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Greek Slave by Bruce
Date: May 26, 2022

Lars shivered. After the rain, the cold spring wind of Athens was uncomfortable at best, and killing at worst for any naked slave. He felt sorry for the girls and younger, smaller men standing on the Slave Auction Block with him. Their smaller bodies would get cold faster, and they would be far more uncomfortable than he. For some unknown reason, his God Odin had willed that he was to be captured, enslaved and brought far, far from his home to this land of dark-haired, swarthy people.

Slave traders had captured him in the far north and after a grueling journey south, a slave trader had sold him to a farmer named Stavros in Macedonia. The time with Stavros had been a wonderful time, and he had learned both Macedonian and Greek. The farmer had been kind and generous to his slaves, and had treated them very well, indeed.

Once he was 18 years of age and nearing maturity, Stavros had called him in to his own bed for the night. From long discussions with the other boys, he knew that Stavros never took any man to his bed until that man was at least 18. He had told them that he felt that the Gods did not approve of men forcing younger boys to their beds until the men were old enough to decide what they wanted for themselves. Nor did Stavros ever force a slave to his bed, for he had too many willing ones to choose from. So long as they did the work required, they were fed well and treated well.

This first night with Stavros had changed his whole understanding of and attitude about sex. To be with someone who truly loved him, to kiss and fondle each other's bodies, to hold each other's bodies and kiss passionately, to engage in mutual sucking, jacking, and genital stimulation was a new, wonderfully exciting, and lustful experience for him. And he absolutely loved it. Every few days after that first time, Stavros had asked him back to sleep with him. Lars had been more than willing to go into Stavros' bed, to kiss him deeply as they fondled each other's body, and to lustfully suck his male organ and penetrate the man's warm willing asshole with his throbbing, erect penis. Lars couldn't imagine how sex with a woman could be so stimulating and exciting as this male interaction. Lars was truly happy here with these men.

Then came the bad year. Storms beat the crops down, and animals destroyed much of what remained, as their own food supplies had been destroyed in the storms. The fall harvest was at best one-fifth of the normal year, and Stavros was in deep trouble. No crops to sell, and what little of the harvest was left had to be used to feed the slaves and the domestic animals, lest they all die, too. Stavros and his slaves did everything in their power to stave off disaster until spring would begin a renewal, but it was not enough.

One day at the end of winter, Stavros had called him into the slave quarters, and had shut the door behind them. Lars truly feared what was coming, as the tears building in Stavros' eyes brimmed forth and rolled down his cheeks, and he openly sobbed while gazing into Lars' blue eyes. Lars could not stand this grief in his owner, his lover, and his friend. Lars gathered the man in his arms, and let him cry out his grief on Lars' warm shoulder.

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"I know," Lars had whispered, as the man's sobs and shudders of grief lessened. "I know what you must tell me. I am too valuable to keep. Ten of the other men, good looking and strong as they are, will not bring as much if sold, as I will. And that would destroy the farm. It would destroy all of my friends here, and you, besides. Be at peace, Stavros, and know that I go willingly, that all of you may continue to live in peace and bounty in the future."

Stavros tears flowed anew, and his utter grief caused Lars to weep in grief and loss, also. Again Odin was testing him, again he would face the unknown. But now he was a man, now he could face it with more courage and more strength. Finally, Stavros pulled away from his shoulder.

Gently, tears still running down his cheeks, he said, "There is a slave dealer in town, one that I hear treats his slaves decently until they are sold. He has seen you and has offered fifty gold pieces. That much will keep all of us alive until late spring, when surely everything will be better. I'm sorry," he had said. "I'm truly, truly sorry this has to be. Never, if I live to be 100 will I forget you, your strength, your generosity, and your gentle, warm love. Now I must break my heart again as I tell all of the others. They will want to say good-bye also. And we will not go into town until each has had his chance to see you. Stay here, please while I tell them."

Tears rolled down Lars' cheeks. "Thank you," He said. "Thank you for everything." Stavros left, and some minutes later, Lars heard a groan of dismay go up from the other slaves.

