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Gettin' Down Low by Will
Date: June 7, 2022

Jeez, what a day. For the longest time my wife has been really annoyed that I can't swim. But today, for whatever reason, her tolerance level totally maxed-out and she insisted that I had to learn. And I guess she's right. Throughout childhood and adolescence for a variety of reasons I never got around to learning how to swim. And long hours at work and simultaneously attending college took it's toll --plus marrying Sheila right after college, shit, I've barely had time to breathe let alone learn anything more physically demanding.

But last night I promised the old-ball-and-chain that I'd go down to the athletic center on Saturday morning, and like a good boy, I'd learn how to swim - just in case she, her mother and I were on a sea cruise and if the boat started to sink, I'd be able to save them. Jeez!

This morning I jogged the three miles to the center and arrived on time; filled out some papers, and then went in to meet my instructor. I wasn't all that thrilled about being there, especially since it meant my wife had won 'another one' - and even though I'm an old man of 25, I still, occasionally, tend to be a bit mischievously juvenile. And one of those times was when I met the swim instructor.


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I had never seen such a hot, good-looking black man before. He was formidable, in every sense of the word. I got so intimidated that I found myself going into my goofy teenager act. He gives me this weird look and then a half smile when he tells where to go change into my trunks. I tell him that I'm wearing them under my jeans. Instantly, I pulled off my tee shirt, stepped out of my sneakers, drop my jeans, then jumped into a Ta-Dah stance.

"Oooo-kay" he says, and leads me down to the shallow edge of the pool, and the lesson begins.

I'm a quick learner with just about everything. But all my life there's been a fear element involved with this swimming thing. Yet, today, for the first time, all that fear was gone. With Cal's expert assistance - oh, yeah, that's my instructor's name, Cal - Cal Price - and with his assistance, it seemed in no time at all, I was swimming like good ol' Michael Phelps himself. It was unbelievable! He knew just what to say; knew just what to do in putting me at ease; knew just how to make me feel that I and the water were one! What a concept; but it worked

About forty-five minutes later I was really feeling the headstrong cockiness of confidence and began taking the initiative. Surprisingly enough Cal began to get kinda playful as well. When I rebuked one of his instructions, him and his 6-foot-2-inch 200-pound frame picked up my scrawny 5-foot-7 inch 140- pounds and tossed me across the pool.

Wow! What a buzz! What a sensation! I hit the water face first and I choked on the swift rush of water into my mouth and nose. I got kind spastic for a minute, but Cal was there in a second, pulling me up out of the water by my lengthy blonde hair.

"Now, are you ready to do as I say?" laughed Cal, lifting me up onto the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, well, that's gonna cost you a tip, buster!" I jokingly blurted out, snorting water out of my nose.

His rich baritone laughter filled the gymnasium as he eased up out of the water onto the edge of the pool beside me. "You did good, my man. That's it for today. See you next Saturday?" he said, placing his large left hand on my shoulder.

That hand sent a never-before-experienced thrill scattering wildly throughout body. I had never enjoyed such a warm, exhilarating sensation in my whole life from either male or female.

Cal jumped to his feet; then, extending his hand, he pulled me up to mine. All kinds of mixed emotions were erratically swirling in my mind; my body was doing some weird shit too. What was happening?

Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself laughing crazily, forcefully shoving the palms of my hand against his massive chest and pushing him back into the pool - then walked towards the dressing room. He pretended to be angry as he jumped from the pool and chased after me. I began to run too. And just as I picked up speed, I slipped and fell, slid across the floor for about 6 feet, banging my head hard up against the wall.

I momentarily went blind from the impact, and heard myself yelp like a girl. I had a small cut over my left eye and it appeared he was trying to soothe my head -- and my soul. The athletic center was closing but he told me not to worry, that he would give me a ride home, if I liked.

He'd gotten a bandage from somewhere and stopped the bleeding. He then, grabbed my tee-shirt, sneakers and jeans. Bundling them up in one arm, he kept the bandage pressed against my head with the other hand. He then guided me to an elevator in the reception area, saying he had an apartment over the center and wanted to make sure I was in tip-top condition before he sent me out, because he didn't want a lawsuit.

I mean, this was all happening so fast, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. We were soon stepping inside the apartment. He had me sit on the living room couch and began exploring my body for more bruises or contusions. Weird. But even though I was a bit dizzy with twinges of pain playing heavily about my right temple, it all felt so organic; so natural. It was if I'd known Cal Price forever and that he was merely being a vigilant care giver. It was almost fatherly. And while in reality it was all so alien, it simultaneously, seemed all so familiar -- as though it had all happened before.

