enigmatically and said, "Mine to know, yours to find out."

He looked so fucking gorgeous in the moonlight that I knew my fate was sealed. I wasn't going to be able to resist him much longer. He took a few sips at the beer then handed me a lemon.

"Rub this all over me," he said. "It will take away the smell."

He lay down beside me and I started spraying him with lemon. It was a real turn on.

"You have to rub it well in otherwise it won't work," he instructed. I dutifully did as he said.

Soon I had covered every inch of him -- even his hair -- and consumed all the lemons. Now I wanted to consume him. I was so horny I wanted to lick him all over. Pretend he was a lemon meringue pie or something. 'Be my guest,' he said. 'Lick away.'

By now the smell of fish had left the room and been replaced by my lemon-tanged lust and Danilo seemed ready and eager to indulge it. "Will you let me kiss you?" I asked.

"I might," he said provocatively. "Especially if you jerk me off while you're doing it?"

My dick which was already rock hard became a piece of iron at this. I hadn't realized till then that I liked talking dirty. "Can I stick my fingers in your ass, lick your armpits, suck your nipples?"

His body twitched a little. I knew my words were making him hot.

"Will you spit at me with contempt and stand above me and come all over me?"

Now he was lifting his back like a cobra about to attack.

"Anything." he said. Then after a pause. "I'll even let you fuck me."

At that I went in for the kill and we fought like two prize stallions. Each one refusing to give in to the other as we grappled for sexual supremacy. He knew he'd met his match and it was only a matter of time before he surrendered. He was going to be well and truly fucked and there was nothing he could do about it. I shoved my tongue in his mouth and my dick up his ass in perfect unison and had the self satisfaction of hearing him cry out in an extended agony of sexual fulfilment until it was he eating out of my hand and sucking my fingers and blowing my mind all at the same time. In fact he turned into a veritable sex slut right before my very eyes and moaned and groaned and slobbered for more.

I responded by giving him the roller coaster ride of a lifetime and his ass was soon ringing like a rifle range. Every shot I fired hit home. And his cries were the prize. We parried and thrust like a pair of sexual swordsmen and it was a duel to the death. But defeat was sweet and we fell asleep in each other's arms. Later that night we picked up where we left off. This time he was determined to show me that he could be even more aggressive and 'manly' but he was anything but a gentleman as he rammed his huge cock in my ass. I thought my sphincter would shatter at the assault. He rode me until I bellowed like an enraged bull. Particularly when he grabbed my hair to get extra leverage and bit into my back as he came. I did the same to him, and worse, but whatever humiliation we put each other through we eventually reached a stage where nothing made a blind bit of difference. It served only to stimulate our insatiable appetites. And again we experienced that precious feeling of sexual unity.

Piero came back the next day and I told him what had happened. Of course I told him in an intimate moment while we were making love. He seemed to know already and didn't seem to mind. He said that it only increased the bond between us. Soon this was going to be put to the test.

One stormy night we came back drenched to the skin and shivering with cold. Piero built a fire and the three of us stretched out in front of it drinking beer. We got pretty drunk and at one stage I found myself with my head on Piero's lap and my foot between Danilo's legs. The result was instant erections all round. Danilo grew to giant proportions between my toes and I felt Piero's hard bolster under my head. One thing inevitably led to another and before I knew it we were a mass of flailing flesh.

It was weirdly incestuous but it was great. Of course Danilo took the initiative to provoke his father and skewered me in front of that fire until I felt like a suckling pig. It felt so good and I was soon letting out piglike grunts of pleasure. Piero plugged my mouth with his dick and by the time the two of them had finished with me I felt like your proverbial pig-on-a-spit and absolutely boneless. I tell you man it's really something feeling completely passive and having no control over your own body. And for a bonus having a father and a son poking you from both ends. But there's only so much a guy can take and Danilo was ramming me so hard at one stage that I was in danger of being throttled by Piero's XL dick. I didn't want to pass from roast pig to sacrificial lamb, and I knew Danilo was busting my butt more to punish his father than give pleasure to me, so I decided to turn the tables somewhat and give him a taste of his own medicine.

Gasping for air, I pushed Piero away from me and knocked him off balance. I grabbed his legs, got him on his back, and proceeded to give him one of my 'enemas'. I heard an intake of breath coming from behind me. I realized it must be something of a shock seeing your own father being fucked before your very eyes. Danilo increased the pressure on my butt which led to me being rather harder on Piero than I'd intended but I felt less guilty when I saw his eyes glaze over. He was on cloud nine. Now I was still piggy-in-the-middle but much more in charge of my destiny. I had Piero's legs for support and used them as levers. Danilo was digging into my ass with a vengeance. It was almost as if he was taking it out on Piero through me. In fact I knew that to all intents and purposes I was giving him the chance of a lifetime to fuck his father.

Thoughts like these quickly left my head as the three of us took flight and were soon in sexual orbit. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by an almost painful convulsion of happiness. I was conveniently and deliriously wedged between a father and a son, feeling like a human grindstone and getting equal satisfaction from both. There was neither wheat nor chaff. Just a combined harvest of love, lust and sexual fulfilment. I closed my eyes and let euphoria wash through me.

Danilo grabbed my hips and began to use his dick as a powerful piston, bucking and fucking me like a wild seahorse, thrusting and erupting until my heaving ass was awash with his cum. I'd never felt anything quite like it. It was as if a whole volcano of molten lava was coming inside me. Piero thrashed and threshed beneath me, carried away by the sexual wave I'd produced with Danilo, and eager to take the overspill. He didn't have to wait long. As Danilo wallowed wantonly in my ass, I felt the jizz gush out of me like huge breakers advancing up a tropical beach. I made a tsunami out of Pietro's bulging butt and the three of us hurricaned to a stop. Groaning, moaning and foaming. Once again we had achieved the impossible. Sex in unison.

There was maybe a tad of embarrassment afterwards but we knew we'd cum through something rather special together. I loved and desired them both. Still I knew it wouldn't be easy managing a menage-a-trois. We would all three be walking a very delicate balance. And after the holidays we might even go our separate ways. But we were irrevocably linked emotionally. Sex might yet threaten to complicate the equation and divide us but, whatever the future had in store, I knew that for me, cum rain or cum shine, it would always be a singular case of like father, like son.

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