"Oh, Odin," Lars said quietly. "This is going to hurt us all so badly and so deeply, that the grief will take years to heal. Thank you for leading me to this place, that no matter what happens in the future, I will have these memories to see me through."

Each of the slaves then came into the quarters alone. Each looked at Lars with tears on their faces. Each held him gently and told him that they loved him, to which he replied, "I love you, also, so know that I go willingly, that each of you might stay here in love and in peace. Each kissed him gently and hugged him tightly, before leaving in tears.

Lars remembered Stavros' last words to the slave dealer, delivered in perfect Greek, in a voice of both promise and deadly menace, "Dealer, know now, and know forever, and tell any who would buy this slave, that if I ever hear that anyone, man or woman, who owns this man in the future has beaten him, tortured him, or killed him, I will go to the ends of the earth and into Hell itself to cut that one's throat. This I swear before all of the Gods of Greece and Macedonia!" Then Stavros had left without a backward glance, tears running down his face, and that is the last time Lars had seen him.

Lars pulled his thoughts back to the present, tears of loss flowing down his cheeks, as his body shivered again in the cold wind gusting across the auction block. "Time to use one of my tricks, a trick my father taught me in the cold north, so long ago," Lars thought.

As he shivered, he closed his eyes and visualized heat inside his body. A pillar of warm, wonderful, white heat, warming his physical body, keeping all of its functions perfect and in warmth and safety. At the same time, he tensed and held the muscles of his arms, legs, and torso. As he was quite muscular from all the heavy farm work, this was quite noticeable to anyone who was looking. He held the muscles tense to a count of thirty, then completely released the muscles and gently moved and adjusted his muscles to realign them, silently willing the heat within to go through his body, through his limbs and all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes. Again he performed the warming exercise, and yet a third time.

When he again opened his eyes, he was warm again, and the wind was not bothering him at all. "Thank you, father," he thought silently. Lars gradually became aware that the murmur of the crowd had ceased, and realized that more than 200 Greeks were looking directly at him. Lars glanced at the other slaves on the block. They all looked cold, miserable, and dejected. Lars felt warm, enervated and even horny. He could feel that his penis had become half erect from the warming exercise. Lars thought, "I must be their vision of a God, or something."

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From his other side, the slave dealer coughed. Lars glanced at him and saw that the dealer was also staring at him. The dealer loudly announced, "Now, you have all had a chance to look at all the slaves available. Any of you now who is serious about purchasing one may come up to inspect the slaves closely. Bidding for the younger ones will begin at 10 gold pieces. The blond-haired, blue-eyed male is special, more than special, as you all have surely noticed. I am told that he comes from a land so far to the north that we have never even heard of it. Obviously, that hair and eye color is unknown among our own people. Also, he speaks both Greek and Macedonian perfectly, as well as his own language, whatever that may be. He is knowledgeable in farming, animal husbandry, and gardening. I suspect he is also quite adept at wilderness survival, judging by where he comes from. Do not come up just to fondle his body! Serious bidders only! The bidding for this male will begin at 65 gold pieces."

"65 gold pieces?" a man in the crowd yelled. "That's insane! Even the most beautiful fuck slave has never sold here for more than 30 gold pieces!"

"The bidding will START at 65 gold pieces," the dealer affirmed. "I repeat, START at 65 gold pieces. You will never see another slave to match this one. He doesn't even have any missing teeth! Anyone who wants to come up and inspect the slaves more closely may do so now,"

Lars heard grumbling in the crowd, and a few people began coming up on the block. One beautiful young man rushed up to whisper urgently to the dealer, as he glanced at Lars. The dealer rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then nodded his head, agreeing to something. The man rushed off at breakneck speed, racing down a street as fast as his legs could carry him, dogging carts, people, dogs and horses as he ran. Lars wondered what that was all about.

Several people were looking at the other slaves, who were trying to stand up straight, but shivering miserably, as their bodies tried to keep warm.

He felt a very cold hand feeling his fingers and heard a woman's gasp. He looked down as she said, "Blessed Athena, the man's hands are completely warm, and he's radiating heat like an oven!"

Lars smiled at her. "A valuable trick of the far north that my father taught me," he explained in perfect Greek. The woman was nothing, if not flabbergasted. "I must have this one," she murmured.