Even when he eased his mammoth black arms around me and began kissing the slightly bloody wound on my forehead, I didn't feel a need to protest. Because if I've got to confess the truth, the 42-year-old, ex-college decathlon champ had my heart, literally, at "Hi, I'm Cal Price, your instructor". I've always had a secret yearning to be sexually ravaged by a big black muscular man. That's not something a supposedly healthy heterosexual White middleclass man would dare confess to anyone, under any circumstances. But, there you are. And never before in my entire life has this kind of a situation ever presented itself. And, now, damn, everything appears to be perfectly positioning itself into place at last.

Soon his full, soft Negroid lips were traveling from my forehead down the side of my face. He nibbled at my ear, then my neck, sucking in a mouthful of my damp straggly hair. My body was warm and receptive - this was all so natural. Even though I was not participating, I allowed, if not encouraged and invited, him to continue. His moistening lips wandered down to my chest. My scrawny chicken chest that my wife always laughs at appears to be a wealth of pleasure for him. When his thick tongue sprang out and began to hungrily lathe my hardening nipples, I could no longer hide away my arousal. A small, barely audible primal sound of deep intense pleasure that traveled up from somewhere deep inside me, savagely fueled Cal's mounting passion. Swiftly his wet exploring licker began running down to my navel and then onto the faint column of hair that connects with my pubic bush.

When he saw how hard and twitching my cock was beneath my speedos, his voice got deeper and throaty. "Yeah, baby, yeah! You want it too don't ya?"

Slipping his huge hands beneath each ass cheek, he gripped the waist of the speedos from behind and pulled them off me, seemingly in one quick, clever movement.

Wow! There was my cock. Damn, it ain't been that hard and excited since I was a teenager. I think it knew it was about to embark on a new and very exciting adventure. A handsome intelligent black man was going to suck it dry. Oh, god, this is too FUCKING hot!

His hands went back to clutching both my ass cheeks while he brought his nostrils down to deeply inhale my man-scent. He must have liked it because he clutched my cheeks tighter as he buried his nose in my bush while licking the base of dick. He began to growl and groan like some sort of a beast. It was awesome. His mouth salivated as he soaked my pubic hair and balls with spit. I wanted to holler out; I wanted to scream the walls down; I wanted to shout out in happiness! My body had never felt this alive before. I mean, yeah, Sheila and I have had our moments, but I've never ever gotten this arouse with her.

I badly wanted him to get naked. I wanted to see his naked cock; wanted to see if that myth was true. I wanted to bring up both my hands to his shoulders, or to his shaven black head. I wanted to make contact with him the way his mouth was making contact with my crotch.

Then I felt his furnace of a mouth completely engulf my six inch pecker.

Oh, shit!

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It was too much! It was just too much! I tried to hold back. I didn't want it to end so fast. But with his big hot hands massaging my naked ass, and his hot, wet mouth loudly slurping and licking and royally sucking my little white boy cock, I soon found myself unconsciously humping wildly and thrusting my skinny hips up against that hungry, loving orifice - and blindly allowed my cock to blast his throat full of my sperm. He loved it, as he rapturously grunted with every quick 'n juicy ejaculation.

During my orgasm I had brought my hands up to his thick shoulders and was hugging him for that eternity that I humped, and he continued to suck.

Finally I fell against the back of the couch. Slowly he removed his hands from beneath my sweaty ass cheeks. He looked at me with those piercing hazel eyes. I shuddered with excitement. No man, Black or not, has ever looked at me with such penetrating endearment before.

I melted.

He leaned his face closer to mine and I soon felt his full lips passionately kissing mine. He was soon feeding me my own cum back into my mouth with a deep, exploring, sensuous kiss.

At first I was kind of confused and repelled at swallowing my own sperm. But soon surrendered to his embrace and rejoiced in the experience - and, actually, my cum tasted kinda good. It was thick and ropy and was rather salty and musky. And tasted all the better because it was mingled with Cal Price's spit.

Cal eased over on the couch beside me and asked if this was the first time anything like this had happened to me, and did I like it. He received a robust "Yes" to both questions -- and went on to tell him how great the experience was, and that honestly it was a long ago dream come true.