A handsome young man was feeling his muscles, running his hands sensuously over Lars' chest and abdomen. Lars felt his penis hardening. The man looked up at Lars and said, "Open your mouth, so I can see your teeth." Lars complied. The young man gazed carefully into his mouth, while his hands cupped Lars' testicles and stroked his penis. The sexual stimulation was agonizing, as had not had any sex for a full week. Lars was now fully erect.

"What an incredible male. Worth every gold piece," he murmured, as he released Lars' penis. Lars was a slave. He could do nothing but stand there with a raging erection while 200 Greeks looked on in both awe and lust. The man went down on his knees to feel Lars' leg muscles, and put his mouth around Lars' penis, sucking gently. The penis throbbed, hardened even more, and throbbed again.

Lars closed his eyes with resignation. Apparently this was acceptable behavior among these people, at least towards slaves on the auction block. There was absolutely nothing he could do but accept it. Lars stood with his eyes closed, but his body reacted to the sensuous stimulation of his erect penis with tensing muscles and shudders of sexual need. The man continued fondling his leg muscles, his buttocks, and his balls, running his hand between the legs, pressing and kneading the perineum as he sucked sensually on Lars' erect and throbbing penis. "Merciful Odin," Lars thought. "Is this man going to suck me to complete orgasm in front of 200 people?"

The young man was lost in ecstasy, oblivious to the crowd, oblivious to anything but his lust and his need for the penis of the magnificently beautiful male slave. He continued to suck on the engorged, dripping penis of the unique male in front of him, licking off each drop of oozing lubrication, sucking sensually on the male organ of the most beautiful slave he had ever seen, his own erect penis bulging, throbbing beneath his clothing.

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Lars had tried to be mentally separate from the physical stimulation being given to his sexual organs, but his body refused to cooperate. The body wanted this stimulation, wanted the release of the fluids stored for this express purpose, wanted the stimulation to continue to its natural orgasmic end. Lars could no long control his body. It shuddered with the need for sexual release, and a groan of intense pleasure escaped from his lips, despite all he could do. The man continued sucking and fondling Lars, as his engorged penis throbbed in the ecstasy of its lascivious, physical massage. His mind was lost in the unreal wonder of the experience.

Lars felt all of his muscles tense and shiver, felt the growing expansion of need, pleasure and expectation surge through his body, felt his penis throb ever more demandingly, and finally could not hold back an intensely voiced, "Ahhhhhh" as his body shuddered and sent its full week storage load of cum shooting in a wild surge through his engorged penis, filling the mouth of the young man sucking furiously on his dick. Again and again the body shuddered, shooting surge after surge of hot cum into the man's mouth, as he swallowed desperately to keep from choking or gagging. The wild throbbing of Lars' engorged penis lessened, each surge of cum less than the one before, until Lars was panting to feed air to his lungs after this incredible, sensual, exhilarating exhaustion of his physical body.

The man continued sucking gently to retrieve every precious drop of the slave body's hot seminal fluid. Gradually, the penis softened, as Lars continued to pant with the aching need for more air to replace the body's losses during the wild sexual release. Lars mind was functioning again, at last, and he distantly heard a collective moan of lust and wonder from the hundreds who had been nearly holding their breath as they watched. He glanced at the other slaves, and every male had a full erection from the sexual scene they had watched, the cold completely forgotten. "Well, the dealer should be happy about that much, anyway," Lars thought, as the man finally released his now soft penis.

"By the holy tits of Venus, slave, which heaven did you fall out of?" he asked.

Lars nearly laughed in his face, but managed instead to smile and say, "Venus would not be able to turn me on, but you certainly were able to. My God is Odin, and most surely did he bless me this day."

The man lifted Lars' hand and kissed it. "The bidding for you is going to be fierce today."

Lars glanced at the dealer, who was rearranging a very erect penis in his trousers.

Abruptly, he loudly announced, "Last call for close examination and inspection of the slaves available."

Two men who had not been up yet, came closer to inspect Lars after the stimulating sexual scene had unfolded. Neither touched him, but both gazed longingly at his body. An obviously wealthy woman approached him also. Bluntly, she asked, "Can you perform that adequately under the stimulation of a woman?"

Lars smiled at her regretfully. "In honesty, I must answer 'No' to your question." He bowed his head to her. She sighed sadly and walked away.

The dealer announced, "In five minutes, the bidding will begin. "

Lars had finally calmed his body down after the unexpected sexual interlude. Lars noted that his penis was still gently dripping out the last of its fluids. At least, he could breathe normally now, and he flexed and released all of his muscles, raising his body up on his toes several times to release muscle tension and prevent any stiffening, another valuable trick he had learned. He had stood in the same spot for at least an hour.

The inspections were ended, and the dealer began the auction. He described each slave in some detail, and seemed to be purposefully dragging out the auction. The younger men and women sold, one by one, each one for more than the minimum 10 gold pieces, but none for more than 15 gold pieces. Slaves of this type were easily available.

As the bidding progressed for the last younger male slave, Lars caught rapid movement in his peripheral vision, and looked over to see three men running up the street toward the slave market, one carrying a bag in both hands. This man also wore a sword, as did one of the other two with him. Lars recognized the third man as the beautiful one who had spoken to the dealer quietly and then run off at full speed down the same street. The dealer had also seen them coming, and had a relieved look on his face. The last younger slave sold for 14 gold pieces, and he followed his new owner away after the buyer had paid the price.

Only Lars was left on the Slave Block. He shifted lightly from foot to foot to keep his muscles flexible and ready for use, and alternately tensed and relaxed his other muscles in an in-place exercise in order to keep his body ready for any needed activity. Many of the bidders had already left, and many more were now drifting away, but at least 20 were remaining and staring avidly at Lars. The dealer had gone to talk with the three men, and seemed to be relating to them the results of the recent sexual display. The men nodded, smiling, and Lars noticed that all three were extraordinarily good looking men.

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The dealer climbed back onto the auction block, and addressed the potential bidders. "The last slave to be sold today, I have already described, but will repeat the description for the Thalassa brothers," he nodded to the three men who had just arrived, "and any others who might have arrived late." He proceeded to outline Lars' abilities. "Of utmost importance to any potential buyer is the fact that a man in Macedonia was forced to sell this slave to save twenty other slaves, and himself, and to save his farm from complete destruction, and he bid me to pass on this message before this slave, Lars, was sold. These are his exact words:

"Dealer, know now, and know forever, and tell any who would buy this slave, that if I ever hear that anyone, man or woman, who owns this man in the future has beaten him, tortured him, or killed him, I will go to the ends of the earth and into Hell itself to cut that one's throat. This I swear before all of the Gods of Greece and Macedonia!"

The silence was formidable. All present recognized the promise and the threat in those words, and mulled them over carefully. A vow of retribution before all the Gods was a powerful vow, and not to be taken lightly. Two of the potential customers scowled and left. The rest held fast.

"The minimum bid is 65 gold pieces. Do I hear a bid of 65?"

The young man who had given Lars so much pleasure, raised his hand.

"I have 65, do I hear 70?"

Another, older man raised his hand. The bidding progressed, and Lars became more amazed by the minute. The bid had reached 120 gold pieces. Lars had never heard of any slave selling for that much. He noted that the Thalassa brothers had put in no bid at all, and felt a surge of disappointment.






"I have a bid of 150 gold pieces. Do I hear 160?"

A pregnant moment of silence, and one of the Thalassa brothers held up his hand, "160," he affirmed. Lars nearly sagged with relief.

"I have a bid of 160 gold pieces. Do I hear another bid?" Silence stretched, as disappointed looks crossed the faces of several bidders, including the young man who had asked which heaven Lars had fallen out of.

"One hundred, sixty gold pieces is the high bid. Do I hear a higher bid?"

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Another pregnant silence.

"Last chance. High bid is 160 gold pieces." Silence followed this statement.

"SOLD to the Thalassa brothers for 160 gold pieces."

The other bidders began drifting away, shaking their heads. "Surely this was the highest price that had ever been paid for a slave in the market." Lars thought. He smiled broadly at the thought that the handsome Thalassa brothers had given the winning bid.