Locked in the awesome gaze of those beautiful, commanding eyes, he asked, "You wanna do me the same favor?"

Inside my head I'm thinking, "Yeah!" Yeah! Yeah!" But I got no idea how to do to him what he did to me. Because judging by the huge bulge in his trunks, he's got a monster lurking in there. And there ain't way I can get that all in my mouth. Nonetheless, I said, "Sure. I'll give it a try."

He stood up and pulled down his trunks.

Holy Shit!

He then lay on his back on the couch. He told me to get between his legs. Oh, man, those legs. I wanted to lay there forever. Telling me to take his cock in my hands, I quickly replied. What a manly aroma. And even though he was 42-years-old, he appeared more like 30. My dad is 45-years-old and he sure looks a helluva lot older than Cal.

Without any further instruction, I began to kiss up and down the underside of the massive column of rigid Afrikan American fuck-meat. His humungous balls were sparsely sprinkled with little kinky curls of hair; as were his entire pubs. They were a massive collection of tightly curled sprigs of wiry hair. And, oh, that powerfully arousing musk that wafted up from that area that made my semi-erect cock spring back into a full, aching boner once gain.

I felt his hand beneath my chin and bring my lips to the fleshy head of that monster cock, saying, "Come on, baby, eat! Eat!" as he cleverly inserted half the black boner into my mouth. He loudly gasped while arching his back and commenced forcing the thick dark meat further into my mouth. With it all happening so fast, I started to gag a little. So he pulled back a little, leaving about three inches of those so many inches of cock in my mouth, while he jacked off the base of his boner.

I sucked and swirled my tongue around the part of the cock that was still in my mouth.

Cal was soon breathing heavily and my mind was reeling with a multitude of emotions about what was happening. I was about to drink a black man's spooge. I really shouldn't be liking this - I really shouldn't be doing this -- but, hell, it's the most exciting thing that's happened to me since middle school. His heavy breathing grew into groan and grunts; his thrusts into my mouth grew more violent, when I felt the cockhead expand even larger as huge gobs of spooge splattered my tongue, teeth and throat. I didn't know the human cock could produce such huge amounts of sperm.

For some reason, I instinctively knew to relax my larynx and I swallowed as much semen as I could. But it was impossible for my mouth to contain it all and a lot of it spilled from the concerns of my mouth, down onto my chin. After the initial shock of the first taste, I immediately developed an appreciation for the thick, smoky flavored cum, and I dizzily luxuriated in Cal's spasming orgasm.

When he had finally collapsed on couch from his exhausting climax, he looked down at me still licking his hard cock. Seeing the look of absolute joy on my face, he grabbed me under my shoulders and pulled me up to him. Pulling my face to his, he savagely crushed my lips to his, kissing me deeply and hungrily. Then he went about licking his cum from my face. Suddenly he became lucidly aware of my hardon beating mercilessly against his muscular black legs. He humped his body up against mine and mentioned how happy he was to know that I was really enjoying myself.

I kinda grunted and nodded. Then felt his left hand shoot down to my erection and he tweaked and squeezed my cockhead between his thumb and forefinger.

Reaching around and slapping me hard on the ass with his right hand, he said, "Come on; get up!" Then taking me by the hand, led me toward the bedroom. He told me he could so something that I would like even better. Reaching the bedroom, he told me to lay face-down on the bed. Uh-Oh, I'm thinking. This is where I take my marbles and go home, I thought.

"Come, on! Don't be afraid! I won't hurt you. You know that!" he said, staring at me with those beautiful, penetrating eyes. That was it! I jumped onto the bed, and lay face down. I soon felt my legs being gently separated, followed by his thick wet tongue licking and kissing at my butt.

Oh, man! Oh, man! You can't imagine how many times I've dreamt of somebody doing this to me, but never had the nerve to ask. Before I was married I sometimes would finger-fuck myself while I masturbated in the bathtub. But now at long last I was going to get my prostate orally massaged. Cal was really loving it. It felt like a warm, wet, Hoover vacuum cleaner was back there furiously sucking on my anus. Heaven, man!

Then when he began forcing his tongue into my tight sphincter, I must have jumped three feet up off the bed. But in no time at all, I found myself shoving my ass up to meet his hungrily invading tongue. He would shove his tongue in as far as possible, while at the same time fiercely sucking on the space surrounding my anus. I was losing my fuckin' mind! I began writhing like a madman on the bed, clenching wildly at the bed sheets with my hands.

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My whole body was on fire. He squeezed and massaged my ass cheeks as his tongue would travel down to my balls, sucking them ravenously, then wanders his tongue back and forth up and down the entire length of my ass crack. Damn! At that moment I was higher than any damn drug or alcohol had ever made me.

I was grunting, groaning, moaning, yelping and writhing like a crazy man there on Caleb Price's bed from all these new sensations I was being exposed to. I never wanted it to end. Hell, for damn sure, I love Sheila to death; but I've never ever felt anything that came close to this with her.

I soon felt his licking stop. His tongue was replaced by a finger. "Oh, hell, no, mutha fucker!" I screamed, flying my hand back to the spot, trying to remove the finger.

"Ssssh, ssssh, baby!" he began, "It's alight. Your black daddy knows what he's doing. He knows what you need! Just relax, okay? Sssssh. Sssssh!"

I did as I was told. It still hurt a little; but after a while he'd begun gently finger-fucking me, and a different sensation had taken over completely. Once again, my ass began to gyrate in unison -- now with his invading finger. Feeling my enthusiasm, he began to talk dirty to me, telling me that I really wanted him to fuck me, hard and long. He moaned and groaned and lasciviously pressed his body on mine. And before I knew, I wanted nothing more than to his big black monster of a cock deep inside me.

In a flash, he flipped me over on my back and raised my legs up over his shoulders.

"I'm going to be honest with you and tell you that this is going to hurt at first." He said it with utmost sincerity. "But before you know it, you'll realize that I'm making love to you, not just fucking you; and it'll be bliss!"

He then positioned the head of his cock against my well-lubricated and reasonably-stretched anus and gently pressed inward a little. I heard myself gasp. Even though his fingers are some kinda huge, his cock is still a helluva lot huger.

Noticing my panic, his soothing baritone voice seduced me into calming down once again. He eased his cock in another three inches. I yelped again. He said he'd let my anus relaxed around his cock for a few minutes before he pushed further in. In the meantime he wanted me to do some relaxation breathing and everything would be okay.

Damn he was beautiful. He was glowing with lust. He wanted to please me; he wanted so badly to please himself. He looked as though he was teetering on the precipice of some great discovery, for which, couldn't wait to immerse himself.

Finally, he slid it all the way in. Ouch! I grimaced and bit down on my tongue. Impatient, he began to pump in and out of me very slowly. My eyes rolled back up into my head and my tongue lolled about in my mouth. He soon picked up his pace and was going at it helter-skelter. It still hurt a little, but seeing the big black man fucking into me with such phenomenal lust and fervor produced a feeling that far transcended any kind of pain.

Then came the moment when he inserted the entirety of that monster cock inside when I felt those humungous balls slapping and slamming against mine. He was mad with lust; whispering sweet things to me in one breath; then telling me that cute little blonde boy sluts like me make him a crazy-man with insane perversions. In the next breath he'd be kissing me on the forehead telling how damn good I made him feel.

I soon felt that all-consuming rapturous pleasure he'd been talking about. It was breathtakingly indescribable and so incredibly intense at a space somewhere deep inside of me. Perhaps a soul experience?

My cock was hard again, and Cal was frantically jerking it off while he still rammed my virgin asshole. But such arousal can only last for so long and in a few minutes, Cal pulled his long hard black cock out of me with a plopping noise and came all over my chest, stomach and dick. He began jacking me off faster, using his cum as lubrication, and in a flash, I was shooting my own load. It ricocheted out of me in thick intense jets and mixed with Cal's cum.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Cal then bent down and proceeded to lick off my stomach and chest.

Damn! What a man, what a man, what a mighty-fine man!

Afterwards, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and off we went into the shower. And while we stood there lathering up each other's body, he looked at me and said, "Who's your daddy?"

The question dumbfounded me. It suddenly brought me back to all the realities of my dull, heterosexual life. Still, there was only one answer.

"Hell, you are!" I replied.

I then felt those huge arms snugly encircle me and hug me with overwhelming passion. At which I inserted, "But, you've got to know -- I'm married - to a woman!"

Easing back, he looked down at me with a considerable matter-of-fact expression.

" am I. What's your point?"

I felt my arms slide up his sleek muscular back, as he pulled me back into that tight, bonding embrace. At that moment I enjoyed a sensation of considerable well-being as the spray of the shower-nozzle sweetly baptized us with its cascading wetness.

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