The man who had given Lars such pleasure moved closer, looked up at Lars with tears running down his face and said simply, "Thank you." He turned and sadly walked away.

Lars could not imagine who these brothers were who could put that much money into one slave. As the dealer sat down at the table, the brother who had been carrying the bag set it down on the table and spilled out a pile of gold coins. Lars was stunned. He had never seen so much gold in one place. The brother began counting it out in stacks of 10 coins. The other brother and the runner, who must be another slave, as he was not armed, came over to Lars. This man was as tall as Lars, and he was a very handsome man. He smiled at Lars, wrapped his hands around Lars' head, and said, "I am Meninos. Welcome to our home." Then, he gently, but very lovingly and very thoroughly kissed Lars.

Lars felt his hands move up to hold the man's chest and to brush over the broad, muscular shoulders. When the kiss was released, Lars said, "Thank you."

Meninos pulled the runner up and said, "This is Mayfos. He is also a slave."

Mayfos wrapped his arms around Lars and said, "Welcome, Lars." Then Mayfos kissed him as deeply and as thoroughly as Meninos had, his right hand moving down to encircle Lars' hardening penis. Mayfos squeezed gently, and the penis responded. Mayfos gently broke the kiss to murmur, "Already?" as he gently kneaded Lars' now erect male organ.

"With men as beautiful as you, Meninos, and his brother, I will always be ready," Lars affirmed. Mayfos and Meninos both smiled and chuckled.

When the other brother had finished transferring the gold, the bag still looked almost full.

Lars said, "I've never seen so much gold in one place."

Meninos chuckled and said, "Thelos and I are traders, and we are very successful at it. We store our profits for a time when we can get something sweet, delicious and wonderful that appears on the market. After all, money is only good for what pleasure it will buy for you. We send our beautiful and well loved slaves out to every market every day to find anything that we might want to eat or enjoy. When Mayfos saw you and your unique physical beauty, he asked the dealer to hold the sale until his masters could arrive and bid, and he raced home. When Mayfos described you, we grabbed our swords and this bag of gold pieces we had saved, and ran for the slave market like we were being chased by lions to be sure we arrived on time. And our little jaunt proved to be more than we even hoped. When the dealer described your wonderful sexual response to a good-looking man, we would have bid anything we had to get your magnificent body for our home.

"The fact that a man was able to stimulate your body so successfully was an unexpected wonder. We three and any of the other five slaves in our household will want to stimulate your body the same way, or even better, to hold your body and stimulate you in any way you prefer. We all prefer men, as you have no doubt guessed by now, and none of us has ever seen a male as unique and beautiful as you. You honor us with your presence, and we will daily or hourly honor the wonder of your body." He pointed to the bag. "We brought well over 1000 gold pieces in the bag, plus each of us is hiding more than 300 more. We willingly would have bid 2000 gold pieces or more, if necessary, but happily, only 160 were necessary. A true bargain, in our estimation. And again, welcome to our home, Lars of the North."

Lars was speechless. How had Odin guided him into something this wonderful? Daily he would give thanks.

At that point, Thelos walked over smiling. He, too, gathered Lars in his arms for a long, passionate kiss. Then as he gently fondled Lars' erect penis and balls, he smiled and looked into the blue eyes and said, "Welcome to our home, Lars!"

Lars didn't know how to approach this, but he asked, "Is it permissible to ask a favor?"

"Hmmm. If it's our bodies you want, there's never a need to ask, just come to any of us showing your male erection, and all of us will be very happy," Thelos murmured.

"That sounds like heaven on earth, but that was not my request. When I left Macedonia, the tears and grief were almost unbearable. You heard the vow of my former master. Their grief will last for years, unless a message is sent to them to let them know that I am safe and in a loving household."

Both Thelos and Meninos looked at him with a smile. "We frequently make trading trips well into Macedonia." Meninos said. "Perhaps you would like to accompany the traders on one of these trips, and serve as the messenger yourself?"

Lars was stunned. Never in his wildest dreams would he have believed something this wonderful could happen. He felt tears of happiness run down his cheeks, and he gathered the brothers in his arms for a long, sincere hug, and said simply, "Thank you."